Sponsor Requirements (Compliance)
Rarely (if ever) does an external sponsor provide funds for a project without stipulating that certain agreed-upon requirements be met. In some cases, those requirements may be simply a yearly report on progress and a financial report about how the funds were spent. In other situations, the reimbursement of funds may depend on a schedule of deliverables and a payment schedule linked to that schedule. And in yet other circumstances, such as with federally funded grants or contracts, the requirements can be quite extensive and require official certification that the requirements have been met. One of the most important functions of the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs is to work with staff and faculty to ensure that all externally funded projects meet the sponsors requirements.
Access to sections of this page is restricted to Elizabethtown Staff and Faculty when the content is meant to provide access to specific institutional policies and procedures needed to comply with various sponsors' requirements.
Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Requirements
Under new federal regulations, all PHS funded Principal Investigators and key staff must disclose any financial conflict of interests relating to their funded projects. Every institution receiving PHS funding is required to:
- post its FCOI Policy on its public website (or make the policy available within 5 days of a request),
- The policy of Elizabethtown College is to adhere to the Federal Regulation Policy for Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) with regard to all PHS funding;
- Document FCOI disclosure and
- divulge the names of any PI(s) or key personnel with financial conflict of interest. It is the policy of Elizabethtown College to enforce the Financial Conflict of Interest regulations.
Currently, there are no disclosed financial conflicts of interest.
Time and Effort Reporting Requirements
As required by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-21, Elizabethtown
College must document the percentage of effort spent on externally sponsored activity.
In order to satisfy this requirement, each Principal Investigator (PI), faculty member,
professional employee and students paid out of federal and state grant funds are to complete a Time and Effort Reporting Form.
Human Subject Protection Requirements
IRB Guidelines (See IRB Page)
IRB Proposal Application (See IRB Page)
Animal Care and Use Requirements
Please contact Dr. Jodi Lancaster (717-361-1325 or lancasterj@etown.edu) for information and requirements regarding the College’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) policy.
Intellectual Property Requirements
As it carries out its mission of “Educate for Service,” Elizabethtown College seeks to establish a professional environment that encourages discovery, innovation and invention of ideas that will benefit humanity. It is within this context that the College also recognizes that creativity and enterprise must be rewarded and the results (intellectual property) must be secured and protected. Thus, the College establishes and commits to its Intellectual Property Policies and Procedures.
Faculty Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures (also found in the Faculty Handbook)
Staff and Administrator Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures (also found in the Employee Handbook)
Student Employee Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures (also found in the Student Employee Handbook)