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Tuition and Fees

View a comprehensive breakdown of costs for full-time students at Elizabethtown College, including tuition, housing, food plans, and additional expenses, as well as estimated financial aid and future cost projections.

Financial Aid Information

Annual Costs Breakdown

Tuition, Housing, Food Plan & Comprehensive Fee

This breakdown reflects the costs for full-time students (12–18 credit hours per semester) living in traditional on-campus housing. It does not apply to commuter students or those who choose to live in Independent Living Units (ILUs).

Cost Category 2025-26
  Tuition* $38,370
  Housing $6,830
  Food Plan $6,980
  Comprehensive Fee** $1,000
Total Annual Rate $53,180

*Cost calculated prior to financial aid and scholarships. Tuition and fees are reviewed and subject to change annually.

**Elizabethtown College's comprehensive fee covers a variety of services and benefits, including access to Wi-Fi and IT support, computer labs, library services, the student center, and the Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness & Well-Being, which includes the gymnasium and athletic fields. The fee also provides admission to all regular season on-campus athletic events, student activities and events, community cultural programs, and a subscription to The Etownian, the college newspaper. Additionally, the fee includes certain Health Center services, campus security, Microfridge access, and parking.

Additional Expenses

In addition to Tuition, Housing, and Food, students may incur expenses for books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. We include the following estimated amounts for these expenses when determining a student's eligibility for financial aid:

Cost Category Amount
  Books and Supplies $1,100
  Transportation $250
  Personal/Miscellaneous $800
  Loan Fees $68
Total Additional Estimated Expenses $2,218

Estimated Financial Aid

These figures are based on the 2024-25 academic year. The specific amount of aid each student receives depends upon that student's financial need and academic profile. Work-Study award is not a credit against the students' bill. Rather, students may use earnings to offset books and living expenses. The net cost of attendance estimations are based on students living on campus. The estimates below are meant to be a guide in helping you plan for an Elizabethtown College education and are based on the current parameters used for entering first-year students. The results are not guaranteed, but rather an estimate of what you may be eligible to receive.

Category Family A Family B Family C
Sample Family Income $235,986 $73,426 $42,575
Scholarships and Grants Excelsior Scholarship: $21,000 Founders Scholarship: $18,000
Institutional Grants: $9,150
State Grant: $5,750
Presidential Scholarship: $20,500
Institutional Grants: $3,651
Pell Grant: $4,945
SEOG Grant: $500
State Grant: $5,750
Loans Federal Direct Loan: $5,500 Federal Direct Loan: $5,500 Federal Direct Loan: $5,500
Work-Study - Work-Study: $1,500 Work-Study: $1,500
Total Aid $26,500 $39,900 $42,346
Total Net Cost $24,790 $11,390 $8,944

For a more detailed estimate of financial aid based on your actual information, view the Elizabethtown College Net Price Calculator. Resources and financial aid policies vary from college to college, so your "net price" may vary from institution to institution. Special circumstances are considered by the Elizabethtown College Office of Financial Aid on a case-by-case basis. The Elizabethtown College Office of Financial Aid is the final authority on determining any financial aid award resulting from submission of the appropriate financial aid forms. This is not an application for admission or financial aid. This information will not be retained by Elizabethtown College in any way.

Future Cost Estimations

Only the tuition and fees listed above are accurate and reflect the actual costs to attend Elizabethtown College. Costs listed below are estimates based on assumptions of growth and inflation and should not be considered final. These projections of future costs may change and are subject to adjustment.

Cost Category 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30
  Tuition (Estimated)* $39,520 $40,706 $41,928 $43,186
  Housing (Estimated) $7,036 $7,248 $7,466 $7,690
  Food Plan (Estimated) $7,118 $7,332 $7,552 $7,779
  Comprehensive Fee (Estimated)** $1,030 $1,061 $1,093 $1,126
Total Annual Rate (Estimated) $54,704 $56,347 $58,039 $59,781

*Cost calculated prior to financial aid and scholarships. Tuition and fees are reviewed and subject to change annually.

**Elizabethtown College's comprehensive fee covers a variety of services and benefits, including access to Wi-Fi and IT support, computer labs, library services, the student center, and the Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness & Well-Being, which includes the gymnasium and athletic fields. The fee also provides admission to all regular season on-campus athletic events, student activities and events, community cultural programs, and a subscription to The Etownian, the college newspaper. Additionally, the fee includes certain Health Center services, Campus Security, microfridge, and parking.

Historical Costs

Cost Category 2024-25
  Tuition $37,250
  Housing $6,630
  Food Plan $6,710
  Comprehensive Fee $700
Total Annual Rate $51,290

Frequently Asked Questions

Work-study is a federal program that provides part-time employment opportunities for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to offset educational expenses. Funds earned from work-study are paid directly to students rather than credited to their tuition bill, and can be used for personal expenses, books, or other costs.

While qualifying for work-study doesn’t guarantee a position, Elizabethtown College offers a variety of campus jobs and works with students to find positions that match their schedules and interests.

Yes, Elizabethtown College offers a range of on-campus jobs for students, even if they do not qualify for work-study.

Many forms of financial aid, including institutional scholarships and grants, are renewable each year. However, you must meet certain academic and enrollment requirements to continue receiving them. Federal and state aid programs also have annual requirements that need to be satisfied.

To renew institutional scholarships, students typically need to maintain a minimum GPA and full-time enrollment status. Specific scholarships may have additional criteria, so be sure to check the details of your award.

Your financial aid offer can change each year based on several factors, including changes in your family’s financial situation, updates to the FAFSA, and your academic performance. We encourage students to file the FAFSA annually to maximize their eligibility for aid.

Some scholarships and aid programs have GPA requirements. If your grades drop below the required minimum, you may lose eligibility for certain types of aid. However, there may be options to appeal or regain eligibility if your academic performance improves.

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Elizabethtown College