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Computer Science Facilities and Equipment

We believe that access to modern technology is crucial, as technology is constantly evolving and advancing. As a result, our facilities ensure that our students have access to tools and technologies to help them learn and succeed to their fullest potential. Our labs are designed to foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration among our students. Our Cyber Defense Networking Lab, for example, provides a hands-on learning environment where students can construct and secure computer networks, while our Robotics Lab enables students to explore the field of machine intelligence and robotics.


Most Computer Science courses are taught in one of three instructional labs. Each lab is equipped with Dell, multi-core workstations. The computers in this lab are upgraded and replaced on a regular basis to keep them up-to-date with the current state of technology. The labs also have a computer for the professor, a projector, and a Hovercam document projector. To expose our students to multiple platforms, our workstations boot into both Windows and Linux operating systems. We understand that, in order to allow our students to succeed, we need to not only provide them with the best professors but also up-to-date equipment and facilities. Our New Cyber Defense Networking Lab will allow students to practice creating an entire network and securing the various attack vectors taught in class.


Our Computer Science Department has a server room with department-run servers, which provide our students with parallel computing, file sharing, web hosting, DBMS servers, and large-scale storage capabilities. Other server computers can be tailored to meet specific course or student needs and brought online as needed.


This lab is equipped with network routers, switches and hubs as well as a number of Windows and Linux computers used for constructing, studying, and securing computer networks.


The Computer Science program and the Engineering program share a Robotics and Machine Intelligence lab. This lab is home to the Robotics and Machine Intelligence student club, which is launching new VEX competition robots.


Computer Science majors enjoy a dedicated lab exclusively for student research as well as a CS Commons lounge housing couches, games, and several more computers with which to do homework or work collaboratively with peers. The CS Commons is located next to the faculty offices to facilitate student-faculty mentorship and socializing.

Elizabethtown College