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English Secondary Education

Impact Lives by Teaching English

Want to be a middle school or high school teacher? When you pursue a degree in English Secondary Education at Etown, you can expect classes that both analyze literature and revel in the beauty of the written word. You also learn the educational strategies that prepare you to be a successful classroom teacher. At Etown, you can expect classroom placements starting your first year of pursing an English Secondary Education degree.

Meet Our Faculty Course Catalog

What Can I Do With a Degree in English Secondary Education?

An English Secondary Education major blends that English major passion for books and texts with teaching savvy. A teaching degree from Pennsylvania enables you to teach in 45 other reciprocal states. Courses in our English education program equip you with skills in literary analysis, writing instruction, and teaching methods.

A flexible curriculum

Add study abroad to your college plans. Your future students will love to hear stories about what you learned during semester-long study abroad adventures or faculty-led summer trips to the UK, Ireland, or Japan.

Learn by doing

English Secondary Education majors at Etown build a powerful portfolio of classroom experiences. From student teaching to observations, you’ll gain the knowledge you need to teach with confidence.

Certified to change the future

Upon graduation, you will earn a certification to teach Secondary Education in Pennsylvania (grades 7-12) as well as a fully-fledged degree in English.


student reading a book

English Minors

Do you love to write creatively? Our Creative Writing Minor pairs perfectly with an English major.

The English Literature Minor and the English Professional Writing Minor allow students pursuing other majors to nurture their passion for texts and writing. Consider if one of these condensed versions of the fully-fledged concentrations is for you!

Clubs And Activities

The department of English offers major and non-major students a number of ways to engage in industry-related experiences right on campus. Our students can hone their writing abilities outside of the classroom with a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.

The Etownian

The Etownian , Elizabethtown College’s student-run newspaper, is published weekly during the academic year. The paper is one of the oldest news publications in Lancaster County, beginning production in 1904. Since then, the Etownian has grown to be named one of the top college newspapers in the country, being awarded “Best Newspaper” in our division (four-year school with fewer than 5,000 students) at the 2013 Apple College Media Association Awards.

Fine Print

Fine Print is Etown’s annual Literary Journal. It contains submissions from students and members of the college community such as poetry, short stories, short plays, essays, photographs and drawings. Fine Print editorial members choose what pieces to print from a wide range of submissions. The journal prints in late spring followed by a reading by featured authors. Inclusion is open to any interested student, regardless of major.

Creative Writing Club

Come enjoy a laid-back atmosphere and meet other people who love to write! The club meets every other week to write from prompts or do free-writing time. They offer members the opportunity to submit a piece for the club to edit so they can receive constructive criticism. During November, they meet every week and weekend for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). They also host open readings in the Library. All majors and areas of interest are welcome to join! Contact    to learn how you can become involved.

Sigma Tau Delta

The club's motto is "Truth, Sincerity, Design." Students who have completed three semesters of college are eligible to be invited to join if they have a 3.6 cumulative grade point average, have a major GPA of 3.0, and have taken two English courses beyond their Power of Language requirement. The honor society is open to English majors, English minors, and students who have not chosen this designation but otherwise fit the criteria. Sigma sponsors community-building events for students interested in refining their professionalism. Philanthropic activities include "Into the Streets," a campus-wide community service program.