Module 10 Tutor Training Evaluation
Please remember to use complete sentences. For example: I feel the most important characteristics of a tutor include... write more than one sentence.
Please print this page to complete the answers. When all modules are completed, submit all answer sheets to Tammie Longsderff at Learning Zone. All modules must be completed before you can receive any tutoring assignments.
If you were to give this training a grade, what would it be? (please circle response)
- A
- B
- C
- D
- F
What did you like about this training?
What did you dislike about this training?
What factor appealed to you the most on this on-line training? (please circle response)
- Working at my own speed and convenience.
- Learning to use the Web for instructional purposes.
- The wealth of information available to me.
- None of the above.
Please write a brief one sentence evaluation of this on-line training.