Occupational Therapy Faculty
Nancy Carlson, Ph.D., OTR/L
Associate Professor
carlsona@etown.edu | 717-361-1174
Credentials & Certifications
- Ph.D., Human Development, University of Maryland
- M.S., Occupational Therapy, Towson University
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
Professional Experience
Dr. Carlson joined the faculty at Elizabethtown College in 1998. She served as Department Chairperson and Program Director of Occupational Therapy from 2002 to 2010.
Dr. Nancy Carlson’s clinical background is diverse, especially across areas of pediatric populations (e.g., educational school settings, private practice, neonatal intensive care, acute care and rehabilitation). She has served as an occupational therapy practitioner, administrator or educator for more than 30 years. More recently, her clinical interest has evolved to Aging-in-Place.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) and quality of life
Dr. Carlson has published in AOTA’s Education Special Interest Section Quarterly and Israel Journal of Occupational Therapy on educational practices with graduate research supervision and community-based learning. She is published in Frontiers in Pediatrics for her work in the development of the Brain & Body Center Sensory Scales. She and her students and their work has been presented at local state, national and international occupational therapy and Hydrocephalus Association conferences.
Dr. Carlson active supports the occupational therapy program and Elizabethtown College. She is also very active serving in her Christian faith community.

Laura Cunningham, OTD, OTR/L
Assistant Teaching Professor of Occupational Therapy
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Elizabethtown College
- M.S. Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
- B.S. Health and Occupational Science; Minor in Child Psychology, Elizabethtown College
- Calibrated in the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS)
Professional Experience
Laura Cunningham joined the Occupational Therapy Department in a full-time lecturer role in August 2020. Prior to this, she served as an adjunct faculty member for 7 years.
For the past 12 years, Laura has worked in pediatric outpatient centers, school-systems and inpatient/outpatient psychiatric settings. Her specialties include pediatrics, mental health and crisis prevention/management.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Caregiver role
- Mental Health
- Crisis management/Prevention
She has presented and published at the local, state and national levels. She published work related to sensory processing for individuals with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorders.
She is certified and trained in various self-regulation, pediatric-based interventions, Mindfulness, Applied Emotional Intelligence and crisis prevention programs.
Laura continues to provide occupational therapy services and volunteer services for a local pediatric outpatient clinic. She is a volunteer for the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). She has served as a clinical mentor to multiple practicing therapists and graduate students. Laura is active in promoting occupational therapy to local middle and high school students.

Marla Davis, OTD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
davismarla@etown.edu | 717-361-1171
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Occupational Therapy, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
- M.S., Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
- B.S., Health & Occupation, Elizabethtown College
- Certified in DIR Floortime (Basic)
Professional Experience
Dr. Davis joined the faculty at Elizabethtown College in 2022 as an adjunct faculty and then joined as a full-time assistant professor in July 2023.
Dr. Davis’ clinical background is primarily in pediatrics, including school-based practice in public school settings and preschool early intervention. Her specialty focus includes neurodiversity-affirming approaches, private practice/entrepreneurship, and community-based consulting.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Inclusive Playground Design/Implementation
- Neurodiversity-Affirming Approaches
Dr. Davis has presented at the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association and American Occupational Therapy Association’s conferences. She has also led trainings for local organizations. She is certified in DIR Floortime (Basic) from ICDL.
Dr. Davis continues to practice, providing mobile pediatric services within her client’s natural settings, as well as consulting to support the design and implementation of inclusive and accessible playgrounds. She serves on her local Parks and Recreation committee to support access to community-based outdoor recreation opportunities.

Terri Reichley Dennehy, D.Ed., OTR/L
Assistant Professor
dennehyt@etown.edu | 717-361-4753
Credentials & Certifications
- D.Ed., Adult Education, Pennsylvania State University
- M.Ed., Teaching and Curriculum Design, Pennsylvania State University
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Misericordia University
- A.S., Occupational Therapy, Mount Aloysius College
Professional Experience
Dr. Dennehy joined the Etown faculty in 2013. Prior to that, she taught various courses at Etown as an adjunct faculty member.
Dr. Dennehy has over 25 years of clinical experience and has worked in the areas of regional trauma, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, community practice, home health, and long-term care. Her specializations include adult neurology, low vision, and education.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Intraprofessional collaboration of therapists and assistants
- Intraprofessional academic course construction
- Popular culture and OT utilization
- Body Image, feminism, and celebrating women
Dr. Dennehy presents professionally at various forums such as the American Occupational Therapy Association, Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association, and at Penn State Conferences.
Dr. Dennehy has published on the topic of low vision rehabilitation and is in the editing phase of an AOTA Press project.
Dr. Dennehy enjoys being an active and engaged member of the college community, supporting various extracurricular activities and events. Dr. Dennehy serves as the advisor for the Women’s Dance Team at the college. She is also active in advising several honors in the discipline projects and service-learning student initiatives.
Judy Beck Ericksen, Ph.D., OTR/L
Distinguished Professor of Occupational Therapy
ericksenj@etown.edu | 717-361-4751
Credentials & Certifications
- Ph.D., Education, George Mason University
- M.Ed., Special education/assistive technology, George Mason University
- B.S., Occupational therapy, Elizabethtown College
- Certified to administer and interpret the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)
- Calibrated in the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS)
- Calibrated in the Evaluation of Social Interaction (ESI) & the Assessment of Compared Qualities - Social Interaction
- Calibrated in the School Version of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (School AMPS)
Professional Experience
Dr. Ericksen joined the Etown faculty in 2007.
Dr. Ericksen’s primary clinical background is in school-based practice/pediatrics and mental health. She has also worked in acute care, subacute rehab, and long-term care. Immediately prior to joining the faculty at Elizabethtown College, she served as a therapy specialist for a large school system in Virginia.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Occupation-focused evaluation
- Social participation in children with disabilities
- Decision-making during the evaluation process
Dr. Ericksen is on the teaching faculty for the Center for Innovative OT Solutions (formerly AMPS Project International). She has presented at state, national, and international conferences. Dr. Ericksen is published in the Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Dr. Ericksen is actively engaged in serving the College and the O.T. Dept. She is also a Board Member for Brittany’s Hope, a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding abandoned children around the world.

Gina Fox, OTD, OTR/L
foxg@etown.edu | 717-361-1421
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Thomas Jefferson University
- M.S., Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
- Advanced practice certificate in Neuroscience, Thomas Jefferson University
- Neuro-IFRAH certified
- Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) trained
- Interactive metronome certified
Professional Experience
Dr. Fox joined the OT faculty in January 2018. Prior to this, she served as an adjunct faculty member with the department. Dr. Fox’s clinical experience is primarily in the areas of acute inpatient rehabilitation and acute care, with a specialty focus in neuro-rehabilitation. Dr. Fox has also served as a clinical mentor to other practicing therapists in the areas of neuro rehabilitation, vision and outcome measures.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Upper extremity motor impairments after acquired brain injury
- Patient education and health literacy
- Occupational therapy’s role in maternal health
- Bladder and bowel management after spinal cord injury
- Interprofessional education
Dr. Fox has presented at the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association and American Occupational Therapy Association’s national conferences. She has also presented internationally at the World Federation of Occupational Therapy conference, and is published in the Occupational Therapy in Health Care journal. Outside of the Occupational Therapy field, she has also presented at the Nexus Summit, an interprofessional education conference.
Dr. Fox continues to provide occupational therapy services for a local inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facility. She is very active with several interprofessional education initiatives, and also collaborates with Rebuilding Together to have occupational therapy students provide home safety evaluations for community members.

Susan (Sue) Friguglietti, DHA, M.A., OTR/L
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
frigugliettis@etown.edu | 717-361-1146
Credentials & Certifications
- DHA, Health Administration, University of Phoenix
- M.A., Gerontology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
Professional Experience
Dr. Friguglietti joined the Etown OT program in March 2022. She previous served as a tenured Professor of OT and the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator at Lenoir-Rhyne University in NC for 15 years. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Friguglietti specialized in geriatrics, working in skilled nursing facilities as a practitioner, program director, and regional director for rehabilitation services. She continues to maintain a private healthcare consultation practice in the areas of case management, elder law, and healthcare administration. She has also served as an expert witness for malpractice lawsuits.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Student service learning
- International fieldwork experiences
- Community partnerships
- Therapy reimbursement
Dr. Friguglietti has presented at local, state, and national conferences. She is also a trainer for the Fieldwork Educator Certificate Program for the American Occupational Therapy Association.
Dr. Friguglietti is the faculty advisor for the Etown College Republicans. She serves as the board chair for Adult Life Programs, an adult day services organization in NC. Dr. Friguglietti is actively involved with the US National Rifle Team, where she is the grant administrator and support personnel for the Palma and Young Eagles teams. She volunteers for AOTA as a committee member for various fieldwork related projects.
Kerri Hample, OTD, OTR/L, FMCHC
Associate Professor and Program Director for the Post-Professional OTD
hamplek@etown.edu | 717-361-1172
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Occupational Therapy, Rocky Mountain University
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Thomas Jefferson University
- Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach (2017)
Professional Experience
Dr. Hample joined the Etown faculty in 2009. Dr. Hample is a clinical expert providing occupational therapy services for children and their families in early intervention, schools, functional medicine, and outpatient clinics for more than 25 years. Her specialty focus is on feeding and eating, childhood nutrition, sensory processing, and childhood occupational performance. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Sciences and Health, and enjoys teaching graduate students in all three of the programs offered by the Occupational Therapy Department at Etown.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Nutrition and Feeding/Eating difficulties with children and their families
- Autism
- School based practice
- Continued Competency
Dr. Hample often presents at the state and national level as a pediatric practice expert and on O.T. licensure issues.
As chair of the Pennsylvania Licensure board for Occupational Therapy & Education, Dr. Hample and other members of the Board developed the state regulations for Continued Competency. She published work related to continued competency, ethics, and other contemporary regulatory issues in O.T. Practice.
Dr. Hample currently serves as Chairperson of the PA State Board for Occupational Therapy Education and Licensure. She continues to practice Occupational Therapy with a Lancaster County early intervention company. Her other passion is partnering with OT students and alumni to coach Special Olympics swimming.

Diane Martin, OTD, OTR/L
Capstone Coordinator, OTD program
martindiane@etown.edu | 717-361-3331
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD Occupational Therapy, Rocky Mountain University
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Penn State University
- A.S., Occupational Therapy, Penn State University
Professional Experience
Dr. Martin joined the OT faculty in May 2018. Dr. Martin has been a clinician in the occupational therapy field for over 15 years, specializing in school based practice throughout southeastern Pennsylvania and has experience in early intervention and adult rehabilitation as well. Dr. Martin has extensive management and project development expertise in the school based practice setting.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Early Intervention
- Challenging Behaviors and Social Emotional Development in Preschools/Childcare Settings
- School Based Practice
Dr. Martin has presented in various venues and state conferences. She also has been a leader in development of telepractice for underserved populations.
Dr. Martin is currently a Public School Director with a focus on a occupational justice and equability for students and staff in the district. Dr. Martin also continues to provide preschool based and early intervention occupational therapy services in the local community.

Daniel Panchik, D.Sc., OTR/L
panchikd@etown.edu | 717-361-1366
Credentials & Certifications
- D.Sc., Occupational Therapy (hand rehabilitation), Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
- M.S., Occupational Therapy, Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University
- B.S., Rehabilitation Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Certified as a lymphedema therapist by the Lymphology Association of North America
- Certified in adult neurodevelopmental techniques
Professional Experience
Dr. Panchik joined Etown’s faculty in 2003. Prior to 2003, he was an Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at Saint Francis University.
Clinically, Dr. Panchik has worked in acute care and acute rehabilitation at the Penn State University Hospital, Hershey Medical center. He also currently provides clinical services for a premiere leader in contract rehabilitation services.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Hand Rehabilitation
- Lymphedema
- Neuromuscular re-education/Motor Control
Dr. Panchik is co-author of the Hand Assessment Tool (HAT) published in the Journal of Hand Therapy. Dr. Panchik has presented nationally and internationally on development of the HAT. He is currently working on fine motor control assessments and interventions, using real-time motion capture technology, in collaboration with the Engineering Department at Elizabethtown College.
Dr. Panchik currently serves as vice chair of the Institutional Review Board at Elizabethtown College. He also serves on the Board of Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg.

Portia Posatko
Fieldwork Support Specialist
Ms. Posatko joined the O.T. department in October 2018 as the Fieldwork Support specialist. Prior to this, she earned a B.A. in Psychology from Shippensburg University and worked in the life insurance industry for 15 years.

MaryAnn Sluzis
Administrative Assistant
MaryAnn joined the OT Program in September 2021 and is an alumnus of Etown! Prior to joining the OT program, she served the college in various administrative roles in other academic departments and to the Dean of Faculty. MaryAnn earned a B.S. in Social Work and left the College for several years to work in Geriatric Health Care in a skilled nursing facility where she provided direct social work care and also was the Director of Social Work/Therapeutic Recreation and Pastoral Care. Her love of academia and working with students led her to return to Etown College.

Richelle Walker, OTD, OTR/L
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
walkerrichelle@etown.edu | 717-361-1715
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Occupational Therapy, Chatham University
- MOT, Occupational Therapy, St. Francis University
- B.S. Allied Health Science, minor psychology, St. Francis University
- A.A. General Studies, Pennsylvania College of Technology
- Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS)
- Physical agent modalities certified
Professional Experience
Dr. Walker joined the Etown OT Program in July 2022. Prior to Etown, Dr. Walker provided occupational therapy in various settings, serving pediatric and adult clients throughout her career. Most recently, she worked at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Williamsport, PA where she also served as the brain injury program coordinator for the inpatient rehabilitation unit. In this role, she assisted with brain injury program certification and designing/implementing interdisciplinary educational competencies specific to brain injury rehabilitation. Dr. Walker has also served as an adjunct instructor in the occupational therapy assistant program at Pennsylvania College of Technology.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Brain Injury
- Vision
- Interprofessional Education
Dr. Walker has implemented an evidence-based project related to educating rehabilitation staff on brain injury-related vision deficits. She is also a member of the national and state occupational therapy associations in addition to other professional occupational therapy organizations such as the National Black Occupational Therapy Caucus.
Dr. Walker actively serves the college and community as a mentor through Ubuntu and to post professional OTD students at Chatham University. She serves on Etown’s Campus Inclusion Committee and actively supports the Patients R Waiting organization focused on increasing diversity in medicine.

Deborah Waltermire, DrPH, OTR/L
Associate Professor, Program Director for the B.S./M.S. Program
walterda@etown.edu | 717-361-1173
Credentials & Certifications
- DrPH., Healthcare Management & Leadership, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- M.H.S., Health Finance & Management, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
- B.S., Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College
Professional Experience
Dr. Waltermire joined Etown’s OT department in 1997 as the full-time fieldwork coordinator. She subsequently served the department as a part-time lecturer from 2005-2018. In 2018, she was appointed as a full-time assistant professor, and in 2022, Dr. Waltermire was promoted to associate professor and appointed as the B.S./M.S. program director.
Her primary clinical background is in adult psychiatry, especially adults with schizophrenia and other severe and persistent mental illnesses. She also has worked as a consultant and manager in an acute care medical center with a physical rehabilitation program. Her experience also include coordinating clinical fieldwork programs for OT students as well as supervising many fieldwork students.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Congenital heart defects and occupational performance of children and young adults
- Family centered care in pediatric settings
- Quality of health care
- Sensory Processing in adults with schizophrenia; sensory aspects of work environments
Dr. Waltermire is a frequent presenter at state and national conferences. She has also been an invited speaker for several continuing education workshops for Occupational Therapists as well as several training programs and panel presentations at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and School of Medicine.
Dr. Waltermire has published in O.T. Practice and contributed to a chapter in Beyond the NICU: Comprehensive Care of the High Risk Infant..
Dr. Waltermire currently serves as the chairperson for the college’s faculty personnel council; she is also active in her local church. For over ten years, she has continued to serve on the Pediatric Family Advisory Council at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

Erica Wentzel, OTD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
wentzele@etown.edu | 717-361-1175
Credentials & Certifications
- OTD, Misericordia University
- Master of Occupational Therapy, Chatham University
- B.A., Liberal Studies, University of Pittsburgh
- Certified Infant Massage Instructor
Professional Experience
Dr. Wentzel joined the Etown faculty in 2019. Dr. Wentzel is a clinical expert providing occupational therapy services for children and their families in early intervention, a private school for students with multiple disabilities, feeding programs, and outpatient clinics for 25 years. Her specialty focus includes early intervention, pediatric feeding disorders, community-based family-centered practice, Trauma Informed Care, and Infant Mental Health.
Professional Activities & Research
Research Interests:
- Maternal Opioid Addiction and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
- Infant Mental Health
- Trauma Informed Care
- Long-term outcomes from Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Community-based family-centered care
Dr. Wentzel has presented at the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association and American Occupational Therapy Association’s national conferences. She has presented numerous training courses for both Lancaster County Early Intervention service providers and caregivers whose children are receiving Early Intervention services. She authored a book chapter for an interprofessional textbook published through SLACK Books.
Dr. Wentzel actively supports the Occupational Therapy program, Elizabethtown College, and her local community. She is a founding member of the Lancaster County Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) Task Force and has provided training to educate and promote awareness for service providers who are working with children and families affected by opioid addiction.