ECTipline FAQ
To help you find the answers to your questions more easily, here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers. Just click on the question and it will take you to the answer:
What is the ECTipline?
The ECTip line provides both telephone and web intake processes for reporting. The telephone reporting method is confidential and toll-free. The web-assisted reporting method is also confidential. Both methods of reporting are available to students and employees for reporting known or suspected violations of misconduct, college policy, and illegal activities, outside of current normal reporting procedures. -
How do I file a report by telephone?
To file a report via telephone to the ECTip line number call (855) 696-1899 . A representative of The Network agency will walk you through a series of questions to retrieve the necessary information concerning the complaint. You will receive a code number that can be used when calling back to inquire as to the status of the information you reported or if there was a resolution to the matter of concern. All calls to the tip-line can be done anonymously. -
How do I file a report online?
To file a report via the ECTip line website, go to . When you submit a complaint through the ECTip line website, the website program will walk the submitter through a step-by-step process to retrieve the necessary information concerning the complaint. The submitter will receive a code number that can be used when calling the tip-line or accessing the tip-line website to inquire as to the status of the information reported or resolution to the matter of concern. All submittals can be done anonymously. -
What if I do not want to call the ECTipline or file a complaint through the ECTipline website?
A reporter can also file a complaint by sending a letter, anonymously if desired, specifically addressed to The Network, Inc., c/o Elizabethtown College,333 Research Court, Norcross, Georgia USA 30092. All letters submittals can be submitted anonymously. -
Can I still use the current Crime Incident Report Form on the Student and HR Websites for reporting misconduct or a crime?
No. The new ECTipline will replace the College’s current Crime Incident Report Form. This form will no longer be available for reporting suspected instances of illegal or improper conduct. Instead, students and employees will now have available to them a new and confidential way of reporting matters involving known or suspected crime, misconduct, or violations of College policies or procedures. -
What types of common complaints are NOTacceptable reports through the ECTipline?
The ECTipline will not accept general complaints. Only matters such as known or suspected illegal activities, non-compliance, violations of college policies or procedures, or federal, state, or local laws will be investigated, if reported through the ECTip line. -
What if I see a crime in action? Do I still file a report?
No. Do not delay. Call Campus Safety immediately (Ext. 1111) and inform them of the crime you are witnessing or just witnessed. Campus Safety can respond quickly to address the situation at hand and/or they will contact the local police. -
Am I required to identify myself?
No. You do not have to reveal who you are or provide any personal information that would identify you when using the tip-line. Calls are not traced and are not recorded. The ECTipline does not have caller ID capability. The information reported will be treated as confidential and privileged to the extent permitted by law. -
How can I be sure that I will remain anonymous?
Anonymous reporting is optional for students and employees who do not want to provide personal information when filing a report through the ECTip line. To insure anonymity, the College has contracted with The Network, an outside service provider, to manage its compliance tip-line. At no time will the College or The Network agency try to determine who submitted information through the tip-line. Information provided by the student or employee will be treated as confidential and privileged to the extent permitted by applicable law. -
What legal rights do I have when I report?
There are federal and state laws that protect individuals who provide confidential information regarding possible illegal activities in the workplace. Under the law, the College cannot retaliate or penalize those who make a report in good-faith. -
What if I only suspect something?
The ECTipline will still take the information you provide and immediately forward the information to the respective college staff members who will determine an appropriate response. -
Is there a time limit to when I must file my complaint?
No, but you should file your complaint as soon as possible. As time goes beyond the incident or issue, timelines and details about the matter slip from memory and information submitted may not be as accurate or clear. -
What happens once the ECTipline receives my complaint?
When a caller calls into the tip-line number or via the website, the receiver of the call (a Network Representative) or the website program will walk the submitter through a step-by-step process to retrieve the necessary information from the submitter. Information received through the tip-line will be channeled by The Network to the appropriate college staff members. Once a concern has been reviewed and found to merit investigation, the procedures in the Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, or the Employee Handbook will be followed as with any other investigation arising from information submitted in a manner other than through the ECTipline. If it is determined that an investigation is appropriate, the Director of Human Resources (or staff under the Director's direction) will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation and report the results to the appropriate Vice Presidents/Dean of Students addressing the matter. -
Can I obtain the status and the results of my report to the ECTipline?
Yes. The submitter will receive a code number that can be used when calling back or accessing the website to inquire as to the status of the information reported or resolution to the matter of concern. -
What if the investigator has questions and cannot contact me because I submitted my complaint anonymously?
The Human Resources staff member investigating the concern may also utilize the tip-line as a mechanism to communicate additional questions through the system. The investigator may at times, post questions to the anonymous reporter on the tip-line website hoping to receive a response for additional information concerning the complaint. If the complaint was filed anonymously, no matter what, the investigator is not able to identify you by a code number. Confidentiality is still maintained. -
How can I provide additional information on my concern?
You can call the ECTipline number again or go to the ECTipline website and add your additional information. No matter what source you use, confidentiality is still maintained. -
Who investigates the complaints?
The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Director of Human Resources will review the information. The Vice President for Administration & Finance will assist with personnel, facilities issues, and financial matters, and the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students will assist with matters involving students. (The President would determine alternates, as necessary.) -
What if the complaint is about one or more of the people doing the investigating?
If the information received deals directly with Human Resources and/or the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Administration & Finance will receive the information. -
What happens if the complaint is investigated and found not true?
If a complaint is investigated and it is unsubstantiated, the report is closed and no further action is taken. When you check back with the hotline using your code number to inquiry about the status of your complaint, the status will reflect a closed report. -
What happens if the complaint is investigated and found to be true?
If a complaint is investigated and the investigation substantiates the allegations with enough relevant and credible evidence, investigator (Director of Human Resources or Staff under the Director's direction) will report the results to the appropriate Vice Presidents/Dean of Students making a recommendation for action for addressing the matter. The investigation results will be shared with the appropriate Senior Staff member for action provided the concern does not involve the Sr. Staff member. If the concern involves another Senior Staff member, the matter will be referred to the President for action. -
I am afraid of retaliation if I file a complaint. Should I be?
Retaliation will not be taken against anyone who reports a concern, violation, or a crime. Complaints made honestly and with good intentions will not expose you to any negative consequences, regardless of whether the underlying facts prove to be substantiated or result in any corrective action If you believe you have been retaliated against for any reason, report your complaint through the ECTipline, so your complaint can be appropriately investigated. -
Are communications after the initial report still secure?
All tip-line correspondence and conversations are held in the same strict confidence as the initial report, continuing on an anonymous basis, if you so choose. -
Where does my complaint information go? Who can access this information?
Information reported to the ECTipline remains with The Network. Complaint information is entered directly into a secure server separate from the College’s systems to prevent any possible breach in security. The College receives only the aggregate data (unidentifiable summarized statistics for anonymous complaints). Summarized statistical reports are sent to the Director of Human Resources and/or the Director of Campus Safety for Clery reporting purposes or for compliance with required federal, state, and local regulations and audit reporting purposes. All records are held in strict confidence.
Please remember, the ECTipline is not an emergency contact line. Concerns about an immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property should not be reported to the tip-line. If you witness a crime in action or you or someone else you know is experiencing an emergency, immediately contact Campus Safety (Ext. 1111).