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Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Using Science to Solve Problems

A degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is interdisciplinary. The key to our approach is getting students to integrate and bridge chemical and biological concepts throughout their studies, while giving them the opportunity to explore and fine-tune their interests through flexible advanced course options. Students in this major have the option for degree certification by the American Chemical Society which includes more advanced coursework in chemistry, mathematics, and physics.

By developing and fine-tuning critical thinking skills through intentional course work and lab experiences, our Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors develop hands-on laboratory skills sought after by both employers, graduate programs, and health professions.

Meet Our Faculty Course Catalog

What Can I Do With a Degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology?

As one of the top colleges in the northeast, we integrate cross-curricular courses to ensure our graduates understand, and can practice, their area of study in the context of the world around them. We understand that students studying biochemistry and molecular biology have a variety of professional/career interests once they leave us. Some may elect to go directly into the workforce, while others will formally extend their education by pursuing studies in graduate school, medical or dental school, optometry school, or physician assistant programs. Our graduates have found careers in all the major sectors including academic, medical, industrial, and government. Regardless of their intended career path, our majors are prepared to make a difference in the world around them once they graduate! Recent graduates from our program have gone on to careers at the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University, Sommer Consulting, Michigan and Pennsylvania State Police Laboratories, Steelton-Highspire School District, and Juniata College.

Recent students have pursued graduate studies at several prestigious institutions, including the University of Pennsylvania, Vanderbilt University, the University of Michigan, Emory University, the University of Florida, the University of Arizona, West Virginia University, Temple University, the University of Delaware, and Binghamton University.


Hands-On Excellence

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program is geared towards getting you into chemistry and biology labs early and often. By the time you begin your first biochemistry lab in your junior year you will have completed laboratory experiences in general chemistry and general biology, organic chemistry, chemical instrumentation, and genetics, to name a few. Through these multi-disciplined lab experiences, you gain confidence and mastery in a variety of relevant laboratory techniques, instrumental methods, and data analysis.

Cultivating Research & Communication

All Biochemistry and Molecular Biology majors complete faculty-supervised research as a part of their capstone experience. Additional opportunities exist for summer research through our Summer Research and Creative Arts Program (SCARP) that allows for an immersive, paid, laboratory experience that prepares students well for industry jobs and graduate/professional studies. Many students present the results of their research at regional and national conferences and often have the opportunity to be coauthors on peer-reviewed publications.

Global Learning Opportunities

In all department of Chemistry & Biochemistry programs, students have the opportunity to complete off-campus study programs, including international summer research! You can spend a semester at programs such as the University of Otago in New Zealand, recently named in the top 200 universities in the world. While studying abroad, you will have the opportunity to complete relevant, international, field work and practicums that will give you real-world experience, making you competitive in a global market. Other students in our programs have participated in engaging experiences in Germany, Austria, Thailand, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, and Ireland to name a few.

biochemistry students

Biochemistry Minor

Students majoring in another discipline are able to add a minor in Biochemistry to their studies. Whether you're majoring in another STEM field or not, our minor is very flexible and compliments many different areas of study.


Elizabethtown College