Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation
Susan Mapp, Ph.D., MSSW
Phone 717-361-3766 | Email
The Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation provides leadership in institutional research, program analysis & evaluation, and strategic planning to support the College community in its continuous improvement journey. She helps ensure the College continues to offer programs of the highest quality to meet demand through data-informed decisions. Dr. Mapp oversees Institutional Research and Sponsored Research & Programs, as well as supporting the Resources and Strategic Planning Council and Educational Assessment Committee. In addition, she serves as the Middle States accreditation liaison.

Internal audiences can access more information on her Sharepoint.
Sharepoint Outline
- Home
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Institutional Research
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Educational Effectiveness: Includes program assessment guidelines and template; department self-study template, external reviewer guidelines, explanatory videos; annual assessment reports; core assessment reports.
- Administrative Effectiveness: Includes administrative assessment plan template, explanatory videos, and terms, periodic self-study template.
Includes data request form; Tableau vizzies, Board of Trustees dashboards; Etown by the Numbers; Etown Peers & Competitors; Department Persistence Charts
Includes institutional Assessment plan
- Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
- Grants
- Lunch & Learn
- Surveys at Etown
- Institutional Review Board
Includes the Grant Development Manual, support in finding a funder, and common forms.
Includes previously recorded Lunch & Learn sessions on grant-seeking and management.
Includes the Survey distribution policy and application link.
Includes information about submitting an application to the IRB, its members and meeting schedule, and the link to the required training.
Contains information about the Summer Creative Arts and Research program, including application requirements and timeline, policies, and previous projects.
- Strategic and Institutional Planning
- Strategic Plan
- Resources and Strategic Planning Council
- New Program Development
Includes the College’s Strategic Plan and updates on its progress.
Includes Council membership and RSPC’s policy for submission of new programs and initiatives.
Includes support materials to develop new programs including from external partners Gray Associates and Hanover Research.