General Specifications
Loading/Unloading/Access to Stage
Loading Door
Dimensions: 8'-0" W X 10'-4" H, 13'-1"
diagonal measurement. Located at the rear of the theatre. It is at road
Scene Dock Ceiling
12'-11" at lowest point
Backstage Corridor Ceiling Height
Stage Dimensions
Orchestra Pit
9'-0" X 45'-0" (Extends under stage 9'-10") 4'-6"
A permanent cover has been installed
over the orchestra pit and is no longer available for use.
Stage Platform
27'-10 1/2" X 60'-0"
Note: Tapers to 41'-0" U.S.
Proscenium Arch
30'-0" High X 52'-0" Wide 5'-6" Thick
30'-0" D.S. to 25'-0" U.S.
Stage Doors
U.S.L.: 5'-8" X 7'-1"
D.S.L.: 6'-2" X 7'-0"
U.S.R. Same as U.S.L.
D.S.R.: Same as D.S.L.
Stage Floor to House Floor
Ground Plans
DWG files and PDF files available upon request.