Meet the Young Center Staff
Steve Nolt

Director and Senior Scholar, Young Center
Professor of History and Anabaptist Studies
717-361-1459 | | website
The author or coauthor of fourteen books on Amish, Mennonite, and Pennsylvania German history and contemporary life, Steve is widely recognized for his scholarship on Anabaptist groups across North America. He holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Notre Dame. He also serves as series editor for Young Center Books in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies published by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
Edsel Burdge, Jr.

Research Associate
717-361-1470 |
Edsel conducts research as assigned by the director and the senior scholar, and assists visiting fellows. He also interprets the work of the Young Center to the college community, the public at large, and the media. He is coauthor with Samuel L. Horst of Building on the Gospel Foundation: The Mennonites of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and Washington County, Maryland, 1730–1970 (Herald Press, 2004) and holds an M.A. from Villanova University.
Cynthia Nolt

Research and Editorial Associate
717-361-1468 |
Cynthia edits book manuscripts, journal articles, and other material and provides research support for the senior scholar. She also maintains the center’s websites, edits and lays out the newsletter, coordinates publicity for center events, and provides editorial support for authors in the Young Center Books series. She has an M.Ed. from Temple and an M.S. from Drexel University.
Kay Wolf

Administrative Assistant
717-361-4747 |
Kay focuses on various administrative duties such as helping plan semester events and conferences; reviewing and processing financial records; maintaining the library of books, newsprint, and research materials; and overseeing building reservations.
Donald B. Kraybill

Distinguished College Professor, Senior Fellow, and Professor of Sociology Emeritus
717-361-1469 | | website
A native of Lancaster County, Don is internationally recognized for his scholarship on the Amish and other Anabaptist groups. His books, research, and commentary have been featured in national and worldwide media.
Jeff Bach

Director of the Young Center Emeritus
717-361-1467 |
Jeff is the author of Voices of the Turtledoves: The Sacred World of Ephrata (2003) and coauthor with Michael Birkel of Genius of the Transcendent: Mystical Writings of Jakob Boehme (2010). He holds a Ph.D. in religion from Duke University and is an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren.