Studying for Specific Test Format
Studying for multiple choice tests:
- Know specifics, i.e. key vocabulary and dates. These are often on multiple choice tests.
- Don't assume it's enough to memorize facts and figures. Professors often write questions to check overall understanding of the subject.
- Use study tools, such as flash cards, to learn the material.
Studying for true/false and matching tests:
- Know specifics, i.e. key vocabulary and dates. These are often on true/fasle and matching tests.
- Don't assume it's enough to memorize facts and figures. Professors often write questions to check overall understanding of the subject.
- Use study tools, such as flash cards, to learn the material.
Studying for problem-solving tests:
- Stay up-to-date on homework. If you miss a problem in the homework, find out how to do it correctly before moving on to new material.
- Don't take shortcuts on homework. Read the text, as well as do the problems. Label all answers and use proper notation. If you develop good habits while doing the homework, you will be less likely to forget details on the test.
- Make up practice tests by mixing homework problems from different sections. One way to do this is to put problems on separate index cards. Mix up the cards and take the sample test you have created. (During the test you won't know what section the problem comes from.)
- Practice doing problems without referring to the book, your notes, or other problems.
- Try to work similar problems for extra practice. Ask your professor if they know of any website for practice questions.
Studying for essay tests:
- Ask the professor for sample questions (the professor may or may not provide them, but it never hurts to ask).
- Write an outline of an answer for each sample question.
- Find out how many questions will be on the test and how much time you will have to answer each question. Practice writing under a similar time constraint.
- Know the key concepts well. Outline the major points of important concepts you expect to encounter on the test.
- Know the relationships between concepts. This is a type of question that often appears on essay tests.