On occasion, students with print (vision, reading) disorders need all course material converted into accessible format. Disability Services will convert written documents as quickly as possible and we strive to stay up with text book assignments on the syllabus. If you are aware of other printed material that will need to be converted during the semester, such as reserved material in the library, please let Disability Services know as soon as you’re able so that we can convert these documents into an accessible format. In some cases, exams will also have to be converted. Please give us a reasonable amount of time to do this if the student is expected to take the exam during the same time period as others in the class.
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing will not be able to access films or videos. It is the student’s responsibility to let you know if they are unable to access course material. When you update your video libraries or borrow films, please consider requesting films/videos that are available in captioned form. We'd be happy to help you with this.