The Academic Major
First-year students enter Elizabethtown with an intended major. Some follow through and graduate with that major; others switch to another major, sometimes more than once, for a variety of reasons. Some students begin or change to undecided. All of these are acceptable scenarios.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of classes, activities and college resources that will help them explore and decide on a major.
Declaring a Major
Officially, all first-year students begin their Elizabethtown careers without a declared major. Students work with their first-year advisor, also their first-year seminar instructor, on course selection and other academic issues. This allows and encourages students to explore options before committing to a major.
First-year students will be given the opportunity to declare a major at the beginning of their second semester. Students receive an email instructing them how to electronically declare a major. The process is completed when an advisor from the department of the declared major is assigned. Students are notified via email with the name of their new advisor.
Students who remain or change to undeclared stay with their first-year advisor until the end of their second semester, or until they have decided on a major; if a student decides on a major before the end of their second semester, they should visit Registration and Records website to complete a major declaration form on the JayWeb. If a student is still undecided at the end of the 2nd semester, they will be assigned to an advisor in the Academic Advising department at the Center for Student Success. The student will be encouraged to consult other services offered through the Center for Student Success.
Fulfilling Major Requirements
The College Catalog accurately describes the academic requirements for all majors. Your major advisor should be your main resource when making your course selections. Academic Advising staff in the Center for Student Success can provide additional consultation if necessary. Degree planners for each major are available in the Catalog found on the Registration and Records website.
Undeclared first-year students should meet with their first-year advisor when making course selections. The Academic Advising staff is available for information about your intended major's early requirements.
Changing or Adding Majors and Minors
If a student wants to change their primary major or add a second major, they should first seek advice from the chair or faculty of the department in which they are changing to so they can verify completion of the new major requirements within their graduation timeline. The Center for Student Success can also provide assistance if needed. All major, minor, and concentration changes must be done by completing a Major, Minor Declaration Change form in JayWeb. More information on the declaration process, individualized majors, or proposals for a major, minor declaration with identical predominant prefixes, can be found on the Office of Registration and Records website.