Staff Council Bylaws
Article I – Statement of Purpose
The role of the Staff Council is to:
- Serve as a communication conduit between staff, the President, and Senior Staff in accordance with the Mission of the College.
- Provide opportunities for staff to participate in the governance of the College.
- Create an avenue to inform and connect staff to issues and news related to all College constituencies.
- Suggest recommendations on all matters pertaining to staff.
- Encourage the well-being of all staff through professional development.
- Foster relationship building across all members of our community.
- Recognize the contributions and achievements of the college staff.
Article II – Membership Eligibility
- Membership on Staff Council is open to all exempt and non-exempt permanent employees as described in the Employee Handbook at Elizabethtown College.
- Service on Staff Council is voluntary and carries no monetary compensation.
- The Staff Council shall consist of up to thirteen (13) representatives. Refer to Representative Divisions for guidelines relating to division designations, which are subject to change. No division shall have more than three (3) representatives.
- Members of Staff Council serve a two-year term. Members may be re-elected to Staff Council after a one (1) year waiting period from the end of any full term.
- Staff Council will follow accepted College policies and procedures. If changes to College policy are proposed, Staff Council will consult with Senior Staff for approval and action.
Article III – Nominations, Elections, and Term of Service
- Candidacy submissions to Staff Council are due at least thrity days (30) prior to the election.
- Candidates may self-nominate.
- Nomination forms are due to Staff Council on or before the first Tuesday in April.
- Elections will be held on the first Tuesday of May where all staff will be given an opportunity to vote.
- In case of a tie, the candidate shall be determined through a run-off election within ten days of the regular election.
Term of Office
The term of service for each new member of the Staff Council shall be for two years with one-half of the Council elected each year. Term of Service for newly elected members begins in August.
A Staff Council member’s term of service will cease if:
- The member submits a written resignation to the Chairperson of the Staff Council, specifying a date of resignation.
- The member is absent from three (3) meetings of the Staff Council within a twelve (12) month period.
Staff Council may grant exceptions to membership rules by a majority vote of the Staff Council.
- Should a vacancy occur on the Staff Council, the runner up from the most recent election will replace the vacated position. The appointee will serve the remainder of the two-year term.
- If the runner-up is unable to serve, Staff Council may appoint a staff representative from any eligible staff member of the college, not necessarily from the division vacated.
Article IV – Officers
- Staff Council shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Web Communicator, and a Secretary.
- Staff Council elects officers at the first meeting. Officers serve a term of one (1) year. The Staff Council may also appoint additional officers, as necessary, when initiatives warrant. Officers may seek re-election.
- Serve as the Staff Council's liaison to Senior Staff.
- Create an agenda and preside at all Staff Council meetings.
- Provide oversight of staff Council website.
- Appoint subcommittee(s), when appropriate.
- Represent and support Staff Council, as needed.
Vice Chairperson
- Assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson in their absence.
- Coordinate Staff Council information with Web Communicator.
Web Communicator
- Maintain all webpages associated with the Staff Council, including but not limited to, the upload and publication of all news related items and meeting minutes.
- Schedule meeting spaces.
- Record and distribute meeting minutes.
- Collaborate with officers to create annual calendar for Staff Council.
- Assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson in their absence.
Article V – Meetings
- Staff Council will host staff meetings a minimum of two times per semester.
- The Chairperson initiates special meetings, as needed.
- A simple majority of the Staff Council shall constitute a quorum for any meeting.
Article VI – Subcommittees
- When warranted, subcommittee(s) may present to Senior Staff.
Article VII – Conduct of Business
- When questions of parliamentary procedure arise, the current edition of the Robert's Rules of Order shall govern and the authority, except where the College Employee Handbook or the Bylaws specify otherwise.
- Each Member of Staff Council shall have (1) vote on each issue. The Chairperson will not vote on the business of the council unless their vote is required to avoid a tie.
Article VIII – Amendments
- Bylaw amendments require a two-thirds vote, provided Staff Council reviewed the written amendment at a prior Staff Council meeting.
- Staff Council Officers are responsible for the periodic review of the bylaws.