Backpack-to-Briefcase Program
This program is required for the Fall 2020 entry class and later. By completing this program, students would strengthen the skills that companies look for in college graduates (e.g., soft skills, leadership, teamwork, professionalism) and would transition smoothly from an undergraduate career to the professional workplace.
Completion timeline: The program should be completed by the end of your senior year.
Submission: After you complete an activity or event, submit the correlating category quiz in Canvas. Work with your advisor to ensure you’re on track toward completion! We also have this Backpack-to-Briefcase checklist as a resource for students as they work through the program.
To help students complete the Backpack-to-Briefcase program and make the most of their college experience at Elizabethtown, we have created a suggested four-year success plan as a guide and resource. Please note that this is just a suggested timeline and that everyone’s journey and experience at Elizabethtown College will look different.
The program aims to develop three categories of skills:
1. Business exposure. This category exposes students to different careers and areas of business and helps them understand the meaning of professionalism in the workplace. Students would choose to attend any three of the following:
- Financial literacy seminars (Bowers Center, etc.)
High Center events
- Student Conference in Business and Economics
- Elizabethtown College Lecture Series (Does not include M&M Mars Lectures)
- Business club membership (Accounting, FBE, etc.): Email or for more information
- Family Business & Entrepreneurship Power Lunch
- Ciao, mundi! Mementos from Study Abroad (Feb. 2, at 7 p.m., Jay Lounge)
- Called to Lead events
- Other activities, if approved by advisor
2. Career preparation. This category enables students to participate actively in business events/programs. Students would choose any three of the following:
Career fairs (Accounting fair, other fairs)
Etiquette dinner (Career Development Center)
Mock interviews (Career Development Center)
Resume workshops (Career Development Center)
- Internship/externship
- Attending a Bloomberg Terminal Webinar
- Attending International Business Day Luncheon with Business Executives
- Study Abroad (Semester Long or Short-Term Study Trip: Prague (contact Dr. Melvin), Geneva (contact Dr. Paul), Beijing (contact Dr. Neuhauser)
- Other activities, if approved by advisor
3. Leadership and engagement. This category develops leadership and organization skills, through activities such as leading a project, or managing a process. Students are expected to make a real impact on campus or the local community, and would choose any one of the following:
- Club leadership (Accounting, FBE, Emotion, etc.)
- Student Assembly membership/leadership
- Participation at outside conferences/events (Quirks, The World Trade Center, CPBJ events, CFA events, etc.)
- Organizing events for the Business Blocks themed housing (formerly LLC)
- Internship or externship
- Attending a Bloomberg Terminal Webinar
- Study Abroad (Semester Long or Short-Term Study Trip: (contact Dr. Melvin), Geneva (contact Dr. Paul), Beijing (contact Dr. Neuhauser)
- Mentoring*
- Conducting a business-related service-learning project for a SDLC*
- Helping high school business students with hands-on projects
- Presenting at SCAD or the Student Conference in Business and Economics
- Completing an HID
- Attending a leadership seminar or class
- Volunteering/Service learning (e.g. Into the Streets , Moving Forward Together , Local Volunteer Opportunities , etc)
- Other activities, if approved by advisor
* for these events, please submit a paper signed by your mentor/SDLC advisor
Some activities can be double counted (e.g. High Center events could count for a class and for the Backback-to-Briefcase program)
Some activities, if different, can be double counted (e.g. internship/externships or study abroad) would count for two different categories. For instance, if students complete two internships with two different companies, or if they go on two study abroad trips, e.g. Prague and Geneva, they can count these events in both the Career Preparation and the Leadership and Engagement categories. Two different internships/study abroad trips can also be counted in the same category.
Backpack-to-Briefcase Incentive Program
The Etown School of Business is pleased to announce the rollout of its new Backpack-to-Briefcase incentive program! Now when students complete the various categories in the Backpack-to-Briefcase Program, they will receive various incentives for each level. Not only will students work on building their metaphorical briefcase of soft skills tools, but they will build their literal briefcase as well!
The incentives, detailed below, are all branded with the Etown School of Business logo:
- Completion of Business Exposure Category: Desk Organizer
- Completion of Career Preparation Category: Business Card Holder
- Completion of Leadership & Engagement Category: Padfolio with Notebook
- Completion of Whole Program: Messenger Bag
Make sure to record your event/activity completion for the Backpack-to-Briefcase Program through the program’s Canvas page.