Campus News
Keeping campus connected.
Campus News is an internal email communication that informs the campus community of important announcements and events and furthers the goals of the College, its departments and its organizations.
Campus News is compiled and distributed, by email, to members of the Elizabethtown College campus community by the Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC). Anyone with an Elizabethtown College email address will receive Campus News.
The email is sent on Mondays. If the College is closed, Campus News will be sent the next open business day.
All announcements must be sponsored by a College department or an approved campus affiliated organization. All others will be denied.
Announcements must be submitted, via the Campus News form, by noon on Friday (no exceptions) to be published in the following week's Campus News. Each announcement is limited to two issues and will be run AS SUBMITTED.
Errors are the responsibility of the person submitting the announcement. Corrections will not be issued. If a submitter errs in the submission, a correction can be issued for the following week's Campus News at the request of the submitter.
Campus News Tips
- Do not copy and paste your announcements, type the text directly into the form. Otherwise, formatting sometimes gets lost and can be difficult to read.
- Short and concise announcements are best for capturing attention. If more details are available, consider including a web link to additional information. Type parenthesis around the link when submitting your announcement, and we will be sure to hyperlink the appropriate text to make it easy for readers to click on.
- Not sure what section to select when submitting your announcement? Consider the following descriptions:
- Headline News: Safety, Registration and Records
- Events: On-campus events for students, faculty and/or staff -- must have a date in the announcement to be included in this section
- This and That: Important announcements that are not specifically related to an event
- Community: Opportunities for the campus community to participate in community-related events
- Classifieds: On-campus job postings (requested through HR – email and large items for sale – see the Classifieds section below for more details
- For event related announcements, be sure to include important details such as date, time, location, if there is a cost and whom to contact for questions.
- Always reread your announcement and double check for grammar and details before submitting.
- If any changes need to be made to your announcement after submitting, please send an email to
Campus News Announcement Policy
Elizabethtown College's Senior Staff has approved the following policy regarding the content of Campus News. OMC has been charged with administering the policy.
- Announcements that include disparaging remarks, references to alcohol specials or offensive language will not be allowed.
- Only approved (by Student Assembly) student groups may request Campus News announcements.
- Announcements of a political nature will not be included in Campus News, unless they are submitted by an approved political Student Group. In these instances, the announcements should be positive and constructive; OMC will deny all submissions that disparage another political party or candidate.
- Announcements that require additional clarification might be held until OMC has obtained additional details from the sponsoring organization.
- All Campus News announcements about paid job openings must be issued through Student Employment ( The request for the position will be reviewed, posted on the student employment website, and a brief announcement will be submitted for distribution in Campus News.
Exceptions to the on-campus policy are made for:
- The Borough of Elizabethtown, for announcements not limited to community events, parking updates, construction, etc. These announcements must be reviewed and approved by Caroline Lalvani, the College's Director of Elizabethtown Community Affairs and College Special Events, or, in that individual's absence, the executive director of the Office of Marketing and Communications, prior to inclusion.
- Announcements regarding the involvement of Elizabethtown students or faculty or staff members with off-campus organizations. The focus of the announcement must be on the campus community members and not on the particular business/organization holding the event.
- Off-campus ministries, whose staff are not employed by the College must submit its announcements through the Office of the Chaplain.
Classified Ad Guidelines
Classified Advertising is provided as a service to Elizabethtown College faculty, staff and students. Listings can include: lost and found and larger items such as vacation rentals, electronics, vehicles and furniture. On-campus paid job postings must be submitted through Payroll.
Announcements regarding home sales and rentals will not be accepted.
Classified ads seeking roommates for off-campus apartments during the academic year will be declined, as students must be approved for off-campus housing, and posting such requests might lead to confusion. Requests for apartment roommates for the summer may be posted.
All opportunities for off-campus student employment will be referred to Career Development Center.
Headline Policy Overview
Headline News is a separate email communication that is not to be used in place of the weekly Campus News. Headline News must be submitted by department chairs, must be approved by a member of Senior Staff or have special permission through the Office of Marketing and Communications.