Housing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Elizabethtown College is committed to equal access to and full participation in all of its courses, programs, services, and activities. While the college requires students to live on campus for all four years, we recognize some students may have a disability, such as POTS or Cohn’s disease, certain sleep disorders or psychological disorders, or allergies to fragrances or pollens, may present challenges for living in residence halls. Elizabethtown College considers Community Living an integral part of a student’s development, and makes reasonable modifications for students with disabilities. Reasonable modifications might include a room on the first floor, a room close to a bathroom, ADA grabs bars in the bathroom, or smoke and fire detectors with strobes. Other possible modifications, depending on the specific circumstances, may be to allow the student to live in a single room without a roommate, a room in a building with a particular type of HVAC system, or other modifications as necessary to provide access to Community Living.
Requests for housing accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis, and the college will prioritize requests based on documented need and availability. Requests must be submitted and reviewed on a yearly basis and, in some cases, additional or updated documentation may be requested from the treating health care provider. While we try to honor all requests, the College cannot guarantee all accommodations granted for one academic year will be granted for subsequent years. The College expects specific modifications will be the result of an interactive process between the student, the Director of Community Living, and the Director of Disability Services.
Housing Accommodations Request Procedure:
Students requesting accommodations in college housing should submit the Housing Accommodations Request Form along with supporting documentation from their treating health care provider Disability Documentation to Disability Services. Students requesting a Single Room, Year Round Air Conditioning or an Assistance Animal as a disability related accommodation should refer to links below.
After this appropriate documentation has been submitted, requesting students should arrange a meeting with the Director of Disability Services. After this meeting takes place, The Director of Disability Services will meet with the Director of Community Living and/ or the Housing Coordinator to discuss the modification and consider options and suitable alternatives based upon current and anticipated availability. In some cases, this interactive process may also include the student. In situations where the College is unable to immediately grant the requested accommodation, the student will be notified and placed on a waiting list until a suitable arrangement becomes available. Students should refer to the housing registration information in the housing selection tab in JayWeb. It is the student’s responsibility to notify Disability Services of any changes in the requested housing modification during their enrollment in the college.
Students’ whose requests are denied or who are dissatisfied with the process or its outcome have the option to file a petition using the Grievance Procedure.
Information for requesting a Single Room
Information for requesting Year Round Air Conditioning
Information for requesting an Assistance Animal
Housing Accommodations Request Forms should be submitted to Disability Services by February 1 for returning students or July 1 for incoming First-Year and Transfer students. Requests after these dates will be considered based upon availability and documented need. The following factors are taken into consideration when evaluating housing requests:
• Clarity of student requests and supporting documentation
• Availability of residential space at the time of the request
• Alternative accommodations that would achieve similar benefits
• Negative health/academic impact if the request is not granted