50542 | AC 101 - -BU - -A | INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING | Miller J | Open | 18/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING
4.00 credits. An introduction to the basic accounting methods, principles and financial statements used for external reporting. This course introduces students to accounting in a way that demonstrates its importance to society and relevance to their future careers. In addition to developing an adequate technical knowledge of accounting principles; critical thinking, communications, organizational, and interpersonal competencies will be developed and reinforced through a combination of class discussion and problems.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50543 | AC 205 - -BU - -A | INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I | Riportella T | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:25pm-01:55pm) | 4.00 | INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I
4.00 credits. A study of generally accepted accounting principles and international standards as applied to asset transactions in the corporate financial reporting environment. Beginning with a brief review of introductory topics including the accounting cycle and financial statements and quickly moving to more challenging and complex topics regarding how to properly record transactions for different types of assets, acceptable alternatives, and the accounting treatment of related income statement transactions. Emphasis on valuation, classification, disclosure and cutoff. *Prerequisite(s): AC 101.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50544 | AC 210 - -BU - -A | COST MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING | Shollenberger E | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | COST MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING
4.00 credits. An understanding of how costs behave – cost-volume and profit analysis; are collected – job costing and process costing; are assigned – activity-based costing; are managed – strategic-based responsibility accounting; are measured – budgets and variance analysis; and are used in decision making – pricing and alternative use of capital. Multinational considerations also are included. *Prerequisite(s): AC 101.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50545 | AC 301 - -BU - -A | INTRODUCTION TO TAXATION | Miller J | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO TAXATION
4.00 credits. Following the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) recommended Model Tax Curriculum, this course introduces a broad range of tax topics and principles of federal income taxation of individuals, corporations, and partnerships. Understanding various types of taxes in the U.S. system and the basis for the federal income tax system is emphasized. Tax concepts that relate to individual taxpayers, and identifying the similarities and differences of individual taxation items to the taxation of business entities are learned, emphasizing the role of taxation in the business decision-making process, tax law and research, and concepts application. *Prerequisite: AC 101 or permission of instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50546 | AC 310 - -BU - -A | ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS | Shollenberger E | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS
4.00 credits. An introduction to the components of an accounting information system and its relationship to the overall management information system. The use of information to support the planning, analysis, and reporting of business activities using fully integrated information systems is discussed. Students are introduced to system design and documentation, including flowcharting and control procedures. The course utilizes practical case problems, contemporary readings, and exercises incorporating accounting software to reinforce classroom theory with hands-on knowledge. All major transaction processing cycles and the effect on the accuracy of accounting information are reviewed. *Prerequisite: AC 206.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50547 | AC 406 - -BU - -A | ADVANCED ACCOUNTING | Miller J | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | ADVANCED ACCOUNTING
4.00 credits. A study of advanced accounting topics including business combinations, consolidated financial reporting according to US GAAP, worldwide accounting practices and foreign currency transactions, partnerships, and special accounting topics such as business liquidations and reorganizations, joint ventures, and accounting for derivatives. *Prerequisite(s): AC 206.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50652 | ART103 - -ART - -A | GRAPHIC DESIGN I | Staff A | Open | 9/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | GRAPHIC DESIGN I
4.00 credits. This introductory course is designed to increase visual literacy and vocabulary, to develop design skills and to present the creative possibilities of computer-based image making and editing. Historical, conceptual, technical and contemporary issues of digital imaging will be explored.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 60.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50653 | ART103 - -ART - -B | GRAPHIC DESIGN I | Staff A | Open | 8/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | GRAPHIC DESIGN I
4.00 credits. This introductory course is designed to increase visual literacy and vocabulary, to develop design skills and to present the creative possibilities of computer-based image making and editing. Historical, conceptual, technical and contemporary issues of digital imaging will be explored.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 60.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50654 | ART105 - -3CE -C-A | CE DRAWING I | Bye J | Open | 9/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CE DRAWING I
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the basic concepts, materials and techniques of drawing. These elements will be discussed and practiced through an intensive program of drawing from perception. The basic materials we use will consist of charcoal, ink and paper. Drawing subjects will include still life, interior space, portrait, self-portrait and the figure. The formal elements of line, shape, value, form, space, texture and composition will be explored through drawing done in class, on field trips and weekly homework assignments.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 65.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50655 | ART105 - -3CE -C-B | CE DRAWING I | Bye J | Open | 9/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | CE DRAWING I
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the basic concepts, materials and techniques of drawing. These elements will be discussed and practiced through an intensive program of drawing from perception. The basic materials we use will consist of charcoal, ink and paper. Drawing subjects will include still life, interior space, portrait, self-portrait and the figure. The formal elements of line, shape, value, form, space, texture and composition will be explored through drawing done in class, on field trips and weekly homework assignments.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 65.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50656 | ART105 - -3CE -C-C | CE DRAWING I | Burns D | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | CE DRAWING I
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the basic concepts, materials and techniques of drawing. These elements will be discussed and practiced through an intensive program of drawing from perception. The basic materials we use will consist of charcoal, ink and paper. Drawing subjects will include still life, interior space, portrait, self-portrait and the figure. The formal elements of line, shape, value, form, space, texture and composition will be explored through drawing done in class, on field trips and weekly homework assignments.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 65.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50657 | ART105 - -3CE -C-D | CE DRAWING I | Burns D | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | CE DRAWING I
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to the basic concepts, materials and techniques of drawing. These elements will be discussed and practiced through an intensive program of drawing from perception. The basic materials we use will consist of charcoal, ink and paper. Drawing subjects will include still life, interior space, portrait, self-portrait and the figure. The formal elements of line, shape, value, form, space, texture and composition will be explored through drawing done in class, on field trips and weekly homework assignments.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 65.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50659 | ART145 - -3CE -C-A | CE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY | Williams A | Open | 3/9 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | CE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) This survey course introduces students to multiple genres of digital photography, including portraiture, nature, still life, and abstract. Demonstrations and supervised lab periods will be used to instruct students in basic camera operation and image editing techniques. Discussion of photographic history, criticism, and aesthetics will be used to increase appreciation of photographic traditions and contemporary trends.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 35.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50660 | ART145 - -3CE -C-B | CE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY | Williams A | Open | 8/9 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | CE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) This survey course introduces students to multiple genres of digital photography, including portraiture, nature, still life, and abstract. Demonstrations and supervised lab periods will be used to instruct students in basic camera operation and image editing techniques. Discussion of photographic history, criticism, and aesthetics will be used to increase appreciation of photographic traditions and contemporary trends.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 35.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50661 | ART203 - -ART - -A | GRAPHIC DESIGN II | Moore T | Open | 10/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | GRAPHIC DESIGN II
4.00 credits. This course integrates design principles and software, typography, digital illustration, digital imaging, page layout, and prepress techniques with emphasis on design process from visualization to production. Students will be responsible for the design and production of an integrated campaign consisting of several components across multiple media forms. Individual and collaborative work is expected including branding and packaging. *Prerequisite(s): ART 103.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 30.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50662 | ART204 - -3CE -C-A | CE FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR AND DESIGN | Erdman L | Open | 3/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CE FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR AND DESIGN
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) This course introduces the principles of gestalt theory and color theory in the design of two- and three-dimensional works of art. Students will learn to compose with scale, perspective, geometric and organic form, line structure, texture, color, and value relationships. They will explore visualization and brainstorming techniques, the analysis of art historical prototypes, and the importance of art criticism in creating original works of art.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 60.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50663 | ART205 - -ART - -A | PAINTING I | Bye J | Open | 8/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | PAINTING I
4.00 credits. Studio easel painting in opaque media, with stress on pictorial organization and application of color theories. *Prerequisite(s): ART 105. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 60.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50665 | ART251 - -ART - -A | PRINTMAKING I | Staff A | Open | 2/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | PRINTMAKING I
4.00 credits. This course provides practice in the methods of relief, intaglio and monotype, and instruction in the use of the printer's machinery. *Prerequisite(s): ART 105, or permission of the instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 165.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50807 | ART251 - -ART - -B | PRINTMAKING I | Staff A | Closed | 0/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | PRINTMAKING I
4.00 credits. This course provides practice in the methods of relief, intaglio and monotype, and instruction in the use of the printer's machinery. *Prerequisite(s): ART 105, or permission of the instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 165.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50823 | ART280 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH WORLD ARCHITECTURE | Wunderlich J | Open | 7/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH WORLD ARCHITECTURE
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course is an exploration of the history, theory and design of iconic buildings from pre-history to the 21st century. The course is organized by building function: sacred spaces (places of worship, monuments), civic architecture and urban planning; residential architecture and commercial and recreational architecture.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50667 | ART325 - -ART - -A | DESIGNING FOR THE WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA | Johnson-Medland Z | Open | 7/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | DESIGNING FOR THE WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA
4.00 credits. This course focuses on the concepts and principles of interactive design in a digital marketplace. Through lectures and practical assignments, students will learn how to define interactive projects in terms of purpose, audience, task flows, and layout. Based on these fundamentals, students will utilize web authoring and editing software to develop an online presence using social, mobile, and other media platforms, without writing code. *Prerequisite(s): ART 203 or permission of the instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 10.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50808 | ART354 - -ART - -A | MOTION GRAPHICS | Staff A | Open | 1/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | MOTION GRAPHICS
4.00 credits. This course will introduce students to effective communication using motion graphics, including its application in broadcast and commercial design, interactive media, and gaming. The combination of music, visuals and typography will be explored following the basic theories of kinetic composition and aesthetics. Research, critical analysis, and concept development will be emphasized. *Prerequisite(s): ART 203 or permission of the instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 10.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50862 | ART495 - -ART - -A | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO I (EGR495) | Wunderlich J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (02:00pm-03:40pm) | 2.00 | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO I (EGR495)
2.00 credits. Architectural Design studio course offered every Spring with rotating architectural case studies taught by full-time faculty and visiting Architects. Case studies are repeated no less than every two years so that students in Studio I and Studio II can participate in the same lectures. Independent student design work in Studio I and II is required to be documented in an electronic portfolio; and professional documentation, drawings, and oral defense of architectural designs are required. Register by Instructor. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50670 | ART497 - -ART - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR | Staff A | Open | 4/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (11:00am-12:20pm) | 2.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR
2.00 credits. A capstone course required for Fine Arts majors that provides opportunities for advanced research and development in studio and gallery/museum related work. The course builds and enhances the resumé and introduces the practical functions, operations, and workings for a career in art. *Prerequisite(s): Senior status (Studio and Art History tracks) or permission of the instructor. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50799 | AS 112 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH UNDERSTANDING ASIAN CULTURES | Bhattacharya M | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH UNDERSTANDING ASIAN CULTURES
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) In Understanding Asian Cultures, we shall use the concepts, theories, methods and data used by cultural anthropologists to look at various Asian cultures and see what we can learn about their value systems, languages, economic systems, family and kinship structures, systems of power and social stratification, etc. After that, we will do a close reading of Gill ('s 'Japan Copes with Calamity' an ethnography of disaster politics in Japan. This will help us understand how an Asian country handles disaster in uniquely specific ways helping us gain insights into how we can benefit from such strategies.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50598 | ASL105 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE | Riegler L | Open | 21/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | PLO AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) An introduction to American Sign Language (ASL). The course will examine the fundamentals of the sign lexicon emphasizing grammatical features of comprehension and expression. Students will build conversational skills through dialogues about the everyday life experiences that make up meaningful participation human occupations. Through the Community-Based Learning experience, students will engage in contextual learning through interactive social participation with individuals in the Deaf Community. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 75.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50548 | BA 101 - -BU - -A | BUSINESS AND SOCIETY | Melvin S | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | BUSINESS AND SOCIETY
4.00 credits. Managers function within an environment and their actions influence a number of stakeholders who in turn influence managerial decision making. Environmental awareness is increased by describing and analyzing seven sub-environments: stakeholder, economic, political, social, ethical, competitive and ecological. The course provides a context for other courses in the program and acquaints students with the dynamics of managing in the business, public and nonprofit sectors of the U.S. economy. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50549 | BA 101 - -BU - -B | BUSINESS AND SOCIETY | Melvin S | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | BUSINESS AND SOCIETY
4.00 credits. Managers function within an environment and their actions influence a number of stakeholders who in turn influence managerial decision making. Environmental awareness is increased by describing and analyzing seven sub-environments: stakeholder, economic, political, social, ethical, competitive and ecological. The course provides a context for other courses in the program and acquaints students with the dynamics of managing in the business, public and nonprofit sectors of the U.S. economy. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50550 | BA 105 - -BU - -A | MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION AND STUDENT CAREER PREPAREDNESS | Greenberg B | Open | 50/50 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 1.00 | MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION AND STUDENT CAREER PREPAREDNESS
1.00 credit. Students will study written communication techniques used in the business world. They will learn the basics of memorandums, emails, and business letters. They will also learn how to find and apply effectively for internships with real organizations. The course also provides students with skills for using data to support business communication. *Prerequisite(s): This course is restricted to Business majors only and must be taken in the first year.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 95.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
1.00 credit. Students will study written communication techniques used in the business world. They will learn the basics of memorandums, emails, and business letters. They will also learn how to find and apply effectively for internships with real organizations. The course also provides students with skills for using data to support business communication. *Prerequisite(s): This course is restricted to Business majors only and must be taken in the first year.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50552 | BA 165 - -BU - -A | PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING | Riportella T | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (09:25am-10:55am) | 2.00 | PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING
2.00 credits. This course provides students with detailed information, methods, and techniques to effectively evaluate alternative courses of action and make informed financial decisions regarding basic personal finance. The course focuses on situations that students will encounter as they become financially independent. Topics include: budgeting, credit and money management, tax basics, purchasing and insurance issues, and basic investment concepts.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50553 | BA 165 - -BU - -B | PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING | Riportella T | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:25pm-01:55pm) | 2.00 | PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING
2.00 credits. This course provides students with detailed information, methods, and techniques to effectively evaluate alternative courses of action and make informed financial decisions regarding basic personal finance. The course focuses on situations that students will encounter as they become financially independent. Topics include: budgeting, credit and money management, tax basics, purchasing and insurance issues, and basic investment concepts.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
2.00 credits. This class will provide an introductory level exploration of Microsoft Excel. Various functions, worksheet navigation, and uses of Excel will be major components. *Prerequisite(s): any one of the following courses: BA 101, BA 197, EC 101, or EC 102. Restricted to majors in the School of Business.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
2.00 credits. This class will provide an introductory level exploration of Microsoft Excel. Various functions, worksheet navigation, and uses of Excel will be major components. *Prerequisite(s): any one of the following courses: BA 101, BA 197, EC 101, or EC 102. Restricted to majors in the School of Business.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
2.00 credits. This class will provide an introductory level exploration of Microsoft Excel. Various functions, worksheet navigation, and uses of Excel will be major components. *Prerequisite(s): any one of the following courses: BA 101, BA 197, EC 101, or EC 102. Restricted to majors in the School of Business.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
50557 | BA 248 - -BU - -A | QUANTITATIVE METHODS/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (EGR 248) | Beckfield B | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | QUANTITATIVE METHODS/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (EGR 248)
4.00 credits. Usage of quantitative methods and operations management concepts to optimize business decisions is learned. The quantitative methods covered are forecasting, decision making, decision analysis, and inventory management. The operations management concepts are project management, statistical process control, materials requirement planning, enterprise resource planning, scheduling, reliability, acceptance sampling and learning curves. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50559 | BA 260 - -BU - -A | INTRODUCTION TO DATA VISUALIZATION | Paul S | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (11:00am-12:20pm) | 2.00 | INTRODUCTION TO DATA VISUALIZATION
2.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to data visualization. It introduces students to design principles for creating meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making. The course uses data visualization tools, including Tableau, Power BI and R.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50560 | BA 260 - -BU - -B | INTRODUCTION TO DATA VISUALIZATION | Paul S | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (11:00am-12:20pm) | 2.00 | INTRODUCTION TO DATA VISUALIZATION
2.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to data visualization. It introduces students to design principles for creating meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making. The course uses data visualization tools, including Tableau, Power BI and R.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50561 | BA 265 - -BU - -A | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR | Ciocirlan C | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
4.00 credits. Critical management issues in planning, organizing, leading and controlling – within the framework of understanding why and how people interact with one another, in groups, and with the organization itself – are examined, with opportunities to enhance communication and interpersonal skills through learning at multiple levels, including individual reading, study and analysis, in-class lectures and exercises, and small discussion groups, in which newly acquired knowledge can be applied to the analysis of real-world scenarios.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50562 | BA 265 - -BU - -B | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR | Dessel A | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (03:30pm-06:10pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR
4.00 credits. Critical management issues in planning, organizing, leading and controlling – within the framework of understanding why and how people interact with one another, in groups, and with the organization itself – are examined, with opportunities to enhance communication and interpersonal skills through learning at multiple levels, including individual reading, study and analysis, in-class lectures and exercises, and small discussion groups, in which newly acquired knowledge can be applied to the analysis of real-world scenarios.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50563 | BA 330 - -BU - -A | LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS | Melvin S | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS
4.00 credits. The study and evaluation of legal, ethical and global issues as they pertain to understanding how a business organization operates in a changing socio-economic environment.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50569 | BA 337 - -BU - -A | INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AND ETHICAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS | Staff B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AND ETHICAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS
4.00 credits. An introduction to the study of international business law, the function and importance of public international law, the role of public and private international organizations, and public policy and ethics in setting standards and guidelines for international business. An understanding of the legal problems associated with economic integration within the European Union and North America is emphasized.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50451 | BA 350 - -BU - -A | EUROPEAN UNION SIMULATION I (PS 350) | Ozkanca O | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | EUROPEAN UNION SIMULATION I (PS 350)
4.00 credits. Study of the principles and theories of European integration; the history of the current European Union (E.U.), from the Treaty of Rome to the present, and the structure and functioning of the European Union, including class participation representing an E.U. Member State in the annual Mid-Atlantic European Union Consortium E.U. Simulation in Washington, D.C. Signature Learning Experience: Field Experience. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50570 | BA 365 - -BU - -A | TALENT MANAGEMENT | Ciocirlan C | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | TALENT MANAGEMENT
4.00 credits. This course discusses best practices for recruiting, selecting, onboarding, developing and managing talent in organizations. You will learn how to create an environment in which employees can realize their full potential and thrive at work, and how to build a strong talent pipeline with a focus on job satisfaction and retention, strategic issues in today's organizations. *Prerequisite(s): BA 265.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50571 | BA 495 - -BU - -A | BUSINESS POLICY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY | Sandu P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | BUSINESS POLICY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY
4.00 credits. A comprehensive and integrative course that builds on knowledge acquired in the prior business classes, this class offers the opportunity to integrate the knowledge through a cross-functional approach. The focus is understanding how companies craft and implement strategies that create and enhance sustainable competitive advantage. *Prerequisite(s): Senior status. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50922 | BA 495 - -BU - -B | BUSINESS POLICY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY | Sandu P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | BUSINESS POLICY AND CORPORATE STRATEGY
4.00 credits. A comprehensive and integrative course that builds on knowledge acquired in the prior business classes, this class offers the opportunity to integrate the knowledge through a cross-functional approach. The focus is understanding how companies craft and implement strategies that create and enhance sustainable competitive advantage. *Prerequisite(s): Senior status. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50337 | BIO111 - -BI - -A | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS | Noveral S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-08:50am) | 4.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS
4.00 credits. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity and animal development. For Biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. This course fulfills one of the Natural and Physical Sciences Core requirements for Biology majors. *Corequisite(s): BIO 111L. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing BIO 101 without permission of the Dean. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Students must achieve an average grade of C- or above in BIO 111 and BIO 112 to continue in the major or receive permission by the Dean and course instructor. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where BIO 111 is a required course within the academic program. Fall and Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50338 | BIO111 - -BI - -B | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS | Northington R | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:20am) | 4.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS
4.00 credits. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity and animal development. For Biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. This course fulfills one of the Natural and Physical Sciences Core requirements for Biology majors. *Corequisite(s): BIO 111L. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing BIO 101 without permission of the Dean. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Students must achieve an average grade of C- or above in BIO 111 and BIO 112 to continue in the major or receive permission by the Dean and course instructor. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where BIO 111 is a required course within the academic program. Fall and Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50339 | BIO111 - -BI - -C | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS | Wohl D | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:20am) | 4.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYSTEMS
4.00 credits. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity and animal development. For Biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. This course fulfills one of the Natural and Physical Sciences Core requirements for Biology majors. *Corequisite(s): BIO 111L. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing BIO 101 without permission of the Dean. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Students must achieve an average grade of C- or above in BIO 111 and BIO 112 to continue in the major or receive permission by the Dean and course instructor. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where BIO 111 is a required course within the academic program. Fall and Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50340 | BIO111 -L-BI - -A | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB | Noveral S | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-10:50am) | 0.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB
0.00 credit. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity, and animal development. For biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. *Corequisite: BIO 111. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50341 | BIO111 -L-BI - -B | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB | Flesher J | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB
0.00 credit. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity, and animal development. For biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. *Corequisite: BIO 111. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50342 | BIO111 -L-BI - -C | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB | Northington R | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB
0.00 credit. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity, and animal development. For biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. *Corequisite: BIO 111. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50343 | BIO111 -L-BI - -D | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB | Noveral S | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-10:50am) | 0.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB
0.00 credit. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity, and animal development. For biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. *Corequisite: BIO 111. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50344 | BIO111 -L-BI - -E | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB | Flesher J | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | MOLECULES, CELLS, & ANIMAL SYST LAB
0.00 credit. The study of the chemical and cellular basis of life, human and animal anatomy and physiology, cellular reproduction, heredity, and animal development. For biology majors and those students taking additional biology courses. *Corequisite: BIO 111. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50345 | BIO201 - -BI - -A | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I | Flesher J | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I
4.00 credits. The study of structure and function of the human integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Particular attention is given to structure and function as it relates to dysfunction and disease. Laboratory work includes learning from human cadavers. Enrollment limited to science and health-related majors. *Prerequisite(s): A grade of C- or better in BIO 111, or permission of instructor. *Corequisite(s): BIO 201L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester. Course Fee.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50346 | BIO201 - -BI - -B | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I | Flesher J | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I
4.00 credits. The study of structure and function of the human integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Particular attention is given to structure and function as it relates to dysfunction and disease. Laboratory work includes learning from human cadavers. Enrollment limited to science and health-related majors. *Prerequisite(s): A grade of C- or better in BIO 111, or permission of instructor. *Corequisite(s): BIO 201L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester. Course Fee.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50347 | BIO201 - -BI - -C | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I | Goldina A | Open | 32/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I
4.00 credits. The study of structure and function of the human integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Particular attention is given to structure and function as it relates to dysfunction and disease. Laboratory work includes learning from human cadavers. Enrollment limited to science and health-related majors. *Prerequisite(s): A grade of C- or better in BIO 111, or permission of instructor. *Corequisite(s): BIO 201L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester. Course Fee.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50348 | BIO201 -L-BI - -A | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Newell E | Open | 17/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50349 | BIO201 -L-BI - -B | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Newell E | Open | 17/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50350 | BIO201 -L-BI - -C | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Flesher J | Open | 17/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50351 | BIO201 -L-BI - -D | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Newell E | Open | 17/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50352 | BIO201 -L-BI - -E | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Newell E | Open | 18/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50353 | BIO201 -L-BI - -F | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB | Goldina A | Open | 16/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab that accompanies BIO 201 lecture. *Corequisite: BIO 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50354 | BIO211 - -BI - -A | GENETICS | Mylin L | Open | 60/60 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:20am) | 4.00 | GENETICS
4.00 credits. An integrated and comprehensive review of Mendelian and non-Mendelian principles of heredity. Heredity will be discussed on a molecular level, including chromosomal structure and replication, gene regulation, DNA mutation and repair, as well as modern genetics topics, such as epigenetic regulation and genetically modified organisms. Laboratory work includes demonstration of genetic principles through hands-on activities like Drosophila crosses and molecular genotyping of dihybrid crosses. Students will acquire foundational molecular biology techniques. *Prerequisite(s): An average grade of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112 or permission by the instructor. *Corequisite(s): BIO 211L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50355 | BIO211 -L-BI - -A | GENETICS LAB | Mylin L | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | GENETICS LAB
0.00 credit. An integrated and comprehensive review of classical, neo-Mendelian principles of heredity and molecular biology. Laboratory work involves Drosophila crosses and basic techniques employed for molecular investigations. *Corequisite: BIO 211. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50356 | BIO211 -L-BI - -B | GENETICS LAB | Mylin L | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | GENETICS LAB
0.00 credit. An integrated and comprehensive review of classical, neo-Mendelian principles of heredity and molecular biology. Laboratory work involves Drosophila crosses and basic techniques employed for molecular investigations. *Corequisite: BIO 211. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50357 | BIO211 -L-BI - -C | GENETICS LAB | Mylin L | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | GENETICS LAB
0.00 credit. An integrated and comprehensive review of classical, neo-Mendelian principles of heredity and molecular biology. Laboratory work involves Drosophila crosses and basic techniques employed for molecular investigations. *Corequisite: BIO 211. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50358 | BIO274 - -BI - -A | BIOLOGICAL INTERNSHIP | Newell E | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | BIOLOGICAL INTERNSHIP
Variable (0.00 - 4.00) credits. Biological Internship 274 is a Signature Learning Experience that is intended for those students who are exploring career options in health care, and/or need observation hours for their intended post-baccalaureate programs. These experiences do not involve independent direct patient care, but instead, participation in peripheral patient care through medical shadowing of Physician Assistants, Physical Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, Nurse Practitioner, Veterinarians, etc. Administrative positions such as Health Care Management/Administration, Medical Social Work, Wildlife Management, etc. are also possible, after consultation, with the Internship director. The credits earned in BIO 274 are free electives, and do not fulfill the requirements for a Biology elective. Register by Instructor. Signature Learning Experience: Internship.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50359 | BIO276 - -BI - -A | CAREER SEMINAR | Bridge D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 1.00 | CAREER SEMINAR
1.00 credit. Through this course, Biology, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science majors will explore their own strengths and abilities, learn about the intersection and breadth of these fields, and explore career paths and career options. In this course, students will interview professionals, create a customized education plan, and develop the skills necessary for communicating their interests, abilities, and experiences to a professional audience. They will also learn how to find and apply effectively for internships with real organizations. *Prerequisite(s): An average of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112 or permission of instructor.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50372 | BIO301 - -BI - -A | ADVANCED HUMAN ANATOMY | Goldina A | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | ADVANCED HUMAN ANATOMY
4.00 credits. An exploration of human anatomical variation through cadaver dissection. Students learn about structural organization of the human body, develop dissection skills, and explore the history of anatomy and role of cadaveric dissection in medicine and culture. Hours: 6. *Prerequisite(s): Pre-requisites: Grade of C or better in BIO 201 and BIO 202 and instructor permission. Register by Instructor. Fall semester, alternate years. Course fee.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| BIO301 - -BI - -A | LAB - ADVANCED HUMAN ANATOMY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-03:20pm) | | |
50360 | BIO310 - -BI - -A | MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | Bridge D | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:20am) | 3.00 | MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
3.00 credits. This course provides background in bacterial and eukaryotic molecular biology, including mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, and translation. We will discuss regulation of gene expression in bacteria and eukaryotes, current techniques used to study and manipulate molecular processes, and ethical questions raised by rapid advances in molecular biology. Students will gain experience in reading and interpreting scientific journal articles. Through case studies, we will explore applications of molecular biology in areas including infectious and heritable disease, cancer biology, crop science, and conservation biology. *Prerequisite(s): An average of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112 or permission by instructor. Hours: 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50361 | BIO310 -L-BI - -A | MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY | Bridge D | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 1.00 | MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY
1.00 credit. This course provides hands-on experience with current molecular biology techniques. Planning and trouble-shooting experiments and interpreting experimental results are emphasized. Students gain experience with basic bioinformatics, PCR, molecular cloning, and use of CRISPR/Cas9 for DNA editing. *Corequisite(s): BIO 310. Hours: 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50362 | BIO313 - -BI - -A | GENERAL ECOLOGY | Bowne D | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:20am) | 3.00 | GENERAL ECOLOGY
3.00 credits. We investigate the relationships between organisms and their environment in the context of individual behavior, population dynamics, community structure, energy flow, and nutrient cycling *Prerequisite(s): An average grade of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112, 16 total credit hours of biology or permission of instructor. Hours: 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50363 | BIO313 -L-BI - -A | GENERAL ECOLOGY LABORATORY | Bowne D | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 1.00 | GENERAL ECOLOGY LABORATORY
1.00 credit. As an inquiry-based course, we will conduct ecological studies through observational experimental, and modeling approaches. Students will learn ecological techniques to study individual behavior, population dynamics, community structure, and ecosystem processes. *Corequisite(s): BIO 313. Hours: 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50364 | BIO317 - -BI - -A | AQUATIC ECOLOGY | Northington R | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-08:50am) | 4.00 | AQUATIC ECOLOGY
4.00 credits. The study of physical, chemical, and biological relationships in freshwater aquatic ecosystems including lakes, streams, and wetlands. The course will include laboratory and field experimentation using local aquatic ecosystems. *Prerequisite(s): An average grade of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112 or permission of instructor. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester, when offered.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| BIO317 - -BI - -A | LAB - AQUATIC ECOLOGY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | | |
50375 | BIO322 - -BI - -A | IMMUNOLOGY | Defnet A | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 3.00 | IMMUNOLOGY
3.00 credits. A study of the effector mechanisms of the innate and adaptive immune system that protect us from infectious disease. The course includes discussion of how the immune system contributes to human disease through allergy and autoimmunity, and medicine through vaccination and immunotherapy. *Prerequisite(s): An average grade of C- or better in BIO 111 and BIO 112 or permission of instructor. Hours: 3. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50376 | BIO322 -L-BI - -A | IMMUNOLOGY LABORATORY | Defnet A | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-10:50am) | 1.00 | IMMUNOLOGY LABORATORY
1.00 credit. The immunology laboratory experiments demonstrate many of the research methods currently utilized for studying immunology. This includes ELISA, flow cytometry, Western blotting, and cell culture *Corequisite(s): BIO 322. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50374 | BIO335 - -BI - -A | MICROBIAL ECOLOGY AND DIVERSITY | Wohl D | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MICROBIAL ECOLOGY AND DIVERSITY
4.00 credits. The study of microorganisms from community, population, and systems ecology perspectives. This course examines fitness trade-offs in context of environmental challenges, as well as microbial diversity. Topics will include biogeochemical cycling, degradation of organic matter, and symbiosis while highlighting unique environments such as thermal vents, the gut of ruminant animals, and anoxic environments. Laboratory is used to further develop experimental design, field-based research, and molecular approaches to microbial community ecology. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 235 or permission of instructor. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester, when offered.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50365 | BIO474 - -BI - -A | INTERNSHIP IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Newell E | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | INTERNSHIP IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s). Work experience in a biological science-related field, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, health care, analytical laboratories and state agencies. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. A maximum of four credit hours from Biology 474 may count as biology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50366 | BIO491 - -BI - -A | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY | Bowne D | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY
Variable credit. An original research investigation planned and performed by students in consultation with faculty. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their research mentor before enrolling in the course. A maximum of four credit hours from Biology 491 and 492 combined can count as biology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. A research experience totaling four credits is required for Honors in Biology. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50367 | BIO491 - -BI - -B | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY | Northington R | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY
Variable credit. An original research investigation planned and performed by students in consultation with faculty. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their research mentor before enrolling in the course. A maximum of four credit hours from Biology 491 and 492 combined can count as biology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. A research experience totaling four credits is required for Honors in Biology. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50368 | BIO491 - -BI - -C | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY | Wohl D | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY
Variable credit. An original research investigation planned and performed by students in consultation with faculty. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their research mentor before enrolling in the course. A maximum of four credit hours from Biology 491 and 492 combined can count as biology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. A research experience totaling four credits is required for Honors in Biology. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50369 | BIO491 - -BI - -D | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY | Bridge D | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY
Variable credit. An original research investigation planned and performed by students in consultation with faculty. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their research mentor before enrolling in the course. A maximum of four credit hours from Biology 491 and 492 combined can count as biology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. A research experience totaling four credits is required for Honors in Biology. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: CH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: CH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: CH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50150 | CH 105 -L-6NPS-C-A | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE | Rood J | Open | 7/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany CH105. *Corequisite: CH 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50155 | CH 105 -L-6NPS-C-B | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE | MacKay J | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany CH105. *Corequisite: CH 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50156 | CH 105 -L-6NPS-C-C | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE | Staff S | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-10:50am) | 0.00 | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany CH105. *Corequisite: CH 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50157 | CH 105 -L-6NPS-C-D | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE | Toote L | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | NPS FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB MOLECULAR SCIENCE
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany CH105. *Corequisite: CH 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50158 | CH 201 - -CH - -A | LABORATORY METHODS IN CHEMISTRY | Kneas K | Open | 32/32 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (04:00pm-04:50pm) | 3.00 | LABORATORY METHODS IN CHEMISTRY
2.00 credits. This course presents several analytical laboratory techniques that are used in many of the upper-level chemistry (and other science) courses. These techniques include: making careful volumetric and gravimetric measurements, performing statistical analysis and writing a report. *Prerequisite(s): CH 105. Hours: lecture 1, laboratory 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50159 | CH 201 -L-CH - -A | METHODS IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY | Kneas K | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | METHODS IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY
0.00 credit. Laboratory for Methods in Chemistry. *Corequisite: CH 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50160 | CH 201 -L-CH - -B | METHODS IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY | Kneas K | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 0.00 | METHODS IN CHEMISTRY LABORATORY
0.00 credit. Laboratory for Methods in Chemistry. *Corequisite: CH 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50161 | CH 213 - -CH - -A | ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II | MacKay J | Open | 42/42 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:00am) | 3.00 | ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II
3.00 credits. A continuation of CH 113, that builds on the principles of structure and reactivity from kinetic, thermodynamic, stereochemical, and mechanistic viewpoints. An emphasis will be placed on synthesis and reaction mechanism with a focus on the chemistry of aromatic compounds and the carbonyl group. The importance of organic compounds across disciplines and in everyday life will be emphasized. *Prerequisite(s): a grade of C- or above in CH 113. Hours: lecture 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50162 | CH 216 - -CH - -A | SYNTHESIS LAB | MacKay J | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 2.00 | SYNTHESIS LAB
2.00 credits. Synthesis spans the sub-disciplines of chemistry and offers the power to build molecules for unlimited applications. This laboratory course focuses on chemical transformations with the goal of making relevant and useful products. In the course, students will build upon both knowledge and synthetic techniques learned in prior courses to perform multi-step synthesis, purification, and chemical analysis of products. There will be an emphasis on reaction optimization and a variety of chemical and spectroscopic characterization methods will be employed. *Prerequisite(s): C- or higher in CH 213. Hours: Laboratory 3. Fall and spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50163 | CH 291 - -CH - -A | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Kneas K | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 3.00) credit(s). An independent experimental or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member and designed specifically for students who are too early in their course work to begin CH 491, CH 490, or CH 471. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50164 | CH 291 - -CH - -B | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Defnet A | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 3.00) credit(s). An independent experimental or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member and designed specifically for students who are too early in their course work to begin CH 491, CH 490, or CH 471. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50165 | CH 291 - -CH - -C | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Toote L | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 3.00) credit(s). An independent experimental or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member and designed specifically for students who are too early in their course work to begin CH 491, CH 490, or CH 471. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50166 | CH 291 - -CH - -D | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | MacKay J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 3.00) credit(s). An independent experimental or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member and designed specifically for students who are too early in their course work to begin CH 491, CH 490, or CH 471. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Register by Instructor. Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50167 | CH 323 - -CH - -A | BIOCHEMISTRY I | Defnet A | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 3.00 | BIOCHEMISTRY I
3.00 credits. The integration of principles introduced in previous courses, including general biology, general chemistry, and organic chemistry, applied towards an understanding of living matter. Structures, functions, and metabolism of the major classes of biomolecules are emphasized. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 111, CH 213, and an additional 200-level biology or chemistry and biochemistry program course. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50169 | CH 395 - -CH - -A | CHEMISTRY SEMINAR I | Kneas K | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:15pm) | 1.00 | CHEMISTRY SEMINAR I
1.00 credit. Part of a two-semester seminar sequence, CH 395 challenges students to critically evaluate how chemistry is communicated to a range of audiences through the written and spoken word. In addition to completing a major writing piece, students are required to deliver at least one oral presentation, as well as attend and evaluate the oral presentations of their peers. Hours: seminar 1. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50175 | CH 414 - -CH - -A | ADVANCED INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS | Toote L | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:30am) | 2.00 | ADVANCED INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS
2.00 credits. Modern analytical methods, applications and instrumentation. *Prerequisite(s): CH 214. Hours: lecture 2. Fall or spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50170 | CH 491 - -CH - -A | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Rood J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s). An original experiment or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member. Experimental design and a written report are required. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50171 | CH 491 - -CH - -B | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | MacKay J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s). An original experiment or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member. Experimental design and a written report are required. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50172 | CH 491 - -CH - -C | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Toote L | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s). An original experiment or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member. Experimental design and a written report are required. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50173 | CH 491 - -CH - -D | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY | Defnet A | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY
Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s). An original experiment or theoretical investigation under the close supervision of a faculty member. Experimental design and a written report are required. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50174 | CH 495 - -CH - -A | CHEMISTRY SEMINAR III | Kneas K | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:15pm) | 1.00 | CHEMISTRY SEMINAR III
1.00 credit. Part of a two-semester seminar sequence, CH 495 challenges students to critically evaluate how chemistry is communicated to a range of audiences through the written and spoken word. In addition to completing a major writing piece, students are required to deliver at least one oral presentation, as well as attend and evaluate the oral presentations of their peers. Hours: seminar 1. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50426 | CJ 100 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE | Crandall K | Open | 14/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | WCH INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE
4.00 credits. This course familiarizes students with the four main services of the criminal justice system: policing, courts, corrections, and victim services. This course will focus on the historical and current structures and operations of each service. Students will learn the criminal justice system as a timeline approach to better understand the importance of each service, service overlap, and service impact on the criminal justice system.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50460 | CJ 100 - -4WCH-C-B | WCH INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE | Crandall K | Open | 30/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | WCH INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE
4.00 credits. This course familiarizes students with the four main services of the criminal justice system: policing, courts, corrections, and victim services. This course will focus on the historical and current structures and operations of each service. Students will learn the criminal justice system as a timeline approach to better understand the importance of each service, service overlap, and service impact on the criminal justice system.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (100% Online) |
50427 | CJ 220 - -CJ - -A | CORRECTIONS IN AMERICA | Staff P | Open | 10/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | CORRECTIONS IN AMERICA
4.00 credits. This introductory course provides students with an understanding of the correctional system in America. The course will review the historical, current, and future trends in corrections. More specifically, students will be provided with an overview of punishment, sentencing practices, and correctional institutions including jails, prisons, and community corrections.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50974 | CJ 220 - -CJ - -B | CORRECTIONS IN AMERICA | Staff P | Open | 10/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | CORRECTIONS IN AMERICA
4.00 credits. This introductory course provides students with an understanding of the correctional system in America. The course will review the historical, current, and future trends in corrections. More specifically, students will be provided with an overview of punishment, sentencing practices, and correctional institutions including jails, prisons, and community corrections.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50455 | CJ 352 - -CJ - -A | JUVENILE LAW AND JUSTICE | Staff P | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | JUVENILE LAW AND JUSTICE
4.00 credits. An analysis of young offenders focusing on delinquency theory, juvenile law, and components and processes of the juvenile justice system. Signature Learning Experience - Community-Based Learning. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50428 | CJ 400 - -CJ - -A | SENIOR PROJECT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE | Crandall K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE
Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s). Students who have been invited and accepted to participate in the Honors in the Discipline Program may be registered for this course. Completion of this course does not assure recognition for Honors in the Discipline. *Prerequisite(s): Invitation to Honors in the Discipline program. See the Dean for additional information Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50429 | CJ 470 - -CJ - -A | CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP | Crandall K | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNSHIP
Variable (0.00-8.00) credits. Applied field instruction in a subfield of criminal justice chosen to meet the needs of the student. A maximum of eight credit hours may count as criminal justice electives. Additional credits count as free electives. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of Internship Supervisor. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50430 | CJ 495 - -CJ - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE | Crandall K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-07:45pm) | 4.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE
4.00 credits. This Capstone course is for senior criminal justice students. This culminating experience requires students to integrate, synthesize, and apply knowledge and skills learned in the Criminal Justice Program. This course will include projects and assignments that address the Student Learning Outcomes of the Criminal Justice Program. The final project will be used for assessment purposes. Signature Learning Experience - Capstone. *Prerequisite(s): CJ 100, CJ 110.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50431 | COM120 - -CM - -A | INTRO TO COMMUNICATIONS | Barcaro M | Open | 9/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | INTRO TO COMMUNICATIONS
4.00 credits. In this course students study communication as a field of study focusing both on human and mediated communication (news, persuasion, entertainment). As theories provide the means to understand, explain, predict and implement communication processes and events. This course will also expose students to significant media history to inform the current applications of media in society, business and mass communication environments. *This course is required of all Communications majors and minors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50433 | COM210 - -CM - -A | PRESENTATION SKILLS | Johnson K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | PRESENTATION SKILLS
4.00 credits. Students become proficient at translating the written word into a professional oral performance. Exercises and projects develop competence in a variety of areas. This course is an advanced professional speaking course, which allows students to experience various presentation formats with the focus on one organization.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50939 | COM211 - -CM - -A | MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISM (EN 211) | Lanyon A | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISM (EN 211)
4.00 credits. In this course students study the application and importance of clear, logical writing necessary for success in print, broadcast and online project management. Grammar, language skills and Associated Press style will be introduced and refined. *Pre/Corequisite(s): EN 185 or COM 120.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50434 | COM230 - -CM - -A | VIDEO PRODUCTION | Johnson K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | VIDEO PRODUCTION
4.00 credits. The technical and aesthetic fundamentals of the television industry and video production fields are explored in this course, including an advanced examination of writing and production materials for television/video programming. Through the development of analytical, technical and critical skills, the student will become knowledgeable in writing and producing a complete range of video projects. Students are required to purchase production materials for the course. *Prerequisite(s): COM 130.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50456 | COM261 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM FILM STUDIES | Helb C | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (06:00pm-09:20pm) | 4.00 | HUM FILM STUDIES
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This course is an introduction to cinema studies including the history of cinema, methodologies of filmmaking and criticism, and critical analysis of film. Throughout the semester, students will learn to actively watch and analyze a variety of films, as well as the general application of critical film analysis. the history of film from the early experimental films produced at the turn of the century through the rise of the “Studio System,” alternative cinema and “New Hollywood,” and contemporary filmmaking. Major film theories and theorists will be explored contemporaneously and critically analyzed.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50457 | COM310 - -CM - -A | NEW MEDIA PRODUCTION | Helb C | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | NEW MEDIA PRODUCTION
4.00 credits. This course is an examination of convergence in mass media and how that convergence impacts website design. Through theory, application and practice, students will learn about media convergence and its place in the new media landscape. Emphasis will be placed on proper design and evaluation of websites. *Prerequisite(s): COM 130 or ART 207.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50435 | COM316 - -CM - -A | BROADCAST NEWS | Johnson K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | BROADCAST NEWS
4.00 credits. This course serves as an introduction to the styles and techniques of writing for the broadcast media. Emphasis is given to conceptualizing, writing and editing news copy for television and radio. *Prerequisites: COM 211, COM 220 and COM 230.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50436 | COM351 - -CM - -A | PUBLIC RELATIONS | Gillis T | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | PUBLIC RELATIONS
4.00 credits. A study of the theory and practice of public relations, its role in administration, its role in society, and its potential as a career. Course content addresses strategies and tactics of public relations in commercial, nonprofit and government organizations. *Prerequisite(s): COM 211.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50437 | COM355 - -CM - -A | PR WRITING | Gillis T | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | PR WRITING
4.00 credits. In this course students study a survey of strategic writing activities that address the most common and best practices in corporate communication, included but not limited to project management documents, media relations documents, and corporate media production documents. *Prerequisite(s): COM 211.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50438 | COM400 - -CM - -A | HONORS IN THE DISCIPLINE I | Gillis T | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | HONORS IN THE DISCIPLINE I
2.00 credits. Communications majors of superior ability are invited to explore a topic of their choosing and produce a major work in consultation with the student's honors committee. A public oral presentation of the work is also expected.*Prerequisite(s): Communications majors with a GPA of at least 3.6 in the major and 3.5 overall by the end of the fall semester of their junior year. By invitation only. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50439 | COM471 - -CM - -A | INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATIONS | Gillis T | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | INTERNSHIP IN COMMUNICATIONS
Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s). Supervised application of previously studied theory by professionals in the field of the student's concentration. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, majors only, 2.70 cumulative grade point average with a 3.00 grade point average in the major. *Prerequisite(s): At least sophomore standing, and majors/minors only. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit for a maximum of 4 credits toward the major. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50941 | COM495 - -CM - -A | COMMUNICATIONS CAPSTONE | Gillis T | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | COMMUNICATIONS CAPSTONE
4.00 credits. A capstone course providing an integration of course work, knowledge, skills and experiential learning to enable the student to demonstrate a broad mastery of professional expectations for a promise of initial employability, further learning and career advancement. Critical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving strategies, effective written and oral communication, quantitative and qualitative analysis, computer literacy, library competency and mediated communication related to a student's concentration and specific career plans is employed. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50966 | CS 121 - -8MA -C-A | MA COMPUTER SCIENCE I | Reddig N | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | MA COMPUTER SCIENCE I
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course). The fundamental concepts of computer organization, machine-level representation of data, algorithmic development and structured programming are presented with an emphasis on the syntactic and execution characteristics of an object-oriented programming language, including data types; arithmetic operators and assignment; input/output, selection and iteration constructs; elementary data structures; and procedural abstraction.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50967 | CS 121 - -8MA -C-B | MA COMPUTER SCIENCE I | Wang J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | MA COMPUTER SCIENCE I
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course). The fundamental concepts of computer organization, machine-level representation of data, algorithmic development and structured programming are presented with an emphasis on the syntactic and execution characteristics of an object-oriented programming language, including data types; arithmetic operators and assignment; input/output, selection and iteration constructs; elementary data structures; and procedural abstraction.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50820 | CS 122 - -CS - -A | COMPUTER SCIENCE II | Li P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | COMPUTER SCIENCE II
4.00 credits. A continuation of the presentation of the computer software essentials. The course surveys fundamental data structures for information processing and corresponding algorithm construction. The implementation of these data structures is considered. Additional topics include recursion, file processing, classes and advanced object-oriented programming techniques. *Prerequisite(s): CS 121.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50872 | CS 170 - -CS - -A | APPLICATION OF GENERATIVE AI | Wang J | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 2.00 | APPLICATION OF GENERATIVE AI
2.00 credits. Special Topics in Computer Science.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50873 | CS 209 - -CS - -A | DATABASE SYSTEMS | Reddig N | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | DATABASE SYSTEMS
4.00 credits. An introduction to concepts of databases and database management systems including the storage, processing, evaluation, display and security of data. The course represents a study of the database logical and physical design; of the basic management techniques using the most popular data languages, SQL and QBE; and of the different methodologies for database development - the relational approach and the object-oriented approach. Practical skills to create concrete databases and the corresponding information systems using some of the most used software products (Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL and MS Access) are considered. *Prerequisite(s): CS 121. Fall Semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50874 | CS 221 - -CS - -A | DATA STRUCTURES | Leap T | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | DATA STRUCTURES
4.00 credits. The design of algorithms for handling abstract data types, including stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs is coupled with an introduction to complexity analysis, storage allocation and management. *Prerequisite(s): CS 122. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50875 | CS 250 - -CS - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF AI & DATA SCIENCE | Li P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF AI & DATA SCIENCE
4.00 credits. This project-based course introduces students to data science. Data science is an interdisciplinary field that applies computer science and statistics to extract useful knowledge from data collected in an almost unlimited range of other disciplines, including business, biology, physics, medicine, meteorology, and many others. In this course, students will apply tools such as k-nearest neighbors, regression, neural networks, and clustering to real data. *Prerequisite(s): CS 113, CS 122 and MA 121.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50853 | CS 296 - -CS - -A | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR (EGR 296) | Zegers S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:30pm) | 1.00 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR (EGR 296)
1.00 credit. Professional skill development in areas such as resumes, cover letters, networking, interviewing and searching for a job or internship in engineering, computer science, and related fields. Fall or Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50876 | CS 312 - -CS - -A | APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | Wang J | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT
4.00 credits. This course provides an in-depth exploration of creating applications for Android and iOS platforms. Students gain proficiency in programming languages for mobile app development, engaging in hands-on projects to design, develop, and deploy functional mobile applications. The course balances theoretical knowledge with practical exercises, preparing students for careers in the dynamic field of mobile app development. *Prerequisite(s): CS 122. Fall semester. Odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50877 | CS 341 - -CS - -A | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | Reddig N | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
4.00 credits. An introduction to software development methodologies including requirements specification, design, testing, maintenance, and documentation. Students will participate in a large team-based software development project using version control software. *Prerequisite(s): CS 122. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| CS 341 - -CS - -A | LAB - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-10:50am) | | |
50878 | CS 342 - -CS - -A | COMPUTER NETWORKING | Leap T | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | COMPUTER NETWORKING
4.00 credits. Theory and knowledge of computer networks, the operation of the network, the characteristics of network architecture as it relates to the ISO model and administration, and the security and management of networks are provided. Other topics include network hardware requirements, such as routers, repeaters, gateways, interface cards, file servers, network topology options, and the Internet. *Prerequisite(s): CS 122. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50879 | CS 363 - -CS - -A | COMPUTER SECURITY | Li P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | COMPUTER SECURITY
4.00 credits. This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of computer security. Foundational concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability are discussed in the context of both designing systems and evaluating existing systems for vulnerabilities. Cryptography is explored as a tool that can be applied to many aspects of computer security. Theoretical discussions of security principles are enriched by examples from real world systems and protocols. *Prerequisite(s): CS 122. Spring semesters, even-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50880 | CS 401 - -CS - -A | CAPSTONE PROJECT IN COMPUTING | Wang J | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 2.00 | CAPSTONE PROJECT IN COMPUTING
2.00 credits.A demanding computing project performed in a team and under the supervision of computer science faculty. Students will design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements. Students work in groups of 3-5 and will follow the Agile SCRUM project management methodology. All projects are unstructured with no predetermined solution. The scope includes proposing a project, identifying computing and user requirements, and prototyping a solution. A proposal, progress reports, and a public seminar are required. *Prerequisite(s): CS 341 and senior status.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50821 | CS 421 - -CS - -A | PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION | Leap T | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION
4.00 credits. Design and construction of system software such as compilers, interpreters and assemblers. Topics include command and statement parsing techniques, symbol tables, code generation and code optimization. A project involving design and construction of a working systems program is assigned. *Prerequisite(s): CS 222. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50960 | CW 230 - -3CE -C-A | CE NOVEL STUDY & WRITING | Smith C | Open | 13/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | CE NOVEL STUDY & WRITING
2.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course). This class is designed to introduce students to novel writing. Students will study four novels per semester and generate their own creative work. Students will also give presentations addressing craft, style, and current trends in literature. This course is two credits and can be repeated in the spring semester (spring semester can be viewed as a carryover from the fall semester—or it can be taken as a standalone). *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50961 | CW 490 - -CW - -A | SPECIAL PROJECT IN CREATIVE WRITING | Dolson E | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | SPECIAL PROJECT IN CREATIVE WRITING
Variable (2.00-4.00) credits. Students will propose and complete an independent project focused on creative writing. *Prerequisite(s): CW160 and EN100. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50696 | DA 101 - -3CE -C-A | CE INTRODUCTION TO MODERN DANCE | Pontz K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-11:50am) | 2.00 | CE INTRODUCTION TO MODERN DANCE
2.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introduction to modern dance techniques and aesthetics requiring athletic, creative and cognitive participation. Course work includes physical conditioning techniques, interpretive/creative movement experiences, and modern dance technique basics. Reading, discussion, writing and viewing contemporary dance facilitate an overall appreciation of dance as an art form.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50697 | DA 102 - -3CE -C-A | CE INTRODUCTION TO BALLET | Pontz K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (10:00am-10:50am) | 2.00 | CE INTRODUCTION TO BALLET
2.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) A basic introduction to ballet technique, including bar, center floor and traveling combinations. Class includes development of anatomically correct alignment and dance technique, dance conditioning, spatial clarity, coordination, rhythm, use of weight, time and space. Class work will include readings, discussions, viewing of dance films, short writing assignments and performances of rehearsed dance sequences. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50572 | DAT200 - -DAT - -A | DATA ANALYTICS | Reddig N | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-09:20am) | 2.00 | DATA ANALYTICS
2.00 credits. An introduction to databases and SQL queries. Topics include how to create, read, and use Structured Query Language (SQL), design, population, query, and use of databases.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50573 | DAT300 - -DAT - -A | BIG DATA AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS | Krichevskiy D | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (05:00pm-07:00pm) | 2.00 | BIG DATA AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
2.00 credits. Big Data and Statistical Analysis provides an introduction to the fundamentals of data preparation and management, data mining, and forecasting using SAS® Enterprise Miner. This is an application-driven course allowing students to gain an understanding of Enterprise Miner software environment, statistical basics of data mining and forecasting, and the practical issues involved in applied forecasting in a business setting. Upon completion of this course, students shall be able to independently carry out data analysis and forecasting projects. *Prerequisite: MA 251.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50574 | EC 101 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS | Paul S | Open | 13/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to a country’s gross domestic product. Topics covered include factors affecting a country’s output of goods and services, the role of fiscal policy and monetary policy in dealing with inflation and unemployment, the Federal Reserve system and the goal of price stability, causes and consequences of budget deficits, and factors affecting trade deficits and exchange rates.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50575 | EC 101 - -7SSC-C-B | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS | Paul S | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to a country’s gross domestic product. Topics covered include factors affecting a country’s output of goods and services, the role of fiscal policy and monetary policy in dealing with inflation and unemployment, the Federal Reserve system and the goal of price stability, causes and consequences of budget deficits, and factors affecting trade deficits and exchange rates.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50576 | EC 102 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS | Krichevskiy D | Open | 14/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) Topics covered include the basis for decision-making by economic agents, utility maximization by consumers, the demand curve, profit maximization by firms, diminishing returns and input choice, optimal output and price for a firm in various market structures, market failure, income inequality, and comparative advantage and international trade.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50577 | EC 102 - -7SSC-C-B | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS | Krichevskiy D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | SSC PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) Topics covered include the basis for decision-making by economic agents, utility maximization by consumers, the demand curve, profit maximization by firms, diminishing returns and input choice, optimal output and price for a firm in various market structures, market failure, income inequality, and comparative advantage and international trade.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50462 | ED 105 - -ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING | Peters K | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING
4.00 credits. This course is designed to introduce students to the philosophical, sociological, political and historical foundations of education and learning. The course emphasizes on the concepts, theories, and research on learning and the factors, including teaching, that influence learning. Fieldwork experience is required which will include a rotation of placements in early childhood, middle, and secondary levels, and will require an FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees).*Prerequisite(s): Education majors only. *Corequisite(s): ED 105L. A grade of C or better must be earned to continue in the program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50463 | ED 105 - -ED - -B | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING | Bellew W | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING
4.00 credits. This course is designed to introduce students to the philosophical, sociological, political and historical foundations of education and learning. The course emphasizes on the concepts, theories, and research on learning and the factors, including teaching, that influence learning. Fieldwork experience is required which will include a rotation of placements in early childhood, middle, and secondary levels, and will require an FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees).*Prerequisite(s): Education majors only. *Corequisite(s): ED 105L. A grade of C or better must be earned to continue in the program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50464 | ED 105 -L-ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB | Poff L | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (08:00am-10:00am) | 0.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB
0.00 credit. Lab for ED105. *Corequisite: ED 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50465 | ED 105 -L-ED - -B | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB | Poff L | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:30am-11:30am) | 0.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB
0.00 credit. Lab for ED105. *Corequisite: ED 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50466 | ED 105 -L-ED - -C | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB | Poff L | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (01:00pm-03:00pm) | 0.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING LAB
0.00 credit. Lab for ED105. *Corequisite: ED 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50467 | ED 150 - -ED - -A | EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT | Bellew W | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT
4.00 credits. This course is designed to introduce students to the foundations of early childhood development. The course examines the concepts, theories, and research on child development. The course focuses on the typical and atypical physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of children between 0 and 9 years. Students will be introduced to different models and approaches in early childhood and developmentally appropriate practices. Field experience is required, which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees). *Prerequisite(s): ED 105. *Corequisite(s): ED 150L. A grade of C or better must be earned to continue in the program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50468 | ED 150 -L-ED - -A | EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT LAB | Bellew W | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 0.00 | EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT LAB
0.00 credit. This course will familiarize pre-service teachers with the concepts, theories and research of cognition and learning during the early childhood period (0 to 9 years). The course emphasizes the study of theories of cognitive development and learning, constructivism, memory, higher-order thinking, motivation, individual differences and the application of these theories in the early childhood classroom. Includes field experience, which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, and Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance (fees). *Corequisite: ED 150.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50469 | ED 161 - -ED - -A | INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY | Shoemaker N | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (05:00pm-06:20pm) | 2.00 | INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY
2.00 credits. An introductory study of current and emerging instructional media and technologies used across the grades and curricula. Organizing time and records through technology and computer-mediated communications, including basic multimedia presentation tools, are presented. Classroom-related features of Word and PowerPoint are practiced at an introductory level.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50470 | ED 161 - -ED - -B | INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY | Shoemaker N | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (06:30pm-07:50pm) | 2.00 | INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY
2.00 credits. An introductory study of current and emerging instructional media and technologies used across the grades and curricula. Organizing time and records through technology and computer-mediated communications, including basic multimedia presentation tools, are presented. Classroom-related features of Word and PowerPoint are practiced at an introductory level.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50471 | ED 212 - -ED - -A | CHILDREN/ADOLESCENT LITERATURE | Bellew W | Open | 22/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 2.00 | CHILDREN/ADOLESCENT LITERATURE
2.00 credits. The course focuses on literacy genres and the work of well-known authors and illustrators and includes study of multicultural literature that represents diverse ethnic, linguistic, and cultural perspectives. Response to literature and selection of books for the classroom are emphasized. Course content is applicable for Early Childhood and Middle Level classrooms. *Prerequisite(s): ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151 or formal acceptance into the Education Program is required.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50472 | ED 250 - -ED - -A | LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD | Caprino K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. This course focuses on the research-based principles and practices for language and literacy development of children ages birth to 9. Topics include language acquisition, reading and writing development, and strategies for teaching comprehension, fluency, word study and vocabulary in the early grades (PK through fourth). Requires field experience. *Prerequisite(s): ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151 or formal acceptance into the Education Program required. *Corequisite(s): ED 250L.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
0.00 credits. Lab for ED 250. *Corequisite: ED 250.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50474 | ED 258 - -ED - -A | EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION | Peters K | Open | 22/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION
4.00 credits. Examines current issues, trends and practices in educational assessment. Emphasizes the study of different assessment and evaluation procedures in the early childhood, elementary and secondary classroom. Explores a variety of traditional and innovative approaches to assessment of student learning and development. *Prerequisite(s): ED 105 and ED 150 or ED 151 or Formal acceptance into Education Program required.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50475 | ED 305 - -ED - -A | SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS SECONDARY EDUCATION | Staff P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS SECONDARY EDUCATION
4.00 credits. A study of the instructional methodology of an academic discipline with emphasis upon literacy strategies, reading in the content, and assessment. Students complete a field experience component which explores these practices under the guidance of a clinical professor in the academic major (e.g., science, English, mathematics, social studies) for grades 7-12. *Prerequisite(s): ED 150 or ED 151. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| ED 305 - -ED - -A | FWK - SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS SECONDARY EDUCATION | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50476 | ED 305 - -ED - -B | MATH METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | MATH METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION
4.00 credits. A study of the instructional methodology of an academic discipline with emphasis upon literacy strategies, reading in the content, and assessment. Students complete a field experience component which explores these practices under the guidance of a clinical professor in the academic major (e.g., science, English, mathematics, social studies) for grades 7-12. *Prerequisite(s): ED 150 or ED 151. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| ED 305 - -ED - -B | FWK - MATH METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50477 | ED 305 - -ED - -C | ENGLISH METHODS OF SECONDARY | Bellew W | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | ENGLISH METHODS OF SECONDARY
4.00 credits. A study of the instructional methodology of an academic discipline with emphasis upon literacy strategies, reading in the content, and assessment. Students complete a field experience component which explores these practices under the guidance of a clinical professor in the academic major (e.g., science, English, mathematics, social studies) for grades 7-12. *Prerequisite(s): ED 150 or ED 151. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| ED 305 - -ED - -C | FWK - ENGLISH METHODS OF SECONDARY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50478 | ED 305 - -ED - -D | SCIENCE METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SCIENCE METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION
4.00 credits. A study of the instructional methodology of an academic discipline with emphasis upon literacy strategies, reading in the content, and assessment. Students complete a field experience component which explores these practices under the guidance of a clinical professor in the academic major (e.g., science, English, mathematics, social studies) for grades 7-12. *Prerequisite(s): ED 150 or ED 151. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| ED 305 - -ED - -D | FWK - SCIENCE METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50479 | ED 325 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING SCIENCE AND HEALTH IN EARLY CHILDHOOD | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING SCIENCE AND HEALTH IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. A study of science processes in an early childhood school program and the utilization of multiple resources, organization, management, evaluation, instructional strategies, and integration of science and health in the early childhood program. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250 and ED 258. *Corequisite(s): ED 335, ED 345 and ED 365. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. This course provides for the study of science processes at the middle school level (fourth through eighth grades), with emphasis upon the utilization of multiple resources, organization, classroom management, instructional strategies and assessment. Field experience is required. *Corequisite(s): ED 336, ED 346, and ED 366. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50481 | ED 335 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. A study of how children develop a background of understanding and skill in mathematics in Pre-K to fourth grade, concentrating on the development of problem-solving, reasoning, and communication skills in mathematics, and connecting mathematics and the real world. Additional focus will be on organization for instruction, alternative means of evaluation, and teaching special needs and at-risk students. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250 and ED 258. *Corequisite(s): ED 325, ED 345 and ED 365. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50482 | ED 336 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE LEVEL | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE LEVEL
4.00 credits. A study of how children develop a background of understanding and skill in mathematics in fourth through eighth grades with emphasis on problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills. Additional focus will be on organization for instruction, teaching methods, accommodations and alternative strategies. *Corequisite(s): ED 326, ED 346 and ED 366. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50483 | ED 341 - -ED - -A | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM
4.00 credits. This course introduces future teachers to the special linguistic and cultural educational needs of English language learners (ELL). Aspects of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural knowledge will be studied as well as methods of instruction that focus on the language needs and background knowledge of the ELL. Theory and practices of current ELL programs will also be examined. Twenty hours of field experience required (i.e., 2 hours per week for 10 weeks). *Prerequisite(s): ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151. *Corequisite(s): ED 341L. Formal acceptance into Education Program required.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50484 | ED 341 -L-ED - -A | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY LAB | Licona P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 0.00 | ELL: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY LAB
0.00 credit. Lab for ED 341. *Corequisite: ED 341.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50485 | ED 345 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING READING AND WRITING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD | Bellew W | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING READING AND WRITING IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. This course furthers the study of literacy theories and research-based practices presented in ED 250. This course explores approaches to teaching reading and writing in the primary grades and examines the construction of rich literacy environment in culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse classrooms. Course content focuses on instructional strategies, curriculum design and implementation, and assessment and evaluation. Field experience is required for Methods Block. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250 and ED 258. *Corequisite(s): ED 325, ED 335 and ED 365. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. This course furthers the study of literacy theories and research-based practices presented in ED 352 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Intervention in Elem/Middle Level. This course explores approaches to teaching reading and writing in the elementary/middle grades and examines the construction of a rich literacy environment in culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse classrooms. Course content focuses on instructional strategies, curriculum design and implementation, and assessment and evaluation. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): ED 258. *Corequisite(s): ED 326, ED 336 and ED 366. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50487 | ED 365 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD | Staff P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. A study of content, teaching strategies, materials, organizing approaches and curricula for teaching social studies at the early elementary level (PK through fourth grade). Students will be required to complete a field experience component, documented by a journal. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250 and ED 258. *Corequisite(s): ED 325, ED 335 and ED 345. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50488 | ED 366 - -ED - -A | METHODS FOR TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE LEVEL | Staff P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | METHODS FOR TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE LEVEL
4.00 credits. This course will examine the content, teaching strategies, materials, organizing approaches and curricula for teaching social studies at the middle school level (fourth through eighth grades). Students will be required to complete a field experience component, documented by a journal. *Corequisite(s): ED 326, ED 336 and ED 346. Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50489 | ED 400 - -ED - -A | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION | Licona P | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION
Variable credits. Students participating in the Program's Honors in the Discipline Program may register for this course during semesters in which research or writing for their project is being completed. Recognition for Honors in the Discipline is not assured by completion of this course. See the Dean for additional information. *Prerequisite(s): invitation to Honors in the Discipline Program. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50490 | ED 400 - -ED - -B | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION | Haley-Mize L | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION
Variable credits. Students participating in the Program's Honors in the Discipline Program may register for this course during semesters in which research or writing for their project is being completed. Recognition for Honors in the Discipline is not assured by completion of this course. See the Dean for additional information. *Prerequisite(s): invitation to Honors in the Discipline Program. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50491 | ED 400 - -ED - -C | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION | Peters K | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN EDUCATION
Variable credits. Students participating in the Program's Honors in the Discipline Program may register for this course during semesters in which research or writing for their project is being completed. Recognition for Honors in the Discipline is not assured by completion of this course. See the Dean for additional information. *Prerequisite(s): invitation to Honors in the Discipline Program. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50597 | ED 470 - -ED - -A | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP | Poff L | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 12.00 | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP
12.00 credits. Supervised student teaching for a full semester at the level of certification (Early Childhood, Elementary/Middle, dual certification in Special Education, or Secondary Education). A maximum of twelve credit hours from Education 470 may count toward the education major. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisites: Completion of all program requirements with Education prefixes and cumulative grade point average required at the time of full admission to the program. *Corequitie(s): ED 495, ED 496, or ED 497. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Register by Instructor. Graded Pass/No Pass. Course fees.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50492 | ED 495 - -ED - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD | Bellew W, Poff L | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD
4.00 credits. A study of professional and ethical practices, family and community relationships, and special education issues in early childhood. (PK-4th grade). Particular emphasis will be given to the laws, procedures, and codes of conduct that guide practice, collaboration with diverse families, advocacy for the rights of children and their families, and support for the transition of children to new educational settings. *Corequisite(s): ED 470. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50493 | ED 496 - -ED - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR ELEMENTARY/ MIDDLE LEVEL | Bellew W, Poff L | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR ELEMENTARY/ MIDDLE LEVEL
4.00 credits. This course serves as an issues seminar for pre-service teachers, engaging them in active discussion of professional and ethical practices, family and community relationships, and special education issues in middle school settings (fourth through eighth grades). Particular emphasis will be given to the laws, procedures, and codes of conduct that guide practice, collaboration with diverse families, advocacy for the rights of early adolescent and adolescent students and their families, and support for the transition of adolescents to new educational settings. *Corequisite(s): ED 470. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50494 | ED 497 - -ED - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR SECONDARY EDUCATION | Bellew W, Poff L | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR FOR SECONDARY EDUCATION
4.00 credits. This course serves as an issues seminar for pre-service teachers, engaging them in active discussion of professional and ethical practices, family and community relationships, (urban, rural and suburban environments), advocacy for student rights, the transition of adolescents to new educational settings and special education issues in secondary school settings. *Corequisite(s): ED 470. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50826 | EGR190 - -EG - -A | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50827 | EGR190 - -EG - -B | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50828 | EGR190 - -EG - -C | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50829 | EGR190 - -EG - -D | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50830 | EGR190 - -EG - -E | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50831 | EGR190 - -EG - -F | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50832 | EGR190 - -EG - -G | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50833 | EGR190 - -EG - -H | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB | Gatti M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | ENGINEERING FABRICATION LAB
1.00 credit. An introduction to prototyping. Students are trained for the general safe use of the Bollman Fabrication Laboratory while being introduced to the specific prototyping tools and equipment available in our facility. This course covers specific techniques and knowledge required for the proper use of the tools, materials and equipment in the lab including 3D printing and CNC machining. Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50835 | EGR191 - -EG - -A | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I | Clancy S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-09:00am) | 1.00 | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I
1.00 credit. Introduction to the engineering profession. Students will learn about the fields of engineering through guest speakers, field trips, and investigation of multidisciplinary engineering projects. Engineering ethics will be explored through examination of professional code of ethics, case studies, and engineering student conduct. *Corequisite(s): EGR 190. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50836 | EGR191 - -EG - -B | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I | Clancy S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (09:30am-10:30am) | 1.00 | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I
1.00 credit. Introduction to the engineering profession. Students will learn about the fields of engineering through guest speakers, field trips, and investigation of multidisciplinary engineering projects. Engineering ethics will be explored through examination of professional code of ethics, case studies, and engineering student conduct. *Corequisite(s): EGR 190. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50837 | EGR191 - -EG - -C | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I | Clancy S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (11:00am-12:00pm) | 1.00 | INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING I
1.00 credit. Introduction to the engineering profession. Students will learn about the fields of engineering through guest speakers, field trips, and investigation of multidisciplinary engineering projects. Engineering ethics will be explored through examination of professional code of ethics, case studies, and engineering student conduct. *Corequisite(s): EGR 190. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50838 | EGR196 - -EG - -A | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS | Daily B | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-09:00am) | 1.00 | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS
1.00 credit. Introduction to computer-aided drawing with emphasis on two-dimensional sketching, three-dimensional part modeling, assembly construction, component dimensioning, circuit diagram drawing, and shop drawing production. This course explores fundamentals of engineering graphics and technical communication through the use of modern tools used in engineering practice. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50840 | EGR196 - -EG - -B | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS | Daily B | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:30am-10:30am) | 1.00 | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS
1.00 credit. Introduction to computer-aided drawing with emphasis on two-dimensional sketching, three-dimensional part modeling, assembly construction, component dimensioning, circuit diagram drawing, and shop drawing production. This course explores fundamentals of engineering graphics and technical communication through the use of modern tools used in engineering practice. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50841 | EGR196 - -EG - -C | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS | Daily B | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (11:00am-12:00pm) | 1.00 | ENGINEERING DRAWINGS
1.00 credit. Introduction to computer-aided drawing with emphasis on two-dimensional sketching, three-dimensional part modeling, assembly construction, component dimensioning, circuit diagram drawing, and shop drawing production. This course explores fundamentals of engineering graphics and technical communication through the use of modern tools used in engineering practice. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50839 | EGR210 - -EG - -A | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | Brinton M | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS
4.00 credits. Introduction to linear circuit analysis and fundamental electric circuit components. Topics covered include both analytical (by hand calculation) and computational (by computer model) analysis of direct current (DC) circuits and transient circuits containing resistors, inductors, and capacitors. *Prerequisite(s): MA 121 and PHY 202. *Corequisite(s): EGR 210L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR210 - -EG - -A | EXAM - CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50886 | EGR210 - -EG - -B | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | Brinton M | Open | 4/4 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS
4.00 credits. Introduction to linear circuit analysis and fundamental electric circuit components. Topics covered include both analytical (by hand calculation) and computational (by computer model) analysis of direct current (DC) circuits and transient circuits containing resistors, inductors, and capacitors. *Prerequisite(s): MA 121 and PHY 202. *Corequisite(s): EGR 210L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR210 - -EG - -B | EXAM - CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50887 | EGR210 - -EG - -C | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | Brinton M | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS
4.00 credits. Introduction to linear circuit analysis and fundamental electric circuit components. Topics covered include both analytical (by hand calculation) and computational (by computer model) analysis of direct current (DC) circuits and transient circuits containing resistors, inductors, and capacitors. *Prerequisite(s): MA 121 and PHY 202. *Corequisite(s): EGR 210L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR210 - -EG - -C | EXAM - CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50888 | EGR210 -L-EG - -A | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB | Estrada T, Brinton M | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:00pm-01:50pm) | 0.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany EGR 210 Circuit Analysis. *Corequisite: EGR 210.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50889 | EGR210 -L-EG - -B | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB | Estrada T, Brinton M | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (02:00pm-03:50pm) | 0.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany EGR 210 Circuit Analysis. *Corequisite: EGR 210.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50890 | EGR210 -L-EG - -C | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB | Estrada T, Brinton M | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-02:20pm) | 0.00 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany EGR 210 Circuit Analysis. *Corequisite: EGR 210.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50558 | EGR248 - -EG - -A | QUANTITATIVE METHODS/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (BA 248) | Beckfield B | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | QUANTITATIVE METHODS/OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (BA 248)
4.00 credits. Usage of quantitative methods and operations management concepts to optimize business decisions is learned. The quantitative methods covered are forecasting, decision making, inventory management, and linear programming. The operations management concepts are project management, statistical process control, materials requirement planning, enterprise resource planning, scheduling, reliability, acceptance sampling and learning curves. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50842 | EGR257 - -EG - -A | SURVEYING LABORATORY | Troutman A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 1.00 | SURVEYING LABORATORY
1.00 credit. This laboratory provides a solid foundation in surveying fundamentals, and sufficient practice to develop the necessary skills to determine the position of, and the distance and angles between natural and man-made objects. It also explores methods to compute and depict surfaces using traditional and modern surveying equipment, field procedures and software. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50843 | EGR257 - -EG - -B | SURVEYING LABORATORY | Troutman A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 1.00 | SURVEYING LABORATORY
1.00 credit. This laboratory provides a solid foundation in surveying fundamentals, and sufficient practice to develop the necessary skills to determine the position of, and the distance and angles between natural and man-made objects. It also explores methods to compute and depict surfaces using traditional and modern surveying equipment, field procedures and software. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50892 | EGR260 - -EG - -A | STATICS | Batista Abreu J | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 3.00 | STATICS
3.00 credits. Equilibria of particles and rigid bodies subject to concentrated and distributed forces with practical applications to the design of mechanical structures. Topics include structural analysis of trusses and frames, internal forces in beams, friction, and machines. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 121. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR260 - -EG - -A | EXAM - STATICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50893 | EGR260 - -EG - -B | STATICS | Batista Abreu J | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | STATICS
3.00 credits. Equilibria of particles and rigid bodies subject to concentrated and distributed forces with practical applications to the design of mechanical structures. Topics include structural analysis of trusses and frames, internal forces in beams, friction, and machines. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 121. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR260 - -EG - -B | EXAM - STATICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50894 | EGR260 - -EG - -C | STATICS | Batista Abreu J | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 3.00 | STATICS
3.00 credits. Equilibria of particles and rigid bodies subject to concentrated and distributed forces with practical applications to the design of mechanical structures. Topics include structural analysis of trusses and frames, internal forces in beams, friction, and machines. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 121. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR260 - -EG - -C | EXAM - STATICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50844 | EGR264 - -EG - -A | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS | Batista Abreu J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS
4.00 credits. Behavior of solids under pure (axial, torsional, flexural, shear) and combined loading. Formulation and application of equilibrium, kinematic and constitutive relations to determine forces, stresses, strains and deformations. Analysis of statically-indeterminate systems. Member strength and stability assessment. Includes a two-hour weekly lab. *Prerequisite(s): EGR 260 and MA 122. *Corequisite(s): EGR 264L. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50845 | EGR264 -L-EG - -A | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS LAB | Batista Abreu J | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (02:00pm-03:50pm) | 0.00 | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS LAB
0.00 credit. Laboratory to accompany EGR 264 Mechanics of Materials.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 25.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50846 | EGR264 -L-EG - -B | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS LAB | Batista Abreu J | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | MECHANICS OF MATERIALS LAB
0.00 credit. Laboratory to accompany EGR 264 Mechanics of Materials.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 25.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50847 | EGR295 - -EG - -A | MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS | DeGoede K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (11:20am-12:20pm) | 1.00 | MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS
1.00 credit. A course covering the fundamentals of MATLAB® in preparation for upper-level engineering courses. Using online resources to troubleshoot, debug, and find useful functions will be emphasized. Students will apply MATLAB® to solve complex mathematical problems using numerical techniques and matrices. They will learn to extract, analyze, filter and plot data. They will learn to use control-flow structures. *Prerequisite(s): CS 121. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50848 | EGR295 - -EG - -B | MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS | DeGoede K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (11:20am-12:20pm) | 1.00 | MATLAB FOR ENGINEERS
1.00 credit. A course covering the fundamentals of MATLAB® in preparation for upper-level engineering courses. Using online resources to troubleshoot, debug, and find useful functions will be emphasized. Students will apply MATLAB® to solve complex mathematical problems using numerical techniques and matrices. They will learn to extract, analyze, filter and plot data. They will learn to use control-flow structures. *Prerequisite(s): CS 121. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50849 | EGR296 - -EG - -A | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR (CS 296) | Zegers S | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:30pm) | 1.00 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR (CS 296)
1.00 credit. Professional skill development in areas such as resumes, cover letters, networking, interviewing and searching for a job or internship in engineering, computer science, and related fields. Fall or Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50850 | EGR310 - -EG - -A | SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS | Estrada T | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 3.00 | SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS
3.00 credits. Analysis of continuous-time linear systems, discrete-time linear systems, and methods of signal sampling and reconstruction. Applications of Fourier Series, Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform. Exploration of digital signal processing using Matlab programming. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 202 and MA 122. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50851 | EGR310 - -EG - -B | SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS | Estrada T | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS
3.00 credits. Analysis of continuous-time linear systems, discrete-time linear systems, and methods of signal sampling and reconstruction. Applications of Fourier Series, Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform. Exploration of digital signal processing using Matlab programming. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 202 and MA 122. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50943 | EGR318 - -EG - -A | AC CIRCUITS, POWER, AND MACHINES | Estrada T, Brinton M | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | AC CIRCUITS, POWER, AND MACHINES
3.00 credits. Course includes an introduction to alternating current circuits, power electronics, and electric machines. Among the topics covered in the course: phasor notation of electrical signals, analysis of AC circuits, transformers, three-phase circuits; introduction to power; generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity; motors and generators *Prerequisite(s): EGR 210. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50854 | EGR323 - -EG - -A | BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT | DeGoede K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT
3.00 credits. An introduction to the theory and practice of Biomechanics. Topics include functional anatomy and kinesiology; dynamics of muscle and tendon; models of muscle contraction; mechanics of proprioceptors and other sensors; analysis of human movement, including gait, running, jumping and lifting; computer simulations and exploration of experimental measurement techniques. *Prerequisite(s): EGR 360 and CS 121. Spring semester, even-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50944 | EGR341 - -EG - -A | INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING METHODS | Wickard T | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 3.00 | INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING METHODS
3.00 credits. Production management with emphasis on process improvement, cost reduction, incentives and ergonomics. Students also conduct preliminary work for their senior project. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251. Fall semester, even-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50945 | EGR348 - -EG - -A | INTRODUCTION TO MANUFACTURING PROCESSES | Butler G | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 3.00 | INTRODUCTION TO MANUFACTURING PROCESSES
3.00 credits. This course explores subtractive and additive manufacturing processes with a primary focus on solidification processes, metal forming and sheet metalworking, material removal processes, property enhancing and surface processing operations, and joining and assembly processes. Students will specify manufacturing process for both low and high-volume production in a semester project. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50855 | EGR351 - -EG - -A | WATER AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING | Daily B | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | WATER AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING
4.00 credits. Engineering approaches to water quality including the design of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Theory and conceptual design of treatment processes are discussed as well as process kinetics, reactor theory, and energy considerations. Physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes are presented including sedimentation, filtration, biological treatment, disinfection, and membrane processes. Measurement, analysis, and interpretation of water quality data. *Prerequisite(s): EGR 260. Hours: Lecture 3.0, Lab 1.5. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 25.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR351 - -EG - -A | LAB - WATER AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (11:00am-12:20pm) | | |
50856 | EGR360 - -EG - -A | DYNAMICS | Clancy S | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 3.00 | DYNAMICS
3.00 credits. Newtonian mechanics of rigid bodies in fixed and moving reference frames in two and three dimensions. Topics also include kinematics, energy and momentum analyses, inelastic collisions, non-constant mass systems, computer simulation, and the simple oscillator. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 122. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR360 - -EG - -A | EXAM - DYNAMICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50857 | EGR360 - -EG - -B | DYNAMICS | Clancy S | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | DYNAMICS
3.00 credits. Newtonian mechanics of rigid bodies in fixed and moving reference frames in two and three dimensions. Topics also include kinematics, energy and momentum analyses, inelastic collisions, non-constant mass systems, computer simulation, and the simple oscillator. *Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 and MA 122. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| EGR360 - -EG - -B | EXAM - DYNAMICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50858 | EGR395 - -EG - -A | INDUSTRY SPEAKERS & SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR | Daily B | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:30pm) | 1.00 | INDUSTRY SPEAKERS & SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR
1.00 credit. Seminar series with weekly presentations of topics of current interest in engineering and related fields. Speakers include practicing engineers and researchers from industry or other academic institutions, Elizabethtown faculty, and invited campus-wide speakers from a variety of disciplines. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50859 | EGR401 - -EG - -A | SENIOR PROJECT IN ENGINEERING I | Waters J, Estrada T, Atwood S, Clancy S | Open | 45/45 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:20pm) | 2.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN ENGINEERING I
2.00 credits. A demanding, and perhaps original, engineering project performed under the supervision of a team of faculty. For this course, the scope of the project typically includes detail and final design work and construction or a working prototype. Students work in groups of 3-5 students. Progress reports, a final report and a public seminar are required. *Prerequisite(s): EGR 301 or permission by instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50860 | EGR434 - -EG - -A | ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | Wunderlich J | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | ROBOTICS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE
4.00 credits. Cutting-edge innovations in robotics, automation, and machine intelligence, and their ethical impacts in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts. Various forms of machine intelligence including symbolic AI and artificial neural networks. Mobile-robot and robotic-arm theory, applications, simulations, real-time control, and path-planning. Human Computer Interactions (HCI). Periodic creation of large mobile robots. *Prerequisite(s): CS 121 and MA 121. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50861 | EGR495 - -EG - -A | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO I (ART 495) | Wunderlich J | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (02:00pm-03:40pm) | 2.00 | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO I (ART 495)
2.00 credits. Architectural design studio course with rotating architectural case studies and lectures taught by full-time faculty and visiting architectural professionals. Course content is repeated no less than every four years so that students in Studio I and Studio II can participate in the same lectures. Professional documentation, drawings, and oral defense of architectural designs. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50671 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-A | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Gaffney S | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50672 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-B | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Gaffney S | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50673 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-C | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Waters J | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50674 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-D | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Fellinger R | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50679 | EN 100 - -1PLE-C-G | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING | Noah R | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | PLE FIRST YEAR WRITING
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A composition course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50681 | EN 165 - -3CE -C-A | CE INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING | Webster S | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 WF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CE INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) This course encourages students' creative self-expression, and it develops their understanding and appreciation of one of the main literary genres (poetry, prose, or drama). The materials covered in the class are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: for details about course content during a particular semester, contact the English Department.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50682 | EN 200 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE & CULTURE I: 550-1660 | Staff A | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE & CULTURE I: 550-1660
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) The first section of our two-part British Literature and Culture Survey Sequence, this course explores seminal works from the Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, Civil War, and Commonwealth periods. By examining the texts' literary devices, themes, genres, structures, and contexts, students will develop their broad and close reading skills. They will also augment their knowledge about the early literatures and cultures of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. (The texts and themes explored in the course are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: for details about materials covered during a particular semester, see the English Department's website.) *Students in the English Literature Concentration should take this course during the fall of their First Year.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50930 | EN 200 - -4WCH-C-B | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE & CULTURE I: 550-1660 | Staff A | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE & CULTURE I: 550-1660
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) The first section of our two-part British Literature and Culture Survey Sequence, this course explores seminal works from the Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation, Civil War, and Commonwealth periods. By examining the texts' literary devices, themes, genres, structures, and contexts, students will develop their broad and close reading skills. They will also augment their knowledge about the early literatures and cultures of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. (The texts and themes explored in the course are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: for details about materials covered during a particular semester, see the English Department's website.) *Students in the English Literature Concentration should take this course during the fall of their First Year.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50931 | EN 202 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM AMERICAN LITERATURE & CULTURE I BEGINNINGS TO 1865 | Allen P | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | HUM AMERICAN LITERATURE & CULTURE I BEGINNINGS TO 1865
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) The first section of our two-part American Literature and Culture Survey Sequence, this course encompasses formative works created prior to and during the Civil War. Beginning with pre-Columbian Indigenous storytelling, the course moves through Colonial, Revolutionary, early National, and American Renaissance texts. By studying the works' literary devices, themes, genres, structures, and contexts, students will develop their broad and close reading skills. They will also expand and deepen their understanding and appreciation of foundational literatures and cultures of North America and the United States. (The texts and themes explored in the course are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: for details about materials covered during a particular semester, see the English Department's website.) Fall semester. *Students in the English Literature Concentration should take this course during the fall of their First Year.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50683 | EN 210 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE FOCUS COURSE | Webster S | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (05:00pm-06:30pm) RMTE | 4.00 | WCH BRITISH LITERATURE FOCUS COURSE
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. This course presents an exciting opportunity to explore and engage deeply with a particular period or theme from Britain's extensive literary and cultural history. The subject matter of the course is shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: past offerings include "Medieval Literature: Romance and War," "The Renaissance Woman—and Man," "Eighteenth-Century Wit and Wisdom," "Romanticism: The Nature of Revolution," "Victorian Literature—Gender, Ambition, Transgression," and "Modern Literature and the World Wars." For details about course content during a particular semester, contact the English Department. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (100% Online) |
50940 | EN 211 - -EN - -A | MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISM (COM 211) | Lanyon A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISM (COM 211)
4.00 credits. In this course students study the application and importance of clear, logical writing necessary for success in print, broadcast and online project management. Grammar, language skills and Associated Press style will be introduced and refined. *Prerequisite(s): EN 185 or COM 120.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50684 | EN 216 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE | Allen P | Open | 17/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUM MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. This course presents an enriching opportunity to engage deeply with cross-cultural experiences as reflected in American and World literatures. The authors, texts, and themes covered in the course are shaped by the instructor's specializations and interests: past offerings have included comparative analyses of African-American, First Nation, and Nigerian novels; and explorations of diverse Immigrant- and First Generation-American literatures, based around themes of "Self and Other," "Generations," and "New Beginnings." For details about course content during a particular semester, contact the English Department. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50685 | EN 261 - -3CE -C-A | CE WRITING AND ANALYZING THE SHORT STORY | Fellinger R | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (06:00pm-07:20pm) | 4.00 | CE WRITING AND ANALYZING THE SHORT STORY
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. Students will analyze classic short stories using the language and concepts of literary criticism through discussion, oral presentation, and a major research paper. Emulating classic literary models, they will write original short stories, revising according to detailed critiques by their peers and the instructor. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50809 | EN 262 - -3CE -C-A | CE CREATIVE NON-FICTION | Waters J | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CE CREATIVE NON-FICTION
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course). A readings and workshop course in literary nonfiction, this course acquaints students with the research and writing techniques used by writers of nonfiction, and with the history of the genre. Students select their own writing projects from a variety of genres. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185. Alternate years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50686 | EN 263 - -3CE -C-A | CE YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE | Coste J | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | CE YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. A study of the development and current popular status of literature for young adults, with an emphasis on themes of radicalism, trauma, and identity, among others. The course will examine modern forms represented in young adult literature, including fantasy, the realistic novel, science fiction, and the graphic novel. We will examine and create works relevant to the current YA market. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100. Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50932 | EN 285 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM BUSINESS WRITING | Moore T | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | HUM BUSINESS WRITING
4.00 credits.(Humanities Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course Students will learn content related to the most common writing tasks in business writing. Content will cover messaging strategies, genres related to business writing, social media, company-specific language, and crisis communication. Students work with clients to learn about writing briefs and crafting messages for business needs. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50881 | EN 314 - -EN - -A | POETRY | Webster S | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 WF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | POETRY
4.00 credits. A study of particular poetic genres and forms and leading practitioners. The cover may cover the Metaphysical poetry of Donne and Herbert, the eighteenth-century lyric, or modern poetry by Frost, Hall, Olds, Kinnell, Collins, and Kooser.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50816 | EN 460 - -EN - -A | FROM MURASAKI TO MURAKAMI (JA 460) | Bhattacharya M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (06:00pm-08:50pm) | 4.00 | FROM MURASAKI TO MURAKAMI (JA 460)
4.00 credits. This course will introduce students to Japanese literature from the classical period to the modern, in a variety of genres, starting from the oral traditions of myth and poetry of Kojiki and Manyoshu, the great masterpieces of classical Japanese prose depicted in the Genji Monogatari, plays from the feudal period, Heike Monogatari and Sonezaki Shinjuu, early modern novels such as Kokoro and Hakai, and contemporary fiction and personal histories that have gained critical acclaim and popular success, such as Masks, Kitchen, Norwegian, Wood, and Black Rain, among others. Students will not only learn to understand the historical contexts of these works in terms of genre, intent, audience, themes, aesthetics, gender relations, religion and spirituality, but will also engage with literary theories that undergird our understanding of literary production and appreciation. Students will also learn how to apply that understanding in their own writing in the form of research papers and short reflective reaction papers. This course is an elective for declared English Education majors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50688 | EN 474 - -EN - -A | INTERNSHIP IN ENGLISH | Dolson E | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNSHIP IN ENGLISH
Variable (2.00 to 4.00) credits. Internships provide students with practical workplace experience at a newspaper office, magazine publisher, public relations firm, or other venue for professional writing. A maximum of twelve credit hours from English 470-474 may count as English electives. Additional credits count as free electives. Graded Pass/No Pass. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50689 | EN 490 - -EN - -A | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I | Moore T | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I
2.00 credits. English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the School. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50690 | EN 490 - -EN - -B | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I | Dolson E | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I
2.00 credits. English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the School. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50691 | EN 490 - -EN - -C | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I | Allen P | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I
2.00 credits. English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the School. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50927 | EN 490 - -EN - -D | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I | Webster S | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | DIRECTED SENIOR RESEARCH I
2.00 credits. English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the School. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50371 | ENV113 - -6NPS-C-A | NPS INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | Bowne D | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-08:50am) | 4.00 | NPS INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) A lecture/laboratory course that provides an overview of environmental science. Principles of environmental relationships and how living organisms play a role in those relationships and respond to changes in their environment are emphasized. Current problems with pollution, hazardous wastes, energy, and population growth are examined in relation to those environmental principles. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| ENV113 - -6NPS-C-A | LAB - NPS INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-03:30pm) | | |
50824 | ES 113 - -6NPS-C-A | NPS EARTH IN SPACE: EVOLUTION OF A PLANET | Scanlin M | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | NPS EARTH IN SPACE: EVOLUTION OF A PLANET
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) A broad introduction to Earth System Science that integrates basic topics in geology and astronomy as a means to understand the origin and evolution of planet Earth. Dramatic events and processes that shaped Earth's history, such as big bang cosmology, stellar evolution, planetary formation, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, crustal deformation and mountain building, the evolution of continents and ocean basins, earthquakes and volcanism are explored. Includes discovery-oriented exercises, including field trips to local geological sites, the local planetarium and several stargazing sessions for firsthand study of materials containing evidence for the processes and events studied in class. *Corequisite(s): ES 113L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50825 | ES 113 -L-6NPS-C-A | NPS EARTH IN SPACE LAB | Scanlin M | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 0.00 | NPS EARTH IN SPACE LAB
0.00 credit. Laboratory that accompanies ES 113. *Corequisite: ES 113.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50110 | ESC100 - -EX - -A | INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE SCIENCE | Swartzendruber A | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (11:00am-12:20pm) | 1.00 | INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE SCIENCE
1.00 credits. Students will be introduced to the field of exercise science and the inter-related disciplines of exercise physiology, motor development, nutrition, biomechanics and sports and exercise psychology. The course will provide an overview of the field as a profession, including career opportunities and planning, professional organizations and certification, the relationship of the field to the healthcare system, and current trends in healthcare, wellness and fitness. Students will also learn the structure and curricular options within the BS in Exercise Science program, as well as the opportunities to build a strong educational and professional portfolio to support their career trajectory. *Prerequisite(s): Exercise Science majors or first-year students only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50111 | ESC110 - -EX - -A | FOUNDATIONS FOR RESISTANCE TRAINING TECHNIQUES | Swartzendruber A | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (01:00pm-02:40pm) | 2.00 | FOUNDATIONS FOR RESISTANCE TRAINING TECHNIQUES
2.00 credits.Students will learn to perform and begin practicing coaching skills for resistance training and stretching techniques using various forms of traditional and non-traditional free-weights and machines, body weight, and other implements. Students will also gain knowledge and experience in applying safety precautions, spotting, foundations of exercise regressions and progressions, and fundamental program design for resistance training techniques for muscle hypertrophy, strength, power, and endurance. *Prerequisite(s): Exercise Science Major, Coaching Minor, or approval from instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50112 | ESC140 - -EX - -A | SPORTS MEDICINE | Dietz E | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 3.00 | SPORTS MEDICINE
3.00 credits. Students will be introduced to sport medicine concepts, including an overview of human musculoskeletal anatomy and its application to movement. Athletic injury prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation will be addressed. Discussion and application of introductory sport psychology and sport nutrition are covered. First aid and wound care, injury prevention and evaluation, management, and rehabilitation, as well as emergency response are covered, and CPR & AED training is included. Additional fees apply for CPR and AED training. *Prerequisite(s): Declared Exercise Science majors, Health Science majors, Health Professions majors and Coaching minors only. Fall Semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50113 | ESC160 - -EX - -A | HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION | Sanders C | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 3.00 | HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION
3.00 credits. Students will be introduced to the scientific knowledge and skills to guide clients in averting physical and lifestyle behaviors that can cause injuries and diseases, and to educate clients in how to make healthy, positive physical and lifestyle behavior choices that will enhance their health and well-being. The course will cover a wide range of topics that are critical to prevention and wellness, including but not limited to mental health, drugs and alcohol, personal safety, nutrition, sexuality, motivation and resilience. Students will also develop knowledge about behavior change theories and skills in interpersonal communication to implement successful prevention and wellness strategies for clients. *Prerequisite(s): Exercise Science majors, Coaching minors, Health Science, and Health Profession majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50114 | ESC220 - -EX - -A | PSYCHOLOGY OF EXERCISE AND SPORT | Sanders C | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 3.00 | PSYCHOLOGY OF EXERCISE AND SPORT
3.00 credits. Introduces theories of behavior change as they apply to physical activity participation and other health behaviors. There will be an emphasis on application of the theories and behavior change strategies to understand factors related to physical activity and exercise participation, and health behavior intervention planning to maximize adherence. Additionally, this course will address physical activity and exercise as they relate to psychological health issues. The course will be taught with an emphasis on introduction, understanding, and basic application of the concepts of sport and exercise psychology. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105. Exercise Science majors, Health Science and Health Professions majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50115 | ESC260 - -EX - -A | NUTRITION FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT | Swartzendruber A | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | NUTRITION FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT
3.00 credits. Students will gain working knowledge of the role of nutrition in improving health and physical performance, including exercise training and athletic endeavors, as well as weight loss and weight gain. The course will cover the metabolic interactions associated with exercise and athletic activities, the effect of eating choices and disorders, how nutritional needs vary across athletic populations, and the efficacy of nutritional supplements and dietary regimens. *Prerequisite(s): ESC 160 andExercise Science majors, Health Science and Health Professions majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50116 | ESC320 - -EX - -A | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY | Swartzendruber A | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 3.00 | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY
3.00 credits. Students will learn the physiological responses and adaptations of the human body to increased physical activity and exercise, including the cardiopulmonary, circulatory and neuromuscular systems, under both short-term and long-term activity and exercise conditions. The course will cover a variety of types of activity and exercise, and students will learn how to interpret data arising from measurements of physiological responses to exercise. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 202; Exercise Science, Health Science and Health Professions majors only. *Corequisite(s): ESC 321.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50117 | ESC321 -L-EX - -A | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LAB | Hammon N | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:30am-10:50am) | 1.00 | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LAB
1.00 credit. Students will apply exercise physiology concepts to a variety of written, field, and laboratory health-related fitness assessments. Data collection and organization test selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation will also be addressed. All labs will reinforce and apply the concepts and physiological principles introduced in the ESC 320 lecture course. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 202. *Corequisite(s): ESC 320. Exercise Science, Health Science and Health Professions majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50118 | ESC321 -L-EX - -B | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LAB | Hammon N | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:20pm) | 1.00 | EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LAB
1.00 credit. Students will apply exercise physiology concepts to a variety of written, field, and laboratory health-related fitness assessments. Data collection and organization test selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation will also be addressed. All labs will reinforce and apply the concepts and physiological principles introduced in the ESC 320 lecture course. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 202. *Corequisite(s): ESC 320. Exercise Science, Health Science and Health Professions majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50119 | ESC420 - -EX - -A | EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS | Sanders C | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 3.00 | EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS
3.00 credits. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to apply the principles of fitness testing, exercise prescription, and strength training and conditioning to populations that have specific needs and conditions that require special attention and guidance. These populations will include those with common chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, and those with physical disabilities. Students will develop an in-depth knowledge of the diseases and conditions that they are likely to encounter in their professional practice, and develop problem-solving skills to adapt physical training programs to these populations so that they are safe and effective. *Prerequisite(s): ESC 340 and ESC 341.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50120 | ESC440 - -EX - -A | STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING | Swartzendruber A | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 3.00 | STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING
3.00 credits. Students will gain the scientific knowledge and skills to devise safe and effective resistance exercise programs to improve muscular strength, power and endurance, utilizing a variety of methods and equipment. The course will also cover the various trends in muscle function improvement that are seen in both the research literature and in the fitness industry. *Prerequisite(s): ESC 320 and ESC 321. Exercise Science majors, Health Science and Health Professions majors only.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50121 | ESC441 -L-EX - -A | STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING LAB | Swartzendruber A | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (02:30pm-04:30pm) | 1.00 | STRENGTH TRAINING AND CONDITIONING LAB
1.00 credit. Students will apply knowledge from the strength and conditioning lecture course as well as other prerequisite courses to develop skills to devise safe and effective strength and conditioning programming using a variety of methods and equipment. This course also serves as partial preparation for the CSCS exam given by the NSCA. *Prerequisite(s): ESC 420 and ESC 321.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50122 | ESC470 - -EX - -A | EXERCISE SCIENCE INTERNSHIP | Sanders C | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 3.00 | EXERCISE SCIENCE INTERNSHIP
Variable (1.00-6.00) credits. Students will apply the skills, knowledge and professional values they have learned in the curriculum to a real-life training experience, under the direction of an on-site preceptor and the monitoring of the Exercise Science program. The internship will allow the students to gain experience in client interactions, design, implement and assess exercise programs, and develop their behavioral attributes as professionals.This course is repeatable for credit up to a maximum of six credits. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Prerequisites: ESC 340 and ESC 341.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50123 | ESC490 - -EX - -A | STRENGTH & CONDITIONING FIELDWORK I | Sanders C | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 2.00 | STRENGTH & CONDITIONING FIELDWORK I
2.00 credits. Students will have the opportunity to apply the skills, knowledge and professional values they have learned in the curriculum to a real-life training experience, under the direction of an on-site preceptor and the monitoring of the Exercise Science program. The internship will allow the students to gain experience with assessment and coaching of athletes in a strength and conditioning environment under the supervision of an NSCA-CSCS certified strength and conditioning coach. This internship will be offsite with an approved organization with a site supervisor who has a current CSCS certification. Signature Learning Experience - Field Experience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50124 | ESC491 - -EX - -A | STRENGTH & CONDITIONING FIELDWRK II | Sanders C | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 4.00 | STRENGTH & CONDITIONING FIELDWRK II
4.00 credits. Students will have the opportunity to apply the skills, knowledge and professional values they have learned in the curriculum to a real-life training experience, under the direction of an on-site preceptor and the monitoring of the Exercise Science program. The internship will allow the students to gain experience with assessment and coaching of athletes in a strength and conditioning environment under the supervision of an NSCA-CSCS certified strength and conditioning coach. This internship will be onsite, supervised by Elizabethtown College's Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. Signature Learning Experience - Field Experience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50579 | FBE380 - -BU - -A | ENTREPRENEURSHIP | Schmid M | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | ENTREPRENEURSHIP
4.00 credits. An assessment and development of entrepreneurial skills, emphasizing a “hands-on” approach based on case studies on entrepreneurial ventures, writing feasibility plans on opportunities identified by students, experiential exercises and executive speakers (entrepreneurs, investors and consultants). In-class topics enable students to understand the entrepreneur's profile, and to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to create, start, finance, manage and grow a new venture. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50580 | FBE494 - -BU - -A | FAMILY BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND SUCCESSION PLANNING | Sandu P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND SUCCESSION PLANNING
4.00 credits. Family Business Governance and Succession Planning tackles some of the most important issues faced by family companies. The continuity, renewal, and growth of a family business depends on the professionalization of its family business practices. This is an advanced family business course, which addresses topics such as: navigating generational differences, succession planning, family governance, boards of directors and advisors, family constitution, and inter-generational leadership development. The course is project-based. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50581 | FIN325 - -BU - -A | CORPORATE FINANCE | Staff B | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | CORPORATE FINANCE
4.00 credits. An introduction to fundamental tools and concepts used in short-term and long-term financial decision making. An overview of the major financial markets is provided. Financial statements, discounted cash flow analysis, bond and stock valuation models, risk and return for assets and portfolios, cost of capital, financing decisions, capital budgeting, capital structure of the firm and dividend policy are covered. *Prerequisite(s): AC 101.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50582 | FIN325 - -BU - -B | CORPORATE FINANCE | Staff B | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CORPORATE FINANCE
4.00 credits. An introduction to fundamental tools and concepts used in short-term and long-term financial decision making. An overview of the major financial markets is provided. Financial statements, discounted cash flow analysis, bond and stock valuation models, risk and return for assets and portfolios, cost of capital, financing decisions, capital budgeting, capital structure of the firm and dividend policy are covered. *Prerequisite(s): AC 101.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50584 | FIN412 - -BU - -A | FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES - FUTURES AND OPTIONS | Staff B | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES - FUTURES AND OPTIONS
4.00 credits. This course introduces derivative markets and their primary instruments with emphasis on real-world applications of theoretical models. The fundamental of derivatives, valuations of typical derivatives such as futures, forwards, swaps, and options, plus using derivatives in risk hedging and speculations will be discussed. At the conclusion of this course, students will gain an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of derivatives and the practical skills in constructing and evaluating dynamic hedging strategies using futures and options. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50585 | FIN420 - -BU - -A | FINANCIAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT | Staff B | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | FINANCIAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT
4.00 credits. This course seeks to provide students with a solid understanding of: terms, facts, and perspectives useful in financial institutions' management; concepts, tools, and objectives financial institution managers use in framing and resolving various issues; forces shaping the financial service industry environment for financial institution managers, e.g., changes in the information and contracting technologies, changes in the mixture of domestic and global competitors, and interactions of innovations with rules enforced by self-regulatory organizations and government agencies. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251 and FIN 325.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50586 | FIN424 - -BU - -A | INVESTMENTS | Staff B | Open | 21/21 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | INVESTMENTS
4.00 credits. This course emphasizes the various classes of investments available to the investor, sources and uses of investment information, and security and capital market valuation. Fundamental concepts, theories and techniques of investing in different assets are provided. Portfolio management is introduced. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50583 | FIN427 - -BU - -A | INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | Staff B | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
4.00 credits. Development of an understanding of the international financial environments in which economic policy and business decisions are made. Specifically, the course covers the spot and forward exchange markets, the Eurocurrency market and the international capital markets. The impact of exchange rate behavior on corporations, the foreign exchange risk management, and multinational corporations are covered. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50707 | FR 111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I | Attab R | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) RMTE | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50708 | FR 111 - -2PLO-C-B | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I | Attab R | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) RMTE | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY FRENCH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50709 | GER111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY GERMAN I | Lech I | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) RMTE | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY GERMAN I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50710 | GER111 - -2PLO-C-B | PLO ELEMENTARY GERMAN I | Lech I | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) RMTE | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY GERMAN I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
4.00 credits. This course introduces and describes the components and complexities of the United States healthcare system and the resources that it encompasses. Specifically, this course will provide learners with an overview of health care delivery systems, health insurance, health care finance, public health, purchasing, and challenges that the system faces. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50596 | HA 150 - -HA - -A | INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY | Rapiey M | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 2.00 | INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
2.00 credits. This course covers terminology and medical language utilized by healthcare professionals to communicate with one another and relay essential information. Focus will be placed on medical terms and concepts used to understand anatomy and physical examination techniques with lessons organized based on body system. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50946 | HA 400 - -HA - -A | HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP | Torres N | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP
4.00 credits. This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective leadership in today's healthcare environment. Students will gain leadership and negotiation skills, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and ethics in healthcare. *Prerequisite(s): HA 300. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
50947 | HA 450 - -HA - -A | CURRENT ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE | Torres N | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | CURRENT ISSUES IN HEALTHCARE
4.00 credits. This course will explore operational issues that are present in healthcare today, including systems analysis and continuous improvement concepts. Students will gain an understanding of accreditation bodies, professional societies, and professional development needs while utilizing critical thinking and problem solving techniques to enhance decision making. *Prerequisite(s): Senior status. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (100% Online) |
50151 | HCH105 - -6NPS-H-A | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY | Rood J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:00am) | 4.00 | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: HCH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50152 | HCH105 - -6NPS-H-B | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY | Rood J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: HCH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50153 | HCH105 - -6NPS-H-C | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY | Toote L | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:30pm) | 4.00 | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course) An introduction to the study of the material world from a conceptual, model-building viewpoint. Topics include: elements and compounds, atomic composition and electronic structure, bonding and molecular structure, physical properties, thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Additional charges may apply; please contact the instructor for information. *Prerequisites: high school chemistry and algebra. *Corequisite: HCH 105L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50154 | HCH105 -L-6NPS-H-A | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB | Defnet A | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-10:50am) | 0.00 | NPS HNR FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany HCH105. *Corequisite: HCH 105.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50599 | HE 105 - -OT - -A | INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS | Dennehy T | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS
4.00 credits. This course introduces students to foundational concepts of health and wellness from a broad variety of perspectives. Students will learn how factors such as culture, environments, and social relations influence health at personal and societal levels. The relationship between health and ability to participate in daily life will be explored. *Prerequisite(s): Health Science Majors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50600 | HE 105 - -OT - -B | INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS | Dennehy T | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS
4.00 credits. This course introduces students to foundational concepts of health and wellness from a broad variety of perspectives. Students will learn how factors such as culture, environments, and social relations influence health at personal and societal levels. The relationship between health and ability to participate in daily life will be explored. *Prerequisite(s): Health Science Majors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50601 | HE 205 - -OT - -A | EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FOUNDATION | Carlson N | Open | 29/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FOUNDATION
4.00 credits. This is the first in a series of courses designed to promote the active use and application of scholarship in health care practice. Three modules include: evidence and the health care, tests & measurements, and evidence in health care practice. Skills, knowledge, and critical thinking introduced in this course will be integrated with later occupational therapy practice courses. *Prerequisite(s): MA 250 or MA 251. Health Science majors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50602 | HE 205 - -OT - -B | EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FOUNDATION | Carlson N | Open | 29/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FOUNDATION
4.00 credits. This is the first in a series of courses designed to promote the active use and application of scholarship in health care practice. Three modules include: evidence and the health care, tests & measurements, and evidence in health care practice. Skills, knowledge, and critical thinking introduced in this course will be integrated with later occupational therapy practice courses. *Prerequisite(s): MA 250 or MA 251. Health Science majors.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. Within this course, students will become familiar with common diagnoses and conditions that impact occupations. An emphasis will be placed on understanding the incidence, epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, symptomatology, prognosis, and functional implications of conditions. *Prerequisite(s): HE 110 and BIO 201.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50604 | HE 310 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATION AND ACTIVITY ANALYSIS | Panchik D, Staff S | Open | 18/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATION AND ACTIVITY ANALYSIS
4.00 credits. This course addresses the analysis of how individuals and groups engage in meaningful occupations and activities in various contexts to support their health and well-being. Students consider how client factors, performance skills, performance patterns, activity demands, and context(s) and environments interact to support successful engagement in occupation. Students develop skills in analysis, and in grading and adapting the environment, tools, materials, occupations, and interventions to address client needs, the sociocultural context, and technological advances. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 110, and BIO 201.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50885 | HEG210 - -EG -N-B | HNR CIRCUIT ANALYSIS (EGR 210) | Brinton M | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HNR CIRCUIT ANALYSIS (EGR 210)
4.00 credits. Introduction to linear circuit analysis and fundamental electric circuit components. Topics covered include both analytical (by hand calculation) and computational (by computer model) analysis of direct current (DC) circuits and transient circuits containing resistors, inductors, and capacitors. *Prerequisite(s): MA 121. *Corequisite(s): EGR 210L and PHY 202. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| HEG210 - -EG -N-B | EXAM - HNR CIRCUIT ANALYSIS (EGR 210) | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (02:00pm-03:00pm) | | |
50693 | HEN100 - -1PLE-H-A | HNR PLE WRITING AND LANGUAGE | Dolson E | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HNR PLE WRITING AND LANGUAGE
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) A writing course focusing on writing as a process of discovery concerning ideas, drafting, revising and editing. Students read, write and speak about a variety of aspects of the power of language. *Note: Students assigned to EN 100 may not enroll in EN 150, and those placed in EN 150 may not enroll in EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (100% Online) |
50695 | HEN165 - -3CE -H-A | HNR CE INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING | Smith C | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | HNR CE INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) This course encourages students' creative self-expression and develops their understanding and appreciation of the three principal genres of fiction, drama, and poetry. This course does not count toward the English major or minor. *Prerequisite(s): Honors students only or permission by instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. Within this course, students will become familiar with common diagnoses and conditions that impact occupations. An emphasis will be placed on understanding the incidence, epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, symptomatology, prognosis, and functional implications of conditions. *Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, HE 110, and HE 205.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50698 | HHI210 - -4WCH-H-A | HNR WCH TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE (HI 210) | Brown D | Open | 4/4 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | HNR WCH TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE (HI 210)
4.00 credits. Western Cultural Heritage Core Course. This course examines political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Europe from 1914 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on World War I, the Russian Revolution, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, World War II, the Cold War, decolonization, the collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and the evolution of the European Union.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50699 | HI 101 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1877 | Brown D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUM UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1877
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This course traces the foundations of early American history from the Age of Discovery through the Civil War era. Included will be examinations of colonial society, the causes and consequences of the American Revolution, the rise of mass democracy, and the growing sectionalism that tore the nation apart in 1861.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50702 | HI 114 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH WESTERN CIVILIZATION I | Nation R | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | WCH WESTERN CIVILIZATION I
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course will examine the evolution of Western civilization from its origins in ancient Mediterranean communities (c. 3000 BCE) to the end of the Thirty Years’ War (1648). Emphasis will be placed on the role of politics, economics, culture, religion and ideology in shaping European societies.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50953 | HI 120 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH HISTORY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD UP TO 1800 | Dimitriadis S | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | NCH HISTORY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD UP TO 1800
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course). This course explores the history of the Islamic World from its origins in the 7th century CE to its interaction with the modern world. Covering regions from the Atlantic to the Indian subcontinent, it examines key historical events, the development of Islamic traditions and institutions, and the social, political, and religious transformations that shaped this vast and diverse region.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 45.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50954 | HI 121 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH HISTORY OF THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST | Dimitriadis S | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH HISTORY OF THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage). This course explores the political, economic, social, and cultural transformations in the Middle East from the late 18th century to the present. Tracing the region’s integration into a Western-dominated world system, students will explore the evolution of the Middle East through the 19th and 20th centuries, examining colonialism, the oil economy, and changing gender roles. The course culminates in a role play exploration of contemporary regional challenges.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 45.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50703 | HI 210 - -4WCH- -A | WCH TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE (HHI 210) | Brown D | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | WCH TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE (HHI 210)
4.00 credits.Western Cultural Heritage Core Course.This course examines political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Europe from 1914 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on World War I, the Russian Revolution, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, World War II, the Cold War, decolonization, the collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and the evolution of the European Union.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50812 | HI 226 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH HISTORY OF MODERN CHINA | Nolt S | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH HISTORY OF MODERN CHINA
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course traces China's history from the turbulent close of the dynastic era at the end of the 19th century through the present Communist period. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to describe, explain and analyze diplomatic, political, social, economic and technological interactions between China and its Asian neighbors as well as between China and the West for the modern period.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50813 | HI 302 - -HI - -A | WORLD WAR II IN THE PACIFIC | Nation R | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | WORLD WAR II IN THE PACIFIC
4.00 credits. In this course we will trace the history of World War II in the Pacific. We will focus on the years before, during, and after the war, including the war's impact on both military and civilian populations.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50814 | HI 303 - -HI - -A | JEFFERSONIAN AMERICA | Brown D | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | JEFFERSONIAN AMERICA
4.00 credits. This course explores the formative years of the early American republic from the drafting of the Constitution to the age of sectionalism. Topics include the emergence of competitive political parties, the nation’s divided reaction to the French Revolution, the unexpected growth of popular democracy, the War of 1812, and the expansion of slavery across the country’s southwestern frontier. Enrollment limited to sophomore status or above.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50962 | HM 205 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL HUMANITIES | Erdman L | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUM INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL HUMANITIES
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This course offers students humanistic explorations of identity, gender, sex, role, language, and culture within contexts of illness and care. Using literature and other arts, students will develop skills in critical analysis, close reading, and interpretation to dialogue about the complexities of identity, illness, and disability. Fall and Spring semesters.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50936 | HM 472 - -HM - -A | INTERNSHIP IN ARTS AND HUMANITIES | Dolson E | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | INTERNSHIP IN ARTS AND HUMANITIES
2.00 credits. Internships provide students with practical workplace experience in a setting beneficial to the student's major, as recommended by the School. This guided experience helps students apply their learning, build skills, and expand professional networks. Graded Pass/No Pass. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50937 | HM 474 - -HM - -A | INTERNSHIP IN ARTS AND HUMANITIES | Dolson E | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNSHIP IN ARTS AND HUMANITIES
4.00 credits. Internships provide students with practical workplace experience in a setting beneficial to the student's major, as recommended by the School. This guided experience helps students apply their learning, build skills, and expand professional networks. Graded Pass/No Pass. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50909 | HON205 - -9HUM-H-A | HNR HUM LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVE | Benowitz J | Open | 8/8 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HNR HUM LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PERSONAL NARRATIVE
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This Honors seminar examines a wide variety of theories, practices, models, and examples of leadership. Students will discern types of leadership skills they possess, and leadership skills they wish to develop. Course content will focus broadly on leadership theory and studies in grand strategy. Student will research and discuss leadership theories and practices in a field of their choosing. Students will write a personal leadership narrative which can be used in applications for grants, internships, graduate schools, employment, competitive post graduate scholarships and fellowships.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Course - Honors Students Only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50882 | HON220 - -9HUM-H-A | HNR HUM GENEAOLOGY, HERALDRY, PALEOGRAPH STUDIES & PUBLIC HIST | Benowitz J | Open | 9/9 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | HNR HUM GENEAOLOGY, HERALDRY, PALEOGRAPH STUDIES & PUBLIC HIST
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course)*A Guided Writing and Research Course. The study of History, especially Public Heritage Studies, is biographical and based on autobiographical sources. Chief among the skills of the public historian is working as a genealogist. Genealogy is the study of tracing family lineage and Heraldic Studies identifies individuals based on heredity devices for tracing family histories. This involves a Paleographic analysis of the historicity of manuscripts. This course examines the historiography of biography and autobiography through the lens of historian and genealogist. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Honors Crs - Honors Students Only & Guided Writing Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50883 | HON490 - -ET -N-A | HNR CAPSTONE DIRECTED RESEARCH PROJECT | Ozkanca O | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | HNR CAPSTONE DIRECTED RESEARCH PROJECT
Variable (2.00 - 4.00) credits. This course is a capstone seminar designed to integrate previous coursework in the interdisciplinary fields of Honors students and produce a major research project on a topic related to their studies. It is designed specifically for senior students pursuing an interdisciplinary Honors Senior Thesis for fulfilling their Honors Nest #3 requirement. Each student produces a major research paper and is required to present the results in front of Capstone Directed Research Project Committee, consisting of a thesis supervisor and a thesis reader. Students are encouraged to invite other members of the Honors Program community and faculty to listen to their presentations. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor-Honors Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50125 | HW 110 - -HW - -A | BEING A MENTAL HEALTH ALLY | Lynch B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (04:00pm-04:50pm) | 1.00 | BEING A MENTAL HEALTH ALLY
1.00 credit. Students will receive information about types of mental health concerns and mental health crisis situations. Discussion and activities in class will facilitate students' abilities to assist someone who is experiencing mental health concerns and help the person connect with resources. Information and discussions will facilitate increased awareness and decreased stigma about mental health topics.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50126 | HW 470 - -HW - -A | COACHING INTERNSHIP | Swartzendruber A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | COACHING INTERNSHIP
1.00 credit. Placement at an internship site provides students with practical experience in the coaching field while working under a site supervisor. Written assignments and discussions with the site supervisor and the course faculty member will enable students to integrate what they have learned through other courses in the coaching minor and further develop their identity, skills and knowledge-base as a coach. Signature Learning Experience: Internship.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50978 | INT490 - -INT - -A | DIRECTED RESEARCH PROJECT IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES | Ozkanca O | Open | 9/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | DIRECTED RESEARCH PROJECT IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES
Variable (2.00 or 4.00) credits. This course is a capstone seminar designed to integrate previous coursework in the interdisciplinary field of international studies and produce a major research project on a topic related to international studies. It is designed specifically for senior students pursuing the International Studies minor. Each student produces a major research paper and is required to present the results in front of Capstone Directed Research Project Committee, consisting of the Director of the International Studies Minor and a supervising faculty member (if both positions are filled by the same faculty member, then the student is required to invite another faculty member to serve as the reader). *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all other requirements of the international studies minor) in their senior year on either fall or spring semester. Therefore, students need to successfully complete PS 245 NCH International Relations, two semesters of modern language at the 200 level or above, and three elective courses approved by the International Studies Minor Program Committee, before they become eligible for enrolling in this course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50711 | JA 111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO FIRST YEAR JAPANESE 1 | Takahashi N | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:40am) | 4.00 | PLO FIRST YEAR JAPANESE 1
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Introduction to contemporary Japanese language designed for the acquisition of basic communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Two of the scripts, Hiragana and Katakana, will be introduced. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks. Aimed at students with no prior knowledge of Japanese.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50712 | JA 211 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO SECOND YEAR JAPANESE 1 | Takahashi N | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:40pm) | 4.00 | PLO SECOND YEAR JAPANESE 1
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Further development of oral proficiency and reading and writing skills at the high elementary level of instruction. Proficiency in Kanji is increased to about 100. Japanese word processing is introduced. Designed to equip students with the ability to acquire Level Five of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) administered by the Japan Foundation. *Prerequisite(s): JA 112, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50713 | JA 311 - -ML - -A | THIRD YEAR JAPANESE 1 | Takahashi N | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:10pm) | 4.00 | THIRD YEAR JAPANESE 1
4.00 credits. Designed for student with credit in JA 212, this course aims at developing further control of the grammar, vocabulary, and idioms of spoken Japanese with a proficiency in Kanji reaching 350. *Prerequisite(s): JA 212.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50714 | JA 411 - -ML - -A | FOURTH YEAR JAPANESE 1 | Takahashi N | Open | 11/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | FOURTH YEAR JAPANESE 1
4.00 credits. Further development of proficiency in both rapid and close reading skills. This course focuses on readings from different fields such as anthropology, history, linguistics, and literature. *Prerequisite(s): JA 312.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50815 | JA 460 - -ML - -A | FROM MURASAKI TO MURAKAMI (EN 460) | Bhattacharya M | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (06:00pm-08:50pm) | 4.00 | FROM MURASAKI TO MURAKAMI (EN 460)
4.00 credits. This course will introduce students to Japanese literature from the classical period to the modern, in a variety of genres, starting from the oral traditions of myth and poetry of Kojiki and Manyoshu, the great masterpieces of classical Japanese prose depicted in the Genji Monogatari, plays from the feudal period, Heike Monogatari and Sonezaki Shinjuu, early modern novels such as Kokoro and Hakai, and contemporary fiction and personal histories that have gained critical acclaim and popular success, such as Masks, Kitchen, Norwegian, Wood, and Black Rain, among others. Students will not only learn to understand the historical contexts of these works in terms of genre, intent, audience, themes, aesthetics, gender relations, religion and spirituality, but will also engage with literary theories that undergird our understanding of literary production and appreciation. Students will also learn how to apply that understanding in their own writing in the form of research papers and short reflective reaction papers.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50715 | JA 496 - -ML - -A | JAPANESE SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT I | Takahashi N | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | JAPANESE SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT I
2.00 credits. For Japanese majors. An extended research or translation project on a topic in Japanese literature, culture, or language utilizing some source materials in Japanese. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Program faculty. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50716 | JA 496 - -ML - -B | JAPANESE SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT I | Bhattacharya M | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | JAPANESE SENIOR RESEARCH PROJECT I
2.00 credits. For Japanese majors. An extended research or translation project on a topic in Japanese literature, culture, or language utilizing some source materials in Japanese. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Program faculty. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50446 | LS 110 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH INTRODUCTION TO LAW | Jones R | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | WCH INTRODUCTION TO LAW
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course is designed to introduce students to the US legal system including understanding the different sources of law, discussing the differences between civil and criminal law and procedure, trial and appellate process, and the different political, social, and cultural factors that influence both the creation and the enforcement of the laws in American society. The course compares the US common law system with other systems used in other parts of the world, and discusses the impact of the legal system on different factions of American society, as well as highlighting the way the law has been used to reinforce and challenge historical practices and distributions of power.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50448 | LS 301 - -PPL - -A | MOCK TRIAL I | Miller C | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (06:30pm-08:30pm) | 2.00 | MOCK TRIAL I
2.00 credits. To prepare and conduct a criminal jury trial in the American Mock Trial Association regional and national competition. *May only be taken once for credit. A student may elect to repeat this class for the experience; however, no additional credit is earned. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50449 | LS 301 - -PPL - -B | MOCK TRIAL I | Miller C | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (06:30pm-08:30pm) | 0.00 | MOCK TRIAL I
0.00 credit. To prepare and conduct a criminal jury trial in the American Mock Trial Association regional and national competition. *May only be taken once for credit. A student may elect to repeat this class for the experience; however, no additional credit is earned. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50377 | MA 120 - -MA - -A | FOUNDATIONS FOR CALCULUS | Staff B | Open | 22/22 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS FOR CALCULUS
4.00 credits. Foundations for Calculus includes the study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, along with conic sections, coordinate geometry and sigma notation, emphasizing associated skills and properties. Understanding functions and graphs without, and also with, the use of technology will be emphasized. Students without a recent math course and/or those with little or no background in trigonometry will benefit from this course. Successful completion of MA120 prepares students for MA121. Students placed into MA 120 must earn a minimum grade of C- or better to continue into MA 121.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50378 | MA 121 - -8MA -C-A | MA CALCULUS I | Staff B | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | MA CALCULUS I
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) A thorough introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions, including a study of limits and continuity. Applications to the physical, biological and social sciences are studied in detail.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50379 | MA 121 - -8MA -C-B | MA CALCULUS I | Staff B | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | MA CALCULUS I
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) A thorough introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions, including a study of limits and continuity. Applications to the physical, biological and social sciences are studied in detail.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50380 | MA 122 - -MA - -A | CALCULUS II | Hughes J | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | CALCULUS II
4.00 credits. A continuation of MA 121 involving the calculus of the trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and rational functions. Analytic geometry in the plane, parametric equations, polar coordinates, sequences and series are included, and an in-depth study of integration is completed. *Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MA 121.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50381 | MA 122 - -MA - -B | CALCULUS II | Hughes J | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | CALCULUS II
4.00 credits. A continuation of MA 121 involving the calculus of the trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and rational functions. Analytic geometry in the plane, parametric equations, polar coordinates, sequences and series are included, and an in-depth study of integration is completed. *Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MA 121.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50382 | MA 130 - -MA - -A | CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING I | Staff B | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:00pm) | 2.00 | CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING I
2.00 credits. An introduction to mathematical problem solving at the college level. Students are challenged to solve math problems using their own creativity instead of relying upon standard methods and algorithms, and to communicate their solutions clearly and concisely to others. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50383 | MA 205 - -MA - -A | MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS | Staff B | Open | 12/12 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS
4.00 credits. A course designed to build understanding of K-8 math concepts. Students are required to explain their reasoning, learn multiple representations of concepts, and create alternative algorithms.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50384 | MA 222 - -MA - -A | CALCULUS III | McDevitt T | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | CALCULUS III
4.00 credits. A continuation of MA 122, that completes the topics of the calculus sequence, including three-dimensional analytic geometry, vectors and vector valued functions, and calculus of functions of several variables. *Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MA 121. MA 122 is highly recommended.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50385 | MA 235 - -MA - -A | INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROOFS | Batakci L | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL PROOFS
4.00 credits. Topics include logic, sets, functions, relations, mathematical induction, combinatorics and other counting techniques, graphs and trees. Special emphasis will be given to writing correct mathematical proofs. *Prerequisite: 8 credits of mathematics, MA 121 or higher. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50387 | MA 251 - -8MA -C-B | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | Wu W | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing MA 250. In terms of mathematical and statistical content and outcomes, MA 251 is identical to MA 250.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50388 | MA 251 - -8MA -C-C | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | Staff B | Open | 23/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing MA 250. In terms of mathematical and statistical content and outcomes, MA 251 is identical to MA 250.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50389 | MA 251 - -8MA -C-D | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS | Staff B | Open | 29/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | MA PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
4.00 credits. (Mathematics Core Course) Covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, experimental design and statistical inference. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to statistical thinking and methodology, and their use in the natural and social sciences. *This course may not be taken for credit after completing MA 250. In terms of mathematical and statistical content and outcomes, MA 251 is identical to MA 250.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50390 | MA 252 - -MA - -A | STATISTICAL METHODS IN RESEARCH | McDevitt T | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | STATISTICAL METHODS IN RESEARCH
4.00 credits. A second course in Statistics, introducing students to major statistical methods for research in the physical and life sciences, business, economics and the social sciences. Topics include comparison of means, design of experiments and ANOVA, categorical analysis, regression, time series and nonparametric methods. *Prerequisite: MA 251.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50391 | MA 262 - -MA - -A | FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS WITH EXCEL | Hughes J | Open | 7/7 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:30am) | 2.00 | FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS WITH EXCEL
2.00 credits. Throughout this course, we will utilize Excel to delve into and tackle problems in financial mathematics. Topics covered will include simple and compound interest, present and future value, discount rate, nominal rate, effective rate, annuities, amortized loans, sinking funds, bonds, yield rate, life contingencies, and financial derivatives. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50392 | MA 321 - -MA - -A | DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS | Batakci L | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
4.00 credits. A study of analytical and numerical approaches to ordinary differential equations and related topics and applications including complex arithmetic, matrix algebra, first order differential equations, linear differential equations, systems of differential equations, and Laplace transforms. *Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MA 122.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50397 | MA 331 - -MA - -A | OPERATIONS RESEARCH I | Batakci L | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | OPERATIONS RESEARCH I
4.00 credits. A study of mathematical techniques and models used to solve problems from business, management, and various other areas. Topics include the structure of linear programming, using the simplex method to solve linear programs, sensitivity analysis, duality and complementary slackness, modeling techniques, blending problems, minimum cost network flow problems, transportation problems, shortest path problems, and integer programming. *Prerequisite(s): MA 201 or MA 321. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50975 | MA 341 - -MA - -A | MODERN GEOMETRY | Hughes J | Open | 30/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MODERN GEOMETRY
4.00 credits. The concept of geometry as a logical system based upon postulates and undefined elements, along with an appreciation of the historical evolution of geometries. Topics include incidence geometries, congruence, inequalities, parallel postulates, parallel projections, similarities, and circles. *Prerequisite(s): MA 235. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50396 | MA 352 - -MA - -A | MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS | McDevitt T | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS
4.00 credits. A study of principles of statistical inference in the theory of statistics, with an emphasis on estimation and hypothesis testing. The objective of this course is to build a solid undergraduate foundation in statistical theory. *Prerequisite(s): MA 201 and MA 351. Fall semester, odd-numbered years.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50393 | MA 456 - -MA - -A | FUNDAMENTALS OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS | Wu W | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | FUNDAMENTALS OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS
4.00 credits. This course offers a comprehensive examination of the theoretical foundation of essential actuarial models and their application to insurance. Topics covered include insurance and reinsurance coverages, severity, frequency, and aggregate models, parametric estimation, credibility, pricing and reserving for short-term insurance coverages, retirement financial security programs, mortality models, survival estimation, present value random variables for long-term insurance coverages, premium and policy value calculations for long-term insurance coverages, and the fundamentals of option pricing. Successful completion of this course equips students for the Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics (FAM) Exam administered by the Society of Actuaries. *Prerequisite(s): MA 255 and MA 351. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50587 | MKT215 - -BU - -A | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING | Greenberg B | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
4.00 credits. An introductory course emphasizing key concepts and issues underlying the marketing process and how it operates in today's dynamic organizations. The marketing mix is examined on a broad scale, with students developing an understanding of how decisions in each element impact and influence the others. Among the topics covered are segmentation, consumer behavior, product development, promotional campaigns, marketing research, distribution planning and pricing strategies. The course will culminate in a final project or major case study, with students developing and presenting a marketing plan.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 15.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50588 | MKT215 - -BU - -B | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING | Greenberg B | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
4.00 credits. An introductory course emphasizing key concepts and issues underlying the marketing process and how it operates in today's dynamic organizations. The marketing mix is examined on a broad scale, with students developing an understanding of how decisions in each element impact and influence the others. Among the topics covered are segmentation, consumer behavior, product development, promotional campaigns, marketing research, distribution planning and pricing strategies. The course will culminate in a final project or major case study, with students developing and presenting a marketing plan.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 15.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50589 | MKT311 - -BU - -A | MARKETING RESEARCH | Staff B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:40pm) | 4.00 | MARKETING RESEARCH
4.00 credits. An introduction to the theories and techniques behind the development, execution and dissemination of marketing research. Taught through a hands-on approach, students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of research methodologies and techniques, both quantitative and qualitative. *Prerequisite(s): MKT 215 and MA 251.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 15.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MKT311 - -BU - -A | LAB - MARKETING RESEARCH | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:40pm) | | |
50959 | MKT315 - -BU - -A | DIGITAL MARKETING | Staff B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | DIGITAL MARKETING
4.00 credits. Students in this course will explore the development, production and implementation of digital-marketing delivery methods including, but not limited to, email marketing, web-based marketing, search-engine optimization (SEO), online advertising, and social media. The curriculum will introduce tools to appropriately measure and evaluate the effectiveness of digital-marketing campaigns that are designed to improve the experience of the consumer. New trends, as well as key opportunities for innovation, will also be discussed. *Prerequisite(s): MKT 215.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MKT315 - -BU - -A | LAB - DIGITAL MARKETING | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | | |
50591 | MKT319 - -BU - -A | CONSUMER BEHAVIOR | Greenberg B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
4.00 credits. Development of an understanding of the explanations, based on behavioral sciences, for consumer purchasing activities. Subjects include the consumer's role in society, group influences on consumers, the nature of individual consumers as determinants of buying behavior, and consumer decision-making models. *Prerequisite(s): MKT 215.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 15.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MKT319 - -BU - -A | LAB - CONSUMER BEHAVIOR | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | | |
50958 | MKT319 - -BU - -B | CONSUMER BEHAVIOR | Greenberg B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (04:00pm-05:20pm) | 4.00 | CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
4.00 credits. Development of an understanding of the explanations, based on behavioral sciences, for consumer purchasing activities. Subjects include the consumer's role in society, group influences on consumers, the nature of individual consumers as determinants of buying behavior, and consumer decision-making models. *Prerequisite(s): MKT 215.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 15.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MKT319 - -BU - -B | LAB - CONSUMER BEHAVIOR | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (04:00pm-05:20pm) | | |
50497 | MPA501 - -PA - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH SCIENCES I | Rookey D, Molina R | Open | 5/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (01:00pm-02:30pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH SCIENCES I
4.00 credits. This course provides an in-depth study of topics in human anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in a system-based approach. Instruction will emphasize genetic and molecular mechanisms of health and disease with material on cell biology and immunology, infectious disease, integumentary, musculoskeletal and rheumatological, neurological and hematology systems. Fall term. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 3. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA501 - -PA - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH SCIENCES I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (09:00am-10:30am) | | |
| MPA501 - -PA - -A | LAB - FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH SCIENCES I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (01:00pm-04:00pm) | | |
50498 | MPA511 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL MEDICINE I | Rauhauser B, Indeck D | Open | 5/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (09:00am-12:00pm) | 6.00 | CLINICAL MEDICINE I
6.00 credits. This course will introduce students to the broad scope of clinical medicine and disease processes. Included will be pathology and prevalence, microbiology, signs and symptoms, evaluation and management in a system-based approach. This course will explore disorders of integumentary, musculoskeletal, rheumatological, behavioral health, neurological and hematology systems. Fall semester. Hours: lecture 6. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA511 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL MEDICINE I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:00am-11:00am) | | |
| MPA511 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL MEDICINE I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:00am-10:00am) | | |
50499 | MPA521 - -PA - -A | PHARMACOLOGY I | Rookey D, Ngu E | Open | 2/15 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:30pm) | 3.00 | PHARMACOLOGY I
3.00 credits. This course will give students a foundation in the mechanism by which drugs influence physiologic manifestations of disease. There is introduction to the principles of drug action, metabolism, elimination, toxicity and therapeutics. This course will cover anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, topical remedies, analgesics, mental health medications, neurological therapeutics and anticoagulation. Fall semester. Hours: 3. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA521 - -PA - -A | PHARMACOLOGY I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (10:30am-12:00pm) | | |
50500 | MPA521 - -PA - -B | PHARMACOLOGY I | Rookey D, Ngu E | Open | 3/15 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:30pm) | 3.00 | PHARMACOLOGY I
3.00 credits. This course will give students a foundation in the mechanism by which drugs influence physiologic manifestations of disease. There is introduction to the principles of drug action, metabolism, elimination, toxicity and therapeutics. This course will cover anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, topical remedies, analgesics, mental health medications, neurological therapeutics and anticoagulation. Fall semester. Hours: 3. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA521 - -PA - -B | PHARMACOLOGY I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (10:30am-12:00pm) | | |
50501 | MPA531 - -PA - -A | PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURES I | Rookey D, Fink H, Thomasson C | Open | 5/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (09:00am-11:00am) | 3.00 | PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURES I
3.00 credits. This course is a lecture and laboratory course designed to introduce students to the theory and application of physical examination and basic point of care skills. The students will cover a comprehensive physical examination and begin to discuss problem focused collection based on patient presentation. Fall semester. Hours: lecture 2, laboratory 3.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| MPA531 - -PA - -A | LAB - PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURES I | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (01:00pm-04:00pm) | | |
50502 | MPA541 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL REASONING I | Rookey D | Open | 5/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (10:00am-12:00pm) | 2.00 | CLINICAL REASONING I
2.00 credits. This course will introduce students to the process of collecting and documenting data and integrating this data into a patient assessment. Students will also learn problem solving/medical decision making for more effective patient evaluation, diagnosis, and management. There is discussion of each component of a SOAP note and interviewing skills. Students will learn oral and written presentation skills. Fall semester. Hours: lecture 2. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50503 | MPA551 - -PA - -A | PATIENT COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION I | Rookey D | Open | 5/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (01:00pm-03:00pm) | 2.00 | PATIENT COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION I
2.00 credits. In this course, students will learn essential skills in the assessment of and communication with patients. There will be focus on patient-provider relationships, health literacy, diverse populations, patient education, social and behavioral sciences as well as normal and abnormal human development across the life span, motivational interviewing, substance use/abuse, end of life discussion and delivering bad news, HIPPA and the history of the physician assistant profession. This course will use interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families and other health professionals. Fall semester. Hours: lecture 2.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50504 | MPA601 - -PA - -A | EDUCATION AND RESEARCH I | Rookey D, Molina R | Open | 8/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | EDUCATION AND RESEARCH I
2.00 credits. In the first section of a two part series, students will learn the basics of developing their culminating experience project and will identify a community service opportunity in an area of their choosing to promote community involvement, lifelong learning, and develop a deeper understanding of accessibility to care concerns within a community. Students can complete their capstones in a diverse range of settings, including clinical or hospital environments, public policy organizations, and nonprofit organizations. Students will be encouraged to apply classroom learning concepts to the clinical setting. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework. Fall semester. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50505 | MPA603 - -PA - -A | PANCE PREPARATION I | Rookey D | Open | 8/30 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.50 | PANCE PREPARATION I
0.5 credits. Attaining board certification is a requirement for all Physician Assistants intending to apply for state licensure and practice medicine upon graduation throughout the United States. This course is a comprehensive review of material presented throughout the didactic and clinical years. Topics align directly with the blueprint provided by the National Commission for Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Students will complete practice examinations designed to prepare them for the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) administered by the NCCPA. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework. Graded Pass/No Pass. Fall term. Online only.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50506 | MPA611 - -PA - -A | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Internal Medicine Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in inpatient and/or outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of the adult and geriatric patient. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50507 | MPA611 - -PA - -B | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Internal Medicine Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in inpatient and/or outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of the adult and geriatric patient. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50508 | MPA611 - -PA - -C | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | INTERNAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Internal Medicine Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in inpatient and/or outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of the adult and geriatric patient. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50509 | MPA612 - -PA - -A | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in the field of women's health. Emphasis will be placed on prenatal and gynecologic care. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient, outpatient, or surgical setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50510 | MPA612 - -PA - -B | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in the field of women's health. Emphasis will be placed on prenatal and gynecologic care. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient, outpatient, or surgical setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50511 | MPA612 - -PA - -C | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | WOMEN'S HEALTH PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in the field of women's health. Emphasis will be placed on prenatal and gynecologic care. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient, outpatient, or surgical setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50512 | MPA613 - -PA - -A | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of care to pediatric patients. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute, chronic, and preventive care medicine. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient or outpatient setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50513 | MPA613 - -PA - -B | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of care to pediatric patients. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute, chronic, and preventive care medicine. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient or outpatient setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50514 | MPA613 - -PA - -C | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | PEDIATRICS PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of care to pediatric patients. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute, chronic, and preventive care medicine. Supervised clinical practice experience may be gained in the inpatient or outpatient setting during this rotation. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care and the practice of preventive medicine. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50515 | MPA614 - -PA - -A | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Family Practice Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in the outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients across the lifespan. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50516 | MPA614 - -PA - -B | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Family Practice Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in the outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients across the lifespan. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50517 | MPA614 - -PA - -C | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | FAMILY PRACTICE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of health in the Family Practice Setting. Students will be placed in settings that focus on the management of acute and chronic disease in the outpatient settings. Emphasis will be placed on the care of patients across the lifespan. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students in this rotation will develop an increased understanding of environmental, social, and economic factors that impact patient care. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50518 | MPA615 - -PA - -A | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan for patients in an emergency medicine and/or acute care setting which includes exposure to, and the care of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Emphasis will be placed on developing an increased understanding of critical vs noncritical patient presentations and methods for evaluation and stabilization in acute, life-threatening events. Students will observe and assist in clinical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate, treat, and refer patients appropriately. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50519 | MPA615 - -PA - -B | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan for patients in an emergency medicine and/or acute care setting which includes exposure to, and the care of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Emphasis will be placed on developing an increased understanding of critical vs noncritical patient presentations and methods for evaluation and stabilization in acute, life-threatening events. Students will observe and assist in clinical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate, treat, and refer patients appropriately. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50520 | MPA615 - -PA - -C | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | EMERGENCY MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare across the lifespan for patients in an emergency medicine and/or acute care setting which includes exposure to, and the care of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Emphasis will be placed on developing an increased understanding of critical vs noncritical patient presentations and methods for evaluation and stabilization in acute, life-threatening events. Students will observe and assist in clinical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate, treat, and refer patients appropriately. Students will participate in history-taking, physical examination, assessment, formulating a problem list, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, developing a treatment plan, and completing medical documentation appropriately. Students will gain further experience functioning as a part of a healthcare team through preceptor presentation and expanding on effective communication with patients, families, and healthcare providers. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50521 | MPA616 - -PA - -A | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical preceptorship designed to enhance student competence in the care of the surgical patient in pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative settings. B3.03d, B3.07d. Students will become familiar with a variety of common surgical conditions, providing adequate patient education about his/her surgical condition, and recognizing potential complications. B3.04d Students will observe and assist in surgical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate and refer patients for surgical treatment. However, emphasis will not be placed on the meticulous details surrounding completion of any specific surgical procedures. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50522 | MPA616 - -PA - -B | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical preceptorship designed to enhance student competence in the care of the surgical patient in pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative settings. B3.03d, B3.07d. Students will become familiar with a variety of common surgical conditions, providing adequate patient education about his/her surgical condition, and recognizing potential complications. B3.04d Students will observe and assist in surgical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate and refer patients for surgical treatment. However, emphasis will not be placed on the meticulous details surrounding completion of any specific surgical procedures. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50523 | MPA616 - -PA - -C | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | SURGERY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical preceptorship designed to enhance student competence in the care of the surgical patient in pre-operative, intraoperative, and post-operative settings. B3.03d, B3.07d. Students will become familiar with a variety of common surgical conditions, providing adequate patient education about his/her surgical condition, and recognizing potential complications. B3.04d Students will observe and assist in surgical procedures, giving them the experience necessary to evaluate and refer patients for surgical treatment. However, emphasis will not be placed on the meticulous details surrounding completion of any specific surgical procedures. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50524 | MPA617 - -PA - -A | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation that exposes them to the care of patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the enhancing the student's development of skills and knowledge necessary to manage patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Students may complete this rotation in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students will be able to observe and assist in the diagnosis and management of patients, as well as develop an awareness of psychosocial problems likely to be encountered in a primary care practice. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50525 | MPA617 - -PA - -B | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation that exposes them to the care of patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the enhancing the student's development of skills and knowledge necessary to manage patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Students may complete this rotation in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students will be able to observe and assist in the diagnosis and management of patients, as well as develop an awareness of psychosocial problems likely to be encountered in a primary care practice. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50526 | MPA617 - -PA - -C | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week clinical rotation that exposes them to the care of patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Emphasis will be placed on the enhancing the student's development of skills and knowledge necessary to manage patients with behavioral and psychiatric conditions. Students may complete this rotation in an outpatient or inpatient setting. Students will be able to observe and assist in the diagnosis and management of patients, as well as develop an awareness of psychosocial problems likely to be encountered in a primary care practice. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50527 | MPA618 - -PA - -A | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R1) 08/18/2025 to 09/19/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in a medical specialty or subspecialty of their interest. For this rotation, the program will design an individualized curriculum to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for each student. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50528 | MPA618 - -PA - -B | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R2) 09/29/2025 to 10/31/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in a medical specialty or subspecialty of their interest. For this rotation, the program will design an individualized curriculum to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for each student. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50529 | MPA618 - -PA - -C | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP | Rookey D, Fink H | Open | 24/24 | (R3) 11/04/2025 to 12/10/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CLINICAL SPECIALTY PRECEPTORSHIP
4.00 credits. Students will complete a 5-week community based clinical rotation designed to enhance student competence in the delivery of healthcare to patients in a medical specialty or subspecialty of their interest. For this rotation, the program will design an individualized curriculum to ensure a safe and positive learning experience for each student. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all didactic coursework.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50496 | MSE512 - -ED - -A | LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL INTRCTN IN INCLSV STGS (SED 212) | Cieslinski C | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL INTRCTN IN INCLSV STGS (SED 212)
4.00 credits. A study of the scientific principles and best practices for creating and sustaining an optimal learning environment and positive social interaction for diverse learners in an inclusive classroom setting. Emphasis is on analyzing factors that influence academic and social behavior, adapting the physical environment, implementing an equitable classroom management system, maintaining a respectful climate, teaching social skills, and implementing positive behavioral supports. *Prerequisite: Formal acceptance into Education Program required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50532 | MSE522 - -ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (SED 222) | Haley-Mize L | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (SED 222)
4.00 credits. This course is an introduction to philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of Special Education and inclusive education principles and practices. The history, etiology, characteristics, and accommodations for students with special needs in the classroom setting will be examined. Field experience is required which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees). *Prerequisite: Formal acceptance into Education Program required. *Corequisite: MSE 522L. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50534 | MSE522 -L-ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION LABORATORY (SED 222L) | Haley-Mize L | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 0.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION LABORATORY (SED 222L)
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany MSE 522. *Corequisite: MSE 522. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50536 | MSE533 - -ED - -A | ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (SED 333) | Peters K | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (SED 333)
4.00 credits. This course provides an overview of assessment as a tool to guide various types of decisions in the educational setting. The primary focus is on use of informal and formal assessment to craft instruction that is responsive to individual learners. The course also includes information on how to use data to make eligibility and placement decisions while highlighting best practice to ensure that these decisions are well informed and in the best interest of the learner. Specific topics include legislation, trends, and issues in assessment practices; different types of tests and their appropriate administration, scoring, and interpretation; use of descriptive statistics to describe and interpret data sets; reliability and validity considerations in designing, administering, and reporting; and assessment of young children and behavior. *Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Graduate Education Program is required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50538 | MSE542 - -ED - -A | EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS WITH ASD AND/OR EBD (SED 342) | Peters K | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS WITH ASD AND/OR EBD (SED 342)
4.00 credits. This course is designed to prepare teachers to support the participation and education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD) in the PK-12 setting. Emphasis is on the diagnostic criteria, methods of identification, and best practices in intervention and support according to current research. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Graduate Education Program is required. *Corequisites: MSE 544, MSE 565, and MSE 542L. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50540 | MSE544 - -ED - -A | INTENSIVE READING, WRITING, AND MATHEMATICS INTERVENTION (SED 344) | Staff P | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | INTENSIVE READING, WRITING, AND MATHEMATICS INTERVENTION (SED 344)
4.00 credits.This course provides substantive, research-based instruction that effectively prepares future teachers to assess and provide interventions to students who are struggling in the reading, writing, and mathematics content areas. An emphasis will be placed on determining differences between typical and problematic performance in each of the areas and modifying instructional methods, providing strategy instruction, and monitoring progress in each area. A clinical field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): MSE 524 and acceptance into the Graduate Education Program is required. *Corequisite(s): MSE 542, MSE 565, and MSE 544L. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50541 | MSE565 - -ED - -A | ISSUES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION | Haley-Mize L | Open | 24/24 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | ISSUES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION
4.00 credits.Working with a faculty mentor, this is a self-directed and self-constructed course for those specializing in PK-8 or 7-12 certifications. Graduate candidates select specific topics to explore that are particularly germane to their certificate levels and companion competencies. *Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Graduate Education Program is required. *Corequisites: MSE 542 and MSE 544. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Blended /Hybrid 51-74%) |
50726 | MU 100A- -MU - -A | REPERTOIRE CLASS | Badgerow J | Open | 49/50 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 1.00 | REPERTOIRE CLASS
1.00 credit.This class provides performance opportunities for students in applied music. It meets for one hour each week and is required for all music majors and minors who are enrolled in applied music instruction. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Majors and Minors only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50727 | MU 100B- -MU - -A | FIRST-YEAR REPERTOIRE CLASS | Badgerow J | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 0.00 | FIRST-YEAR REPERTOIRE CLASS
0.00 credit.This class provides performance opportunities for students in applied music. It meets for one hour each week and is required for all music majors and minors who are enrolled in applied music instruction. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Majors and Minors only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50728 | MU 103 - -MU - -A | AURAL SKILLS I | Shorner-Johnson K | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 1.00 | AURAL SKILLS I
1.00 credit. Foundational music reading and ear training using moveable "Do," kinesthetically reinforced with Curwen hand signs. Rhythmic study will focus on basic beat and subdivisions of simple and compound meter. Melodic study will emphasize basic patterns that are characteristic of tonal music. *Corequisite(s): MU 101. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50730 | MU 117 - -MU - -A | FUNCTIONAL KEYBOARD SKILLS I | Badgerow J | Open | 11/11 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:20pm) | 1.00 | FUNCTIONAL KEYBOARD SKILLS I
1.00 credit. Basic piano skills. Required of all music majors whose first applied instrument is not piano. *Prerequisite(s): Music major. *The School reserves the right to offer this course as private lessons if fewer than five students are enrolled. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Majors only Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50731 | MU 120 - -MU - -A | GUITAR CLASS II | Staff A | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 1.00 | GUITAR CLASS II
1.00 credit. A continuation of MU 119 with emphasis on bar chords, accompaniment patterns, and note reading. Includes an introduction to classical guitar technique, history, performers and classical literature. *Prerequisite(s): MU 119, or permission of the instructor. *The School reserves the right to offer this course as private lessons if fewer than five students are enrolled.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50732 | MU 150 - -MU - -A | PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR | Frantz E | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 1.00 | PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR
1.00 credit. A weekly seminar for Music Therapy majors. Guest speakers, faculty and students present topics of mutual interest, including areas such as self-exploration, self-care, utilization of campus resources, learning about self and others through groupwork, applying self to musicianship, and developing music therapy skills and repertoire. *Required of Music Therapy majors each semester. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50733 | MU 151 - -MU - -A | INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC THERAPY | Frantz E | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 2.00 | INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC THERAPY
2.00 credits. An introduction to the field of music therapy. Topics include theoretical, historical and sociological rationale supporting the field and an overview of basic clinical practice and research methods. Emphasis is on a broad knowledge of the field resulting in a generalized understanding of the current state of practice and research. Clinical observation and in-class simulations are included with emphasis given to two populations as the semester progresses. *Prerequisite(s): Music major, or permission of the instructor. Hours: lecture 2, laboratory 1. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50734 | MU 201 - -MU - -A | THEORY III | Badgerow J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:15am) | 2.00 | THEORY III
2.00 credits. This course is a continuation of MU 102, and focuses on chromatic melodic and harmonic practices of tonal music including applied chords, mode mixture, modulation, and chromatic predominant chords. Formal procedures will be examined including binary, ternary, variation, rondo and sonata. *Prerequisite(s): MU 102. *Corequisite(s): MU 203. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50735 | MU 203 - -MU - -A | AURAL SKILLS III | Fritz M | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-02:50pm) | 1.00 | AURAL SKILLS III
1.00 credit. Continued emphasis on reading and dictation skills with concentration on diatonic materials. Chromaticism will be introduced. *Prerequisite(s): MU 104. *Corequisite(s): MU 201. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50737 | MU 211 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH MUSIC HISTORY: 1600-1850 | Denesha H | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | WCH MUSIC HISTORY: 1600-1850
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) A broad study of the technical, stylistic and social/historical developments related to Western music and musicians beginning around the year 1600, toward the end of the Renaissance Era, and continuing to the end of the 18th century. *Prerequisite(s): MU 102 or permission of the instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50738 | MU 217 - -MU - -A | FUNCTIONAL KEYBOARD SKILLS III | Braun C | Open | 11/11 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:20am) | 1.00 | FUNCTIONAL KEYBOARD SKILLS III
1.00 credit. Scale harmonizations, modal harmonizations, figured bass realization, and transposition of simple instrumental melodic lines. *Prerequisite(s): MU 118, or permission of the instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50950 | MU 220 - -MU - -A | MUSIC EDUCATION LABORATORY | Shiffer F | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 2.00 | MUSIC EDUCATION LABORATORY
2.00 credits. Students will develop increasingly sophisticated skills in conducting, arranging, and instrumental pedagogy.Students will develop beginning skill within a brass, woodwind, or percussion family. This course is repeatable for credit. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50736 | MU 225 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH SILK ROAD SOUNDSCAPES OF COMPASSION, HEALING AND CARE | Shorner-Johnson K | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH SILK ROAD SOUNDSCAPES OF COMPASSION, HEALING AND CARE
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) Our ability to care for each other and for our ecological relationships rests upon notions of identity, ethics, and our understanding of relational belonging. Drawing on scholarship from medical ethnomusicology, care ethics, and Asian studies, this course employs studies of Silk Road soundscapes to study diverse ways in which sound expands or contracts expressive compassion or spatial territories. This course intentionally uses the language of soundscapes, to draw ethical studies of cultures that view notions of “music” and “sound” differently from Euro-centric understandings. Students will come to a deeper understanding of how emotion, story, relation, and wholeness are supported through sound/music and ritual. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50739 | MU 230 - -MU - -A | MUSIC TEACHING AND LEARNING | Sempsey L | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (05:00pm-06:40pm) | 2.00 | MUSIC TEACHING AND LEARNING
2.00 credits. Students discover how children learn music and the role of music learning theory in facilitating that process. The future music educator is also introduced to the process of curriculum development and the assessment of music teaching and learning. Model curricula based on national and state standards are reviewed. Students will develop the ability to assess aptitudes, backgrounds, and orientations of students and subject content and plan lessons that meet assessed needs. Peer teaching and field experiences will be an integral part of the course experience. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50740 | MU 235 - -MU - -A | MUSIC TEACHING AND LEARNING FIELD EXPERIENCE | Shorner-Johnson K | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:20pm) | 0.00 | MUSIC TEACHING AND LEARNING FIELD EXPERIENCE
0.00 credit. Students will practice and implement concepts and skills learned in MU 230 including instructional design, learning theories, and foundational teaching principles. *Corequisite(s): MU 230.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50741 | MU 241 - -MU - -A | MUSIC THERAPY METHODS AND TECHNIQUES I | Ghiorzi E | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 3.00 | MUSIC THERAPY METHODS AND TECHNIQUES I
3.00 credits. The development of music and non-music skills and concepts related to conducting entry-level music therapy sessions. Emphasis is on the development and application of assessment and observation skills, treatment planning and implementation, leadership, documentation and music performance skills in therapeutic settings. Includes lecture and clinical experiences. *Prerequisite(s): MU 152. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50742 | MU 254 - -MU - -A | COLLEGE MUSIC THERAPY CLINICAL EXPERIENCES | Frantz E | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | COLLEGE MUSIC THERAPY CLINICAL EXPERIENCES
1.00 credit. Supervised field experiences (observation and participation) in an approved clinical facility. A minimum of 13 planned sessions involving client contact and weekly processing with a supervisor are required for each clinical experience. During this practicum, students will achieve entry-level professional, preparation, delivery, and documentation skills related to the practice of music therapy. *Prerequisite(s): MU 241 and a Pass on the pre-clinical proficiency assignment and Music Therapy majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement and Practicum. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50933 | MU 255 - -MU - -A | COMMUNITY-BASED CLINICAL EXPERIENCES | Frantz E | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | COMMUNITY-BASED CLINICAL EXPERIENCES
1.00 credit. Supervised field experiences (observation and participation) in an approved clinical facility. A minimum of 13 planned sessions involving client contact and weekly processing with a supervisor are required for each clinical experience. During this practicum, students will achieve entry-level professional, preparation, delivery, and documentation skills related to the practice of music therapy. *Prerequisite(s): MU 241 and a Pass on the pre-clinical proficiency assignment. Music Therapy majors only. Signature Learning Experience. Field Placement and Practicum. This course is repeatable for credit. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50743 | MU 278 - -3CE -C-A | CE VOICE | Staff A | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VOICE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50744 | MU 278 - -3CE -C-B | CE VOICE | Mekeel A | Open | 24/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VOICE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50745 | MU 278 - -3CE -C-C | CE VOICE | Shafer S | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VOICE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50748 | MU 278 - -3CE -C-D | CE VOICE | Bomberger T | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VOICE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50749 | MU 279 - -3CE -C-A | CE PIANO | Badgerow J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE PIANO
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). *Music majors whose principal instrument is NOT piano or organ must enroll in MU 117 before MU 269. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50750 | MU 279 - -3CE -C-B | CE PIANO | Bomberger E | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE PIANO
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). *Music majors whose principal instrument is NOT piano or organ must enroll in MU 117 before MU 269. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50751 | MU 279 - -3CE -C-C | CE PIANO | Braun C | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE PIANO
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). *Music majors whose principal instrument is NOT piano or organ must enroll in MU 117 before MU 269. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50752 | MU 280 - -3CE -C-A | CE ORGAN | Bomberger E | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE ORGAN
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50753 | MU 281 - -3CE -C-A | CE VIOLIN | Kim J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VIOLIN
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50754 | MU 282 - -3CE -C-A | CE VIOLA | Kim J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE VIOLA
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50755 | MU 283 - -3CE -C-A | CE CELLO | Flury G | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE CELLO
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50756 | MU 284 - -3CE -C-A | CE STRING BASS | Howell D | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE STRING BASS
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50757 | MU 285 - -3CE -C-A | CE GUITAR | Staff A | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE GUITAR
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50758 | MU 286 - -3CE -C-A | CE FLUTE | Nelson P | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE FLUTE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50759 | MU 287 - -3CE -C-A | CE CLARINET | Shiffer F | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE CLARINET
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50934 | MU 288 - -3CE -C-A | CE OBOE | Frantz E | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE OBOE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50760 | MU 289 - -3CE -C-A | CE BASSOON | Tatoris M | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE BASSOON
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50761 | MU 290 - -3CE -C-A | CE SAXOPHONE | Shiffer F | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE SAXOPHONE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50762 | MU 291 - -3CE -C-A | CE TRUMPET | Hillard L | Open | 4/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE TRUMPET
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50935 | MU 292 - -3CE -C-A | CE FRENCH HORN | Staff A | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE FRENCH HORN
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50763 | MU 293 - -3CE -C-A | CE TROMBONE | Moore II G | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE TROMBONE
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50764 | MU 294 - -3CE -C-A | CE EUPHONIUM | Moore II G | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE EUPHONIUM
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50765 | MU 295 - -3CE -C-A | CE TUBA | Moore II G | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE TUBA
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50766 | MU 296 - -3CE -C-A | CE PERCUSSION | Behrenshausen B | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | CE PERCUSSION
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Applied Music Lesson. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 460.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50767 | MU 298 - -MU - -A | COMPOSITION | Haines J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | COMPOSITION
1.00 credit. Development of skills in composing. Emphasis on creation of original works for a variety of media with performance as final product. *Prerequisite(s): MU 101. For enrollment beyond two terms, MU 419 is required. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50768 | MU 321 - -MU - -A | CONDUCTING I | Fritz M | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MF (09:30am-10:45am) | 2.00 | CONDUCTING I
2.00 credits. Instruction in the fundamentals of conducting. Topics include conducting techniques, instrumental and choral methods and problems, score reading, and interpretation. *Prerequisite(s): MU 202 and MU 212, or permission of the instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50769 | MU 357 - -MU - -A | MUSIC THERAPY METHODS AND TECHNIQUES III | Frantz E | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 3.00 | MUSIC THERAPY METHODS AND TECHNIQUES III
3.00 credits. A study of various philosophies and practices of music therapy as related to the implementation of music therapy within specific clinical populations and preparation for clinical internship. Emphases are on the integration of the knowledge and skills associated with the practice of music therapy, verbal interaction skills, and interviewing for internships. *Prerequisite(s): MU 253 and MU 254. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50770 | MU 358 - -MU - -A | PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC AND RESEARCH METHODS | Dinsmore A | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC AND RESEARCH METHODS
4.00 credits. Beginning with a brief introduction to the research literature that the students read and an overview of the research process, the course then examines the literature on various topics related to acoustics and the psychology of music while discussing how the information applies to the practice of music therapy and music education. Students review the literature on topics related to an area of chosen inquiry. *Prerequisite(s): MU 254, MU 357, MA 251 and NEU 125 or approval of the instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50771 | MU 360B- -MU - -A | CHAMBER ENSEMBLE BRASS | Moore II G | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.50 | CHAMBER ENSEMBLE BRASS
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50772 | MU 360B- -MU - -B | CHAMBER ENSEMBLE BRASS | Moore II G | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | CHAMBER ENSEMBLE BRASS
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50773 | MU 360C- -MU - -A | WOODWIND ENSEMBLE | Shiffer F | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.50 | WOODWIND ENSEMBLE
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50774 | MU 360C- -MU - -B | WOODWIND ENSEMBLE | Shiffer F | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | WOODWIND ENSEMBLE
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50775 | MU 360E- -MU - -A | FLUTE CHOIR | Nelson P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.50 | FLUTE CHOIR
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50776 | MU 360E- -MU - -B | FLUTE CHOIR | Nelson P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | FLUTE CHOIR
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50777 | MU 360F- -MU - -A | PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE | Behrenshausen B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 0.50 | PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50778 | MU 360F- -MU - -B | PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE | Behrenshausen B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 0.00 | PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50779 | MU 360P- -MU - -A | PIANO ENSEMBLE | Badgerow J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 0.50 | PIANO ENSEMBLE
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50780 | MU 360P- -MU - -B | PIANO ENSEMBLE | Badgerow J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (03:30pm-04:20pm) | 0.00 | PIANO ENSEMBLE
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50781 | MU 360S- -MU - -A | STRING ENSEMBLE | Kim J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.50 | STRING ENSEMBLE
0.50 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50782 | MU 360S- -MU - -B | STRING ENSEMBLE | Kim J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | STRING ENSEMBLE
0.00 credit. General chamber music course from which groups such as Brass Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Chorale, Piano Trio, and Piano Ensemble will be formed as need arises. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50783 | MU 361 - -3CE -C-A | CE CONCERT CHOIR | Fritz M | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 1.00 | CE CONCERT CHOIR
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Acceptance based upon auditions by appointment. Several performances on campus each year, and this group performs in churches and schools on its annual tour. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50784 | MU 361 - -MU - -B | CONCERT CHOIR | Fritz M | Open | 55/55 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 0.00 | CONCERT CHOIR
0.00 credit. Acceptance based upon auditions by appointment. Several performances on campus each year, and this group performs in churches and schools on its annual tour. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50785 | MU 363 - -3CE -C-A | CE COMMUNITY CHORUS | Fritz M | Open | 71/72 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (07:30pm-09:20pm) | 1.00 | CE COMMUNITY CHORUS
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Vocal ensemble open to any member of the student body and local community without audition. Literature performed will include works from the standard choral repertoire, contemporary selections, and music of varying cultures and periods. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50786 | MU 363 - -MU - -B | COMMUNITY CHORUS | Fritz M | Open | 50/50 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (07:30pm-09:20pm) | 0.00 | COMMUNITY CHORUS
0.00 credit. Vocal ensemble open to any member of the student body and local community without audition. Literature performed will include works from the standard choral repertoire, contemporary selections, and music of varying cultures and periods. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50787 | MU 364 - -3CE -C-A | CE TREBLE CHOIR | Staff A | Open | 35/36 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (06:30pm-08:30pm) | 1.00 | CE TREBLE CHOIR
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Vocal ensemble open to any member of the student body who sings in the treble range (soprano/alto) by audition. Literature performed will include works from the standard choral repertoire, contemporary selections, and music of varying cultures and periods. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50788 | MU 364 - -MU - -B | TREBLE CHOIR | Staff A | Open | 50/50 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (06:30pm-08:30pm) | 0.00 | TREBLE CHOIR
0.00 credits. Vocal ensemble open to any member of the student body who sings in the treble range (soprano/alto) by audition. Literature performed will include works from the standard choral repertoire, contemporary selections, and music of varying cultures and periods. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50789 | MU 365 - -3CE -C-A | CE ORCHESTRA | Denesha H | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (06:00pm-07:30pm) | 1.00 | CE ORCHESTRA
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Open to all qualified students; acceptance subject to approval by Director. Presentation of several concerts during the year. String, chamber and full orchestra music is performed. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). *Prerequisite for winds and percussion: permission of the instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50790 | MU 365 - -MU - -B | ORCHESTRA | Denesha H | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (06:00pm-07:30pm) | 0.00 | ORCHESTRA
0.00 credit. Open to all qualified students; acceptance subject to approval by Director. Presentation of several concerts during the year. String, chamber and full orchestra music is performed. *Prerequisite for winds and percussion: permission of the instructor. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50791 | MU 368 - -MU - -A | JAZZ BAND | Moore II G | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (07:00pm-09:00pm) | 0.50 | JAZZ BAND
0.50 credit. The jazz band is open to all qualified students who play instruments which constitute a traditional big band. Acceptance is subject to the approval of the director. The jazz band performs at least one concert per semester on campus and may perform off-campus concerts. This ensemble typically goes on tour with the concert choir in the spring term. The band rehearses once weekly for two hours. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50792 | MU 368 - -MU - -B | JAZZ BAND | Moore II G | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (07:00pm-09:00pm) | 0.00 | JAZZ BAND
0.00 credit. The jazz band is open to all qualified students who play instruments which constitute a traditional big band. Acceptance is subject to the approval of the director. The jazz band performs at least one concert per semester on campus and may perform off-campus concerts. This ensemble typically goes on tour with the concert choir in the spring term. The band rehearses once weekly for two hours. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50793 | MU 369 - -3CE -C-A | CE SYMPHONIC BAND | Yingling M | Open | 60/60 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (04:30pm-06:00pm) | 1.00 | CE SYMPHONIC BAND
1.00 credit. (Creative Expression Core Course) Open to all qualified students; acceptance subject to approval by Director. Performances include the annual winter and spring concerts and a number of off-campus appearances. Fulfills the Creative Expression requirement of the Core if taken for four semesters (or total of four credits when combined with other eligible applied music lessons or ensembles). This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50794 | MU 369 - -MU - -B | SYMPHONIC BAND | Yingling M | Open | 44/44 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (04:30pm-06:00pm) | 0.00 | SYMPHONIC BAND
0.00 credit. Open to all qualified students; acceptance subject to approval by Director. Performances include the annual winter and spring concerts and a number of off-campus appearances. Graded Pass/No Pass. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 20.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50817 | MU 433 - -MU - -A | SECONDARY MUSIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS | Fritz M | Open | 14/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (08:00am-09:20am) | 2.00 | SECONDARY MUSIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS
2.00 credits. Students will develop of teaching skills for individual, small group and ensemble instruction in secondary contexts. The course will explore philosophical considerations, pedagogy, curriculum, rehearsal planning, organizational skills, and the selection of repertoire. The development of a curricular approach to performance ensembles will be emphasized. *Corequisite(s): MU 434. Fall semester
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50818 | MU 434 - -MU - -A | SECONDARY MUSIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS LAB | Fritz M | Open | 14/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (09:30am-10:50am) | 0.00 | SECONDARY MUSIC TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS LAB
0.00 credit. This course will provide practical application of the skills learned in MU 433. Observation and field placement in an instrumental music setting will be required. *Corequisite(s): MU 433. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50796 | MU 478 - -MU - -A | NON-ROSTER PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY | Frantz E | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | NON-ROSTER PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY
1.00 credit. A supervised practicum experience completed at a college-approved facility. The student is supervised by a board-certified faculty member from the Music Therapy program and an on-site board-certified music therapist. A minimum of 1,200 hours of clinical training is required at the completion of the internship. *Prerequisite(s): Completion of all other Music Therapy degree requirements. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Offered as needed. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50797 | MU 479 - -MU - -A | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY | Frantz E | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP IN MUSIC THERAPY
0.00 credit. An approximately six-month, supervised practical experience with a board-certified registered music therapist in an AMTA-approved facility. Total number of clinical training hours must equal 1,200. Taken only after completion of all other Music Therapy degree requirements. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50798 | MU 495 - -MU - -A | SEMINAR IN MUSICOLOGY | Bomberger E | Open | 14/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:50pm) | 2.00 | SEMINAR IN MUSICOLOGY
2.00 credits. A capstone course for all Music majors offering experience in the techniques of research about music, including bibliography, analysis of materials, and communication of conclusions. A substantial research project is required. *Prerequisite(s): Junior standing in music; completion of all music courses in basic musicianship: MU 203, MU 204, MU 212, and MU 218. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50963 | NEU125 - -PC - -A | INTRODUCTION TO NEUROSCIENCE | Wittmeyer J | Open | 39/40 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTION TO NEUROSCIENCE
4.00 credits. A survey of the biological basis of psychological processes, including neurons and brain organization, motor control, higher cortical functions and dysfunctions to provide an integrated understanding of the brain and behavior. Recovery from brain damage, emotion, language, mood disorders, schizophrenia and additional related topics also are covered. Offered every semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50409 | NEU325 - -PC - -A | THE NEUROSCIENCE OF DRUG ABUSE | Wittmeyer J | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | THE NEUROSCIENCE OF DRUG ABUSE
4.00 credits. Psychoactive substances have been in use before the birth of civilization--thus understanding why humans have sought and taken psychoactive drugs is, in a sense, understanding our history. Psychoactive substances have an immense impact in our society. Some are abused and can be incredibly disabling--losing jobs, destroying relationships, and even death. Some are used recreationally (legally and illegally) and can relieve stress, improve cognitive function, and promote overall well-being. In this course, we will talk about the state of drug use in America and its impact on our society. We will take a Bio-Psycho-Social approach (with a heavy emphasis on brain mechanisms) in understanding how drugs affect the human condition. *Prerequisite(s): NEU 125 and junior status or greater, or permission of instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50410 | NEU490 - -PC - -A | RESEARCH PRACTICUM | Wittmeyer J | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | RESEARCH PRACTICUM
Variable (0.00 - 4.00) credit(s). Research under the close supervision of a faculty member in a field related to Neuroscience. Topics for research are chosen in an area of interest to both persons. A maximum of four credits hours from NEU 490 may count as Neuroscience electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280, PSY 285, junior status or greater, and Neuroscience major. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50606 | OT 475 - -OT - -A | HEALTH INTERNSHIP | Walker R | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | HEALTH INTERNSHIP
0.00 credit. Change to variable credit. Alternative internship experience in a health setting that is approved by the Department of Occupational Therapy. This experience allows students to apply skills and knowledge gained through academic work in a related service agency, health care facility, or community setting. *Prerequisite(s): Senior Status. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50607 | OT 492 - -OT - -A | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -A | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50608 | OT 492 - -OT - -B | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -B | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50609 | OT 492 - -OT - -C | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -C | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50610 | OT 492 - -OT - -D | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -D | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50611 | OT 492 - -OT - -E | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -E | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50612 | OT 492 - -OT - -F | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -F | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50613 | OT 492 - -OT - -G | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -G | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50614 | OT 492 - -OT - -H | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -H | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50615 | OT 492 - -OT - -I | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 2.00 | UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I
2.00 credits. An original scholarship project planned, implemented and written by students with substantive supervision and consultation with faculty. Any occupational therapy student may petition to take this course. All students who qualify for the Honors in the Discipline will be extended an invitation to use this course for scholarship endeavors. Students must obtain permission of the professor who they wish to serve as their scholarship mentor prior to enrollment and must submit for IRB approval. Scholarship used as Honors in the Discipline must have a minimum of four credits across OT 492 and/or OT 494. This is not an occupational therapy curricular required course. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 492 - -OT - -I | FWK - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PRACTICUM I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50616 | OT 505 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | Fox G | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS
4.00 credits.Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with adult populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 505 - -OT - -A | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50617 | OT 505 - -OT - -B | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | Fox G | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS
4.00 credits.Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with adult populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 505 - -OT - -B | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50618 | OT 505 - -OT - -C | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | Fox G | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS
4.00 credits.Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with adult populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 505 - -OT - -C | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: ADULT POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50619 | OT 515 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | Wentzel E | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (08:00am-09:00am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS
4.00 credits. Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with pediatric populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, and NEU 125 and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 515 - -OT - -A | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-10:50am) | | |
50620 | OT 515 - -OT - -B | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | Wentzel E | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (08:00am-09:00am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS
4.00 credits. Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with pediatric populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, and NEU 125 and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 515 - -OT - -B | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50621 | OT 515 - -OT - -C | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | Wentzel E | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (08:00am-09:00am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS
4.00 credits. Through this course, students will gain knowledge, and develop clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes to complete occupational therapy assessment with pediatric populations. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, and NEU 125 and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. *Corequisite(s): OT 571. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 515 - -OT - -C | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EVALUATION: PEDIATRIC POPULATIONS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50622 | OT 525 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | Davis M | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (11:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY
4.00 credits. Students learn about the historical, philosophical, and ethical development of occupational therapy. Students will perform a complex analysis of major occupation based theories and models. Application of models and theories across populations and settings will be explored. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 525 - -OT - -A | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | | |
50623 | OT 525 - -OT - -B | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | Davis M | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (11:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY
4.00 credits. Students learn about the historical, philosophical, and ethical development of occupational therapy. Students will perform a complex analysis of major occupation based theories and models. Application of models and theories across populations and settings will be explored. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 525 - -OT - -B | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (03:30pm-04:50pm) | | |
50624 | OT 525 - -OT - -C | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | Davis M | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (11:00am-12:00pm) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY
4.00 credits. Students learn about the historical, philosophical, and ethical development of occupational therapy. Students will perform a complex analysis of major occupation based theories and models. Application of models and theories across populations and settings will be explored. *Prerequisite(s): HE 105, HE 205, HE 305, HE 310, NEU 125, and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 525 - -OT - -C | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY HISTORY AND THEORY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | | |
50650 | OT 558 - -OT - -A | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT | Hample K, Cunningham L | Open | 18/18 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT
4.00 credits. Through this course, students will develop and integrate clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes when engaging in and completing the occupational therapy process throughout diverse contexts (person, place, time) and within applicable theories and frames of reference. The emphasis of the course will be on completing the entire process, including assessment, goal planning, intervention, adaptation, and revision of goals, discharge planning, referral recommendations and terminating care while attending to multiple contexts of practice. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 525, OT 532, OT 533, and OT 556. *Corequisite(s): OT 571.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 25.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 558 - -OT - -A | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50651 | OT 558 - -OT - -B | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT | Hample K, Cunningham L | Open | 18/18 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:30am-10:30am) | 4.00 | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT
4.00 credits. Through this course, students will develop and integrate clinical reasoning skills and professional attributes when engaging in and completing the occupational therapy process throughout diverse contexts (person, place, time) and within applicable theories and frames of reference. The emphasis of the course will be on completing the entire process, including assessment, goal planning, intervention, adaptation, and revision of goals, discharge planning, referral recommendations and terminating care while attending to multiple contexts of practice. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 525, OT 532, OT 533, and OT 556. *Corequisite(s): OT 571.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 25.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 558 - -OT - -B | LAB - OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE IN CONTEXT | | | | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | | |
50625 | OT 560 - -OT - -A | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | Panchik D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the understanding, analysis, and application of functional movement within the therapeutic process including safe patient handling and transfer training, fabrication of orthotics and assistive technologies, the use of physical agent modalities, and the application of environmental adaptations. Additonal Course Fee. *Prerequisite(s): NEU 125, HE 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532 and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 560 - -OT - -A | LAB - ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (02:00pm-04:50pm) | | |
50626 | OT 560 - -OT - -B | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | Panchik D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the understanding, analysis, and application of functional movement within the therapeutic process including safe patient handling and transfer training, fabrication of orthotics and assistive technologies, the use of physical agent modalities, and the application of environmental adaptations. Additonal Course Fee. *Prerequisite(s): NEU 125, HE 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532 and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 560 - -OT - -B | LAB - ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (02:00pm-04:50pm) | | |
50627 | OT 560 - -OT - -C | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | Panchik D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT
4.00 credits. The course provides opportunities for students to further investigate and practice skills related to the understanding, analysis, and application of functional movement within the therapeutic process including safe patient handling and transfer training, fabrication of orthotics and assistive technologies, the use of physical agent modalities, and the application of environmental adaptations. Additonal Course Fee. *Prerequisite(s): NEU 125, HE 310, OT 505, OT 515, OT 532 and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 50.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| OT 560 - -OT - -C | LAB - ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION: FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (09:30am-12:20pm) | | |
50628 | OT 562 - -OT - -A | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES | Staff S | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:30pm-08:30pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES
4.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to various principles of management for occupational therapists. The course presents opportunities to learn about strategic planning, management of therapeutic programs, budgeting, and program evaluation. Students will also learn and apply management theories and leadership principles to employee development and supervision within occupational therapy and/or interdisciplinary teams. Additional topics to be covered include performance improvement, consultation, entrepreneurship, marketing, and organizational change. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the B.S. in Health Sciences and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50629 | OT 562 - -OT - -B | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES
4.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to various principles of management for occupational therapists. The course presents opportunities to learn about strategic planning, management of therapeutic programs, budgeting, and program evaluation. Students will also learn and apply management theories and leadership principles to employee development and supervision within occupational therapy and/or interdisciplinary teams. Additional topics to be covered include performance improvement, consultation, entrepreneurship, marketing, and organizational change. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the B.S. in Health Sciences and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50630 | OT 562 - -OT - -C | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES | Hample K | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (02:00pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES
4.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to various principles of management for occupational therapists. The course presents opportunities to learn about strategic planning, management of therapeutic programs, budgeting, and program evaluation. Students will also learn and apply management theories and leadership principles to employee development and supervision within occupational therapy and/or interdisciplinary teams. Additional topics to be covered include performance improvement, consultation, entrepreneurship, marketing, and organizational change. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the B.S. in Health Sciences and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50631 | OT 562 - -OT - -D | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES | Staff S | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | MANAGEMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SERVICES
4.00 credits. This course provides an introduction to various principles of management for occupational therapists. The course presents opportunities to learn about strategic planning, management of therapeutic programs, budgeting, and program evaluation. Students will also learn and apply management theories and leadership principles to employee development and supervision within occupational therapy and/or interdisciplinary teams. Additional topics to be covered include performance improvement, consultation, entrepreneurship, marketing, and organizational change. *Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the B.S. in Health Sciences and matriculation into the graduate program in Occupational Therapy.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50632 | OT 564 - -OT - -A | SCHOLARSHIP III: ANALYSIS, APPLICATION, AND DISCUSSION | Carlson N, Martin D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SCHOLARSHIP III: ANALYSIS, APPLICATION, AND DISCUSSION
4.00 credits. This is the fourth in a series of courses designed to promote the active use and application of scholarship in occupational therapy practice. The course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to analyze data and provide a synopsis and critique of the data. *Prerequisite(s): OT 554.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50633 | OT 564 - -OT - -B | SCHOLARSHIP III: ANALYSIS, APPLICATION, AND DISCUSSION | Carlson N, Martin D | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SCHOLARSHIP III: ANALYSIS, APPLICATION, AND DISCUSSION
4.00 credits. This is the fourth in a series of courses designed to promote the active use and application of scholarship in occupational therapy practice. The course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to analyze data and provide a synopsis and critique of the data. *Prerequisite(s): OT 554.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50634 | OT 571 - -OT - -A | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL | Walker R | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (08:00am-05:00pm) | 1.00 | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Corequisite(s): OT 505 and OT 515. Signature Learning Experience: Fieldwork. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 22.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50635 | OT 571 - -OT - -B | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL | Walker R | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (08:00am-05:00pm) | 1.00 | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Corequisite(s): OT 505 and OT 515. Signature Learning Experience: Fieldwork. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 22.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50636 | OT 571 - -OT - -C | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL | Walker R | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (08:00am-05:00pm) | 1.00 | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Corequisite(s): OT 505 and OT 515. Signature Learning Experience: Fieldwork. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 22.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50637 | OT 571 - -OT - -D | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL | Walker R | Open | 18/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (08:00am-05:00pm) | 1.00 | OT UNDERGRADUATE FIELDWORK LEVEL I FALL
1.00 credit. Level I Fieldwork provides students with opportunities to integrate academic information with clinical examples through observations of and participation in activities with a variety of populations. Under the supervision of a qualified site supervisor and/or faculty, learning activities and assignments to support the students' learning process will be provided. Level I Fieldwork helps prepare students for Level II fieldwork but does not count toward the amount of time required for Level II fieldwork. *Corequisite(s): OT 505 and OT 515. Signature Learning Experience: Fieldwork. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 22.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50638 | OT 590 - -OT - -A | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Waltermire-Burton D | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50639 | OT 590 - -OT - -B | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Dennehy T | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50640 | OT 590 - -OT - -C | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Carlson N | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50641 | OT 590 - -OT - -D | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Cunningham L | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50642 | OT 590 - -OT - -E | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Davis M | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50643 | OT 590 - -OT - -F | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Wentzel E | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50644 | OT 590 - -OT - -G | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Hample K | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50645 | OT 590 - -OT - -H | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM | Martin D | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | GRADUATE PROJECT PRACTICUM
1.00 credit. This course is designed to support the graduate student projects mentored by OT faculty and accompanies the graduate research sequence courses. The course provides a structure for a faculty-mentored graduate project that is inspired, planned, implemented, and then prepared for publication/ presentation. Specific projects will include: general overview of the problem, review of the literature, problem statement, methodological design that supports research questions, aggregation and summary of data, comparison of research with other studies, and a critical analysis of the research conducted. Students will have a variety of research topics from which to choose based on faculty area of clinical expertise and scholarly endeavors. *Corequisites: OT 534, and either OT 554 or OT 564. Graded Pass / No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50921 | OT 596 - -OT - -A | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK | Friguglietti S | Open | 10/10 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 6.00 | GRADUATE LEVEL II FIELDWORK
Variable credits. Six months of full-time level II fieldwork, typically in two -12-week level II fieldwork experiences. 6.00 credits for each full-time (i.e. 12 weeks) fieldwork: (part-time fieldwork approved by the Program may be registered for 2.00 or 4.00 credits). Further information on Level II Fieldwork can be found in the Program Student Manual and the Level II Fieldwork Student Manual. *Prerequisite(s): B.S. in Health Sciences and completed coursework in Occupational Therapy. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Spring, Summer, or Fall semester. This course is repeatable for credit, for a maximum of 12 credits
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50647 | OT 644 - -OT - -A | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING | Dennehy T, Cunningham L | Open | 20/20 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING
4.00 credits. This graduate elective course is designed to increase student knowledge of occupational therapy services in the context of health and wellness and healing. The course will broaden the range of student knowledge of service in mental health and wellness and will seek to help students strengthen their understanding of the roles played by occupational therapists in these areas of practice, the theories that are applied and the contexts of occupational therapy in community-based practice areas. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50648 | OT 644 - -OT - -B | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING | Dennehy T, Cunningham L | Open | 20/20 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 W (09:30am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING
4.00 credits. This graduate elective course is designed to increase student knowledge of occupational therapy services in the context of health and wellness and healing. The course will broaden the range of student knowledge of service in mental health and wellness and will seek to help students strengthen their understanding of the roles played by occupational therapists in these areas of practice, the theories that are applied and the contexts of occupational therapy in community-based practice areas. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50649 | OT 644 - -OT - -C | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING | Dennehy T, Cunningham L | Open | 20/20 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND HEALING
4.00 credits. This graduate elective course is designed to increase student knowledge of occupational therapy services in the context of health and wellness and healing. The course will broaden the range of student knowledge of service in mental health and wellness and will seek to help students strengthen their understanding of the roles played by occupational therapists in these areas of practice, the theories that are applied and the contexts of occupational therapy in community-based practice areas. *Prerequisite(s): OT 505, OT 515, OT 532, and OT 533.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50920 | OT 688 - -OT - -A | PRE-CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE SEMINAR | Martin D | Open | 24/24 | (4A) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 1.00 | PRE-CAPSTONE EXPERIENCE SEMINAR
1.00 credit. This course is completed the last semester of the entry-level doctorate program prior to the Capstone Experience and is the third of three parts in completing the Capstone Project. Students must successfully complete all requirements of this course prior to participating in the Capstone Experience. Students will develop goals, objectives and evaluation plan for their Capstone Project. A final proposal for the Capstone Project will be completed. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50440 | PBH111 - -6NPS-C-A | NPS PRINCIPLE OF PUBLIC HEALTH | Aronson R | Open | 18/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | NPS PRINCIPLE OF PUBLIC HEALTH
4.00 credits. (Natural and Physical Science Core Course). This course will introduce students to the study of public health. Public health is defined as the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention. The course will provide an overview of the history of public health in the United States, global health issues, the various factors that shape or impact health, and the variety of opportunities to influence health through various perspectives of the natural, social, and behavioral sciences, economics, the environment, policy, culture, and more. Discussion of current issues in public health will be included to inform students and help enable them to be more responsible citizens in the world around them. Included in this course will be a review of health disparities and examples of efforts to improve health of underserved populations. The course introduces students to the major scientific concepts related to public health and provides an overview of the scientific and methodological approaches to studying public health problems.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50461 | PBH311 - -PB - -A | PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTIONS | Aronson R | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTIONS
4.00 credits. Examine intervention approaches in public health through environmental change, policy and systems change, social change and behavioral change approaches. In partnership with communities, assess community needs and assets using both primary and secondary data sources. Data will be used to design interventions and/or to select intervention approaches that have been determined to be effective (evidence based interventions). Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning. *Pre/Corequisite(s): PBH 111. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50441 | PBH335 - -PB - -A | EPIDEMIOLOGY | Staff P | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | EPIDEMIOLOGY
4.00 credits. An introduction to the concepts and methods of epidemiology and their use in public health. Students will be able to identify the factors associated with the distribution and development of disease and different ways to quantify the expression of disease in populations. Quantitative approaches to epidemiology will be emphasized including types of data available, measures of morbidity and mortality, evaluation of association and causality and screening for diseases. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50442 | PBH474 - -PB - -A | PUBLIC HEALTH FIELD INSTRUCTION | Aronson R | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | PUBLIC HEALTH FIELD INSTRUCTION
Variable (0.00 - 4.00 credits). Supervised field instruction for an internship in a public health agency. Students apply knowledge and skills from public health coursework to a community organization or agency engaged in public health practice. Open to public health majors only. Approval of academic adivisor required. Graded Pass/No Pass Credits for this course are variable (0 – 4 credits) depending on total hours of commitment to the internship. Course is repeatable for a maximum of 8 credits. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. *Prerequisite(s): PBH 111. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50443 | PBH495 - -PB - -A | PUBLIC HEALTH SENIOR SEMINAR | Aronson R | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (06:30pm-09:15pm) | 4.00 | PUBLIC HEALTH SENIOR SEMINAR
4.00 credits. This course occurs at the culmination of a student’s undergraduate studies in public health. This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to integrate and apply principles of public health across various topics and current public health issues. Students will also complete a capstone project related to a contemporary public health topic. *Pre/Corequisite(s): PBH 111, and 200- and 300- level PBH courses required for the major. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50326 | PE 100 - -HW - -A | PILATES AND YOGA | Shaffer M | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (03:00pm-04:00pm) | 1.00 | PILATES AND YOGA
1.00 credit. This course introduces a fitness program that incorporates both pilates and yoga. Both pilates and yoga emphasize the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50327 | PE 120 - -HW - -A | FITNESS AND STRENGTH | Crull W | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (02:00pm-03:00pm) | 1.00 | FITNESS AND STRENGTH
1.00 credit. A diversified fitness program that will apply the core principles of cardiovascular exercise and muscular strength and endurance for fitness and well-being. Graded Pass/ No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50137 | PE 140 - -HW - -A | BOWLING | Staff S | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:30pm-03:30pm) | 1.00 | BOWLING
1.00 credit. Rules, playing techniques and skill development. Students will report to Clearview Lanes, where they will meet their instructor. Additional fee. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 100.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50923 | PH 235 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM BIOETHICS | Silberstein M | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | HUM BIOETHICS
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. Rapid development of technology during the 20th century has allowed biologists to gather, process, and manipulate animal and plant tissue at a rate faster than any other time in human history. In this course we will investigate the ethical issues surrounding the use of this technology in the medical, research, and agricultural fields by drawing upon a variety of disciplinary perspectives including biology, ethics, history, law, literature, political science, psychology, and religion. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50863 | PH 263 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM SOCIETAL IMPACTS OF COMPUTING, A.I., AND ROBOTICS | Silberstein M | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | HUM SOCIETAL IMPACTS OF COMPUTING, A.I., AND ROBOTICS
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This is a course about the ethical, social, and political implications and consequences of computing, AI, and robotics. It will be shown in detail how such algorithms greatly exacerbate prejudice and discrimination of every variety including racism, sexism, ethnicity-based, gender-based, and class-based. Importantly, we will also devote time in this course to discussing how we might responsibly use computing, AI, and robotics by making us the users and our policies more ethical and humane, and how possibly to teach the machines and algorithms themselves to make better ethical decisions. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50925 | PH 270 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM CLIMATE CHANGE: ACTION, ETHICS, AND THE FUTURE | Silberstein M | Open | 30/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | HUM CLIMATE CHANGE: ACTION, ETHICS, AND THE FUTURE
4.00 credits. This courses will focus not just on the science and all the effects of climate change, but on figuring out how we might get more people at every scale and in every sector of society involved in fighting climate change. The course will also focus on exactly what must be done to save humanity and the planet. All of this constitutes a profound sociological, psychological, and political problem as well as a scientific and engineering one. These issues must be resolved if we are to move forward.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50706 | PHS470 - -HI - -A | INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC HERITAGE STUDIES | Benowitz J | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC HERITAGE STUDIES
Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s).This course provides students with applied field instruction in public heritage studies. Forty hours of on-site work is required for every credit hour granted. In addition to on-site work, students will complete writing assignments designed to promote reflection on the work experience. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50822 | PHY101 - -EG - -A | GENERAL PHYSICS I | Wagner J | Open | 24/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I
4.00 credits. A study of the principles of physics, specifically that are required to be successful on the MCAT, including Newtonian mechanics (motion, work, energy, and static equilibrium), vibrational motion, mechanical waves, gases, fluids, and thermodynamics. *Prerequisite(s): Level II math placement or completion of Math Core requirement. Students who have credit for PHY 201 may not enroll in this course for credit. *Corequisite(s): PHY 101L. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50864 | PHY101 -L-EG - -A | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Wagner J | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (02:00pm-03:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50895 | PHY101 -L-EG - -B | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Wagner J | Open | 5/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50896 | PHY101 -L-EG - -C | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Yoder W | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50897 | PHY101 -L-EG - -D | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Yoder W | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (06:00pm-07:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50898 | PHY101 -L-EG - -E | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Staff E | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50899 | PHY101 -L-EG - -F | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB | Staff E | Open | 6/6 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (06:00pm-07:50pm) | 0.00 | GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany PHY 101 General Physics I. *Corequisites: PHY 101.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50865 | PHY120 - -EG - -A | INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS | DeGoede K | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (08:10am-09:20am) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS
4.00 credits. This course covers the applied mathematics needed to complete the calculus-based introductory physics sequence. Topics include functions, graphs, coordinate systems, series representations, trigonometry, vectors, matrices, systems of equations, differentiation, integration, and differential equations. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PHY120 - -EG - -A | EXAM - INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50866 | PHY120 - -EG - -B | INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS | DeGoede K | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:40am) | 4.00 | INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS
4.00 credits. This course covers the applied mathematics needed to complete the calculus-based introductory physics sequence. Topics include functions, graphs, coordinate systems, series representations, trigonometry, vectors, matrices, systems of equations, differentiation, integration, and differential equations. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PHY120 - -EG - -B | EXAM - INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS FOR PHYSICS | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50867 | PHY201 - -EG - -A | COLLEGE PHYSICS I | Wagner J | Open | 7/7 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I
4.00 credits. Calculus-based introduction to the basic concepts of classical mechanics, to include kinematics and dynamics (linear and rotational motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum), friction, statics, universal gravitation, and relativity. Students will write several MATLAB programs. *Corequisite(s): PHY 201L. Students who have credit for PHY 101 may not enroll in this course for credit. Hours: combined lecture/discussion 4, laboratory 2. Fall semester. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where PHY 201 is a required course within the academic program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PHY201 - -EG - -A | EXAM - COLLEGE PHYSICS I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50868 | PHY201 - -EG - -B | COLLEGE PHYSICS I | Wagner J | Open | 7/7 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I
4.00 credits. Calculus-based introduction to the basic concepts of classical mechanics, to include kinematics and dynamics (linear and rotational motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum), friction, statics, universal gravitation, and relativity. Students will write several MATLAB programs. *Corequisite(s): PHY 201L. Students who have credit for PHY 101 may not enroll in this course for credit. Hours: combined lecture/discussion 4, laboratory 2. Fall semester. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where PHY 201 is a required course within the academic program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PHY201 - -EG - -B | EXAM - COLLEGE PHYSICS I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50869 | PHY201 - -EG - -C | COLLEGE PHYSICS I | Wagner J | Open | 7/7 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I
4.00 credits. Calculus-based introduction to the basic concepts of classical mechanics, to include kinematics and dynamics (linear and rotational motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum), friction, statics, universal gravitation, and relativity. Students will write several MATLAB programs. *Corequisite(s): PHY 201L. Students who have credit for PHY 101 may not enroll in this course for credit. Hours: combined lecture/discussion 4, laboratory 2. Fall semester. This course fulfills the Natural and Physical Science – Lab Science area of understanding for programs where PHY 201 is a required course within the academic program.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PHY201 - -EG - -C | EXAM - COLLEGE PHYSICS I | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (12:30pm-01:30pm) | | |
50900 | PHY201 -L-EG - -A | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Wagner J | Open | 2/2 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (02:00pm-03:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50901 | PHY201 -L-EG - -B | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Wagner J | Open | 2/2 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50902 | PHY201 -L-EG - -C | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Yoder W | Open | 2/2 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50903 | PHY201 -L-EG - -D | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Yoder W | Open | 2/2 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (06:00pm-07:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50904 | PHY201 -L-EG - -E | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Staff E | Open | 2/2 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (04:00pm-05:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50907 | PHY201 -L-EG - -F | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB | Staff E | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (06:00pm-07:50pm) | 0.00 | COLLEGE PHYSICS I LAB
0.00 credits. Lab to accompany PHY 201 lecture. *Corequisite: PHY 201.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50445 | PS 101 - -4WCH-C-B | WCH FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT | Gibson N | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | WCH FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course). Analysis of key features of American government and politics, with special emphasis on the establishment, interpretation, and relevance of the U.S. Constitution.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50447 | PS 150 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS | Ozkanca O | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | NCH INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) A comparison and contrast of the political systems of selected foreign nations, emphasizing the historical development of party systems, political cultures and executive-legislative relations.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50459 | PS 313 - -PPL - -A | THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY | Gibson N | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY
4.00 credits. An examination of the development of the modern presidency as institution, symbol and policymaker. Topics to be covered include the nature of presidential power, the institutional presidency, relations with the public and governmental institutions in the United States, and policy leadership in foreign and domestic affairs. *Prerequisite: PS 101.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50450 | PS 350 - -PPL - -A | EUROPEAN UNION SIMULATION I (BA 350) | Ozkanca O | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | EUROPEAN UNION SIMULATION I (BA 350)
4.00 credits. Study of the principles and theories of European integration, the history of the current European Union (E.U.) from the Treaty of Rome to the present, and the structure and functioning of the European Union, including class participation representing an E.U. Member State in the annual Mid-Atlantic European Union Consortium E.U. Simulation in Washington, D.C. Signature Learning Experience: Field Experience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50452 | PS 479 - -PPL - -A | CAPITAL SEMESTER INTERNSHIP | Kelly A | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 4.00 | CAPITAL SEMESTER INTERNSHIP
Variable credit. Applied field experience in politics and public administration for state or local government agencies, the state legislature and private political organizations. Normally, four credits are given to internships contracted for two regular office-hour days a week. Full-time internships receive eight hours of credit. *Prerequisites: PS 361, junior or senior status. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50453 | PS 495 - -PPL - -A | SENIOR SEMINAR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE | McClellan E | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (06:30pm-09:15pm) | 4.00 | SENIOR SEMINAR IN POLITICAL SCIENCE
4.00 credits. An integrative, capstone course in political science, in which significant controversies in political theory and practice will be discussed and analyzed. Course requirements include a major research project and the ETS Major Field Test in Political Science. *Prerequisite: Senior status, or permission of the instructor. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: CapstoneAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50411 | PSY105 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY | Pretz J | Open | 50/50 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | SSC INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to psychological science, including methods of inquiry, learning and motivation, abnormal behavior, developmental and social influences, cognition, sensation and perception, neuroscience and personality. Offered every semester and occasionally as a summer course.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50412 | PSY210 - -PC - -A | SENSATION AND PERCEPTION | Wittmeyer J | Open | 34/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SENSATION AND PERCEPTION
4.00 credits. This course investigates how we construct a conception of physical reality from sensory experience. Through lectures, in-class demonstrations and discussions, we will examine how environmental information gets to humans through our visual, auditory, cutaneous, olfactory and gustatory senses and how this information is interpreted by the brain so that we have a conscious experience of our environment. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105 or NEU 125. Offered annually.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50415 | PSY235 - -PC - -A | SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY | Gibson J | Open | 26/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
4.00 credits. Social psychology is the scientific study of how the real or imagined presence of other people affects our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. This broad definition will include topics such as the self, social cognition, conformity, attitudes, stereotyping, attraction, aggression, and helping. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105. Offered annually.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50416 | PSY240 - -PC - -A | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT | Gibson J | Open | 29/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT
4.00 credits. This course examines social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development from a psychological perspective. We will take a chronological approach and examine human development from the prenatal period through adolescence. The course will explore how sociocultural context and government policies influence children's development. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105. Students who complete PSY 240 may not enroll in PSY 247, and those who complete PSY 247 may not enroll in PSY 240. Offered annually.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50417 | PSY250 - -PC - -A | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | Gibson J | Open | 28/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY
4.00 credits. An overview of diagnostic process in mental health. The course will cover the history of mental illness, models for understanding mental illness, and a broad cross-section of mental disorders as defined by the DSM (e.g., schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, PTSD). Students will have the opportunity to practice diagnostic skills on real case studies as well as critique the depiction of mental illness in the media. *Prerequisite: PSY 105. Offered every semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50418 | PSY255 - -PC - -A | PSYCHOTHERAPY AND ASSESSMENT | Linebarger M | Open | 35/35 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | PSYCHOTHERAPY AND ASSESSMENT
4.00 credits. This course introduces the basic principles of psychological assessment and psychotherapy. The first half of the course will cover theory and techniques used in various psychotherapeutic orientations (e.g., psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral), and the second half of the course will focus on principles of assessment for various disorders/conditions (e.g., memory problems, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50419 | PSY280 - -PC - -A | PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS | Smith T | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS
4.00 credits. Analysis of experimental and correlational research. Students will learn how to use statistical software for data analysis. *Prerequisite(s): Psychology and Neuroscience majors only, PSY 105 or permission of instructor. Students must achieve an average of a C- or better for PSY 280 and PSY 285 to continue in the major. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50420 | PSY280 - -PC - -B | PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS | Smith T | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS
4.00 credits. Analysis of experimental and correlational research. Students will learn how to use statistical software for data analysis. *Prerequisite(s): Psychology and Neuroscience majors only, PSY 105 or permission of instructor. Students must achieve an average of a C- or better for PSY 280 and PSY 285 to continue in the major. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50424 | PSY360 - -PC - -A | PSYCHOLOGY OF STRESS | Dalton E | Open | 22/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | PSYCHOLOGY OF STRESS
4.00 credits. This course is intended to provide you with a thorough understanding of the field of stress and coping, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. Learning will take place through course lectures, readings, engagement with community-based partner organizations, clinical case conceptualization, presentations of pertinent psychological interventions, and a literature review of psychological research on a stress & coping topic of your choosing. *Prerequisites: PSY 105 and junior status or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50421 | PSY465 - -PC - -A | SEMINAR IN PSYCHOLOGY | Smith T | Open | 15/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | SEMINAR IN PSYCHOLOGY
4.00 credits. In this seminar, you will explore the literature in an area of psychology. You will read original empirical papers, learn about research paradigms in the field, and develop critical and creative thinking skills in summarizing, critiquing, and synthesizing research ideas. You will explore the literature in your area of interest, develop a research question, propose novel hypotheses, design your own study, and write a major research proposal for a study you may conduct in Advanced Psychological Research. *Prerequisite(s): An average grade of C- or better in PSY 280 and PSY 285 or permission of instructor and Dean, and a 300-level course with a PSY or NEU prefix.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50422 | PSY475 - -PC - -A | INTERNSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY | Dalton E | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (04:00pm-05:00pm) | 4.00 | INTERNSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY
Variable (0.00 -4.00) credits. Supervised training and experience in a professional setting related to psychology, generally for two afternoons a week, plus meetings with the instructor. Placement depends on student interest and goals, and availability of professional setting. A maximum of four credit hours from Psychology 475 may count as psychology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisites: PSY 105, junior status and Psychology major. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| PSY475 - -PC - -A | FWK - INTERNSHIP IN PSYCHOLOGY | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | | |
50423 | PSY485 - -PC - -A | ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH | Pretz J | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (11:00am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH
4.00 credits. In this course, students will conduct an original, empirical research project. This includes revising an existing literature review and/or research proposal, writing an IRB proposal, collecting and analyzing data, writing up results, writing an APA-style research paper, preparing a poster presentation, and presenting to the school. In-class time will include mini-lectures and workshop-style sessions as well as instruction on advanced statistical techniques. Much time will also be spent in individual consultation with the instructor. *Prerequisites: An average grade of C- or better in PSY 280 and PSY 285 or permission of instructor and Dean, and PSY 465. Offered every semester. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50800 | REL103 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM RELIGION AND NONVIOLENCE | Husain S | Open | 30/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | HUM RELIGION AND NONVIOLENCE
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This course examines the interplay between religion and violence, the challenge of nonviolence in religious traditions, and the practice of religious nonviolence in US history. Special attention will also be granted to religious terrorism.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Blended/Hybrid 75-99%) |
| REL103 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM RELIGION AND NONVIOLENCE | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (12:30pm-01:50pm) | | |
50801 | REL110 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM WORLD MYTHOLOGIES | Long J | Open | 17/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | HUM WORLD MYTHOLOGIES
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course) This course offers an introduction to the myths of Greece, Rome, and other ancient cultures and their relationship to art, history, philosophy and religion. Students will explore the Classical conception of the interactions between mortals, heroes, and divinities through a wide range of media and textual genres. Students will discuss connections between Greek and Roman myths and the wider Indo-European cultural sphere.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50803 | REL290 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH DHARMA TRADITIONS: HINDU, BUDDHIST, JAIN, AND SIKH | Long J | Open | 25/25 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | NCH DHARMA TRADITIONS: HINDU, BUDDHIST, JAIN, AND SIKH
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course is an introduction to and overview of the four major religions, or dharma traditions, that originated in the Indian subcontinent: Vedic dharma (popularly known as Hinduism), Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The course will examine the distinctive beliefs and practices of each tradition, while also emphasizing the common features, historical interactions, and close interconnections–both social and theological–among all four.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50804 | REL293 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH ISLAM | Husain S | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH ISLAM
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. The Arabic term, Islam, connotes peace and submission. As a religion, Islam describes humanity's struggle (jihad) to rest in God's (Allah) peace. We will explore the sights, sounds, and social sensations that have emerged over the religion's 1400-year history. The course will examine what unites and divides its 1.6 billion followers worldwide. Additionally, we will reflect on Islam's contributions to our "glocal" community—E-town, America, and beyond. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Blended/Hybrid 75-99%) |
| REL293 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH ISLAM | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (02:00pm-03:20pm) | | |
50949 | REL293 - -5NCH-C-B | NCH ISLAM | Husain S | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 ONLN | 4.00 | NCH ISLAM
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. The Arabic term, Islam, connotes peace and submission. As a religion, Islam describes humanity's struggle (jihad) to rest in God's (Allah) peace. We will explore the sights, sounds, and social sensations that have emerged over the religion's 1400-year history. The course will examine what unites and divides its 1.6 billion followers worldwide. Additionally, we will reflect on Islam's contributions to our "glocal" community—E-town, America, and beyond. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| REL293 - -5NCH-C-B | NCH ISLAM | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 F (11:00am-12:20pm) | | |
50495 | SED212 - -ED - -A | LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL INTRCTN IN INCLSV STGS (MSE 512) | Cieslinski C | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL INTRCTN IN INCLSV STGS (MSE 512)
4.00 credits. A study of the scientific principles and best practices for creating and sustaining an optimal learning environment and positive social interaction for diverse learners in an inclusive classroom setting. Emphasis is on analyzing factors that influence academic and social behavior, adapting the physical environment, implementing an equitable classroom management system, maintaining a respectful climate, teaching social skills, and implementing positive behavioral supports. *Prerequisites: ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50531 | SED222 - -ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (MSE 522) | Haley-Mize L | Open | 27/28 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (MSE 522)
4.00 credits. This course is an introduction to philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of Special Education and inclusive education principles and practices. The history, etiology, characteristics and accommodations for students with special needs in the classroom setting will be examined. Field experience is required which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees). *Prerequisites: ED 105, and ED 150 or ED 151 or Provisional or Formal Acceptance into the Education Program required. *Corequisite: SED 222L.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50533 | SED222 -L-ED - -A | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION LABORATORY (MSE 522L) | Haley-Mize L | Open | 27/28 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 0.00 | FOUNDATIONS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION LABORATORY (MSE 522L)
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany SED 222. *Corequisite: SED 222.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50535 | SED333 - -ED - -A | ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (MSE 533) | Peters K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION (MSE 533)
4.00 credits. This course provides an overview of assessment as a tool to guide various types of decisions in the educational setting. The primary focus is on use of informal and formal assessment to craft instruction that is responsive to individual learners. The course also includes information on how to use data to make eligibility and placement decisions while highlighting best practice to ensure that these decisions are well informed and in the best interest of the learner. Specific topics include legislation, trends, and issues in assessment practices; different types of tests and their appropriate administration, scoring, and interpretation; use of descriptive statistics to describe and interpret data sets; reliability and validity considerations in designing, administering, and reporting; and assessment of young children and behavior. *Prerequisites: Formal Acceptance into the Education Program is required. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50537 | SED342 - -ED - -A | EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS WITH ASD AND/OR EBD (MSE 542) | Peters K | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS WITH ASD AND/OR EBD (MSE 542)
4.00 credits. This course is designed to prepare teachers to support the participation and education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) in the PK-12 setting. Emphasis is on the diagnostic criteria, methods of identification, and best practices in intervention and support according to current research. Field experience is required which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees). *Prerequisite: Formal Acceptance into the Education Program is required. *Corequisites: SED 344 and SED 342L. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50539 | SED344 - -ED - -A | INTENSIVE READING, WRITING AND MATHEMATICS INTERVENTION (MSE 544) | Staff P | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:00pm-08:00pm) | 4.00 | INTENSIVE READING, WRITING AND MATHEMATICS INTERVENTION (MSE 544)
4.00 credits. This course provides substantive, research-based instruction that effectively prepares future teachers to assess and provide interventions to students who are struggling in the reading, writing, and mathematics content areas. An emphasis will be placed on determining differences between typical and problematic performance in each of the areas and modifying instructional methods, providing strategy instruction, and monitoring progress in each area. Field experience is required which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and TB Test (fees). *Prerequisite(s): Formal acceptance into the Education Program is required. *Corequisite(s): SED 342, and SED 344L. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Pre-Requisite and Register by Instructor Course Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50454 | SO 101 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC DISCOVERING SOCIETY | Kanagy C | Open | 9/15 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (03:30pm-04:50pm) | 4.00 | SSC DISCOVERING SOCIETY
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An introduction to the sociological perspective to achieve an understanding of society and its impact on the individual through exploring social reality, processes and explanation.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50458 | SO 217 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION | Kanagy C | Open | 17/18 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | WCH SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. An analysis of the role and function of religion and religious institutions in society. A study of religion as a social and cultural system. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50717 | SP 111 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I | Lebron Rivera R | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:40pm) | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language and computer work supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50718 | SP 111 - -2PLO-C-B | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I | di Renzo S | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:40am) | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language and computer work supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50719 | SP 112 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II | Saez M | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (09:30am-10:40am) | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. *Prerequisite(s): SP 111, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50720 | SP 112 - -2PLO-C-B | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II | Saez M | Open | 13/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (12:30pm-01:40pm) | 4.00 | PLO ELEMENTARY SPANISH II
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. *Prerequisite(s): SP 111, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50721 | SP 211 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I | Saez M | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:10pm) | 4.00 | PLO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary at the intermediate level in the four skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. In-class work develops oral proficiency at the intermediate level; out-of-class work enhances writing and reading proficiencies. Sociocultural awareness is developed through media in the target language that supplement proficiency-oriented materials. *Prerequisite(s): SP 112, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50722 | SP 212 - -2PLO-C-A | PLO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II | Lebron Rivera R | Open | 7/7 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:10pm) | 4.00 | PLO INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II
4.00 credits. (Power of Language Core Course) Continued review and expansion of basic grammar and vocabulary introduced in Spanish 211 in the four skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Development of more advanced tasks such as describing, narrating, and hypothesizing. In-class work develops oral proficiency at the intermediate level; out-of-class work enhances writing and reading proficiencies. Sociocultural awareness is developed through media in the target language that supplement proficiency-oriented materials. *Prerequisite(s): SP 211, or placement by examination.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50723 | SP 305 - -ML - -A | SPANISH CONVERSATION | di Renzo S | Open | 14/14 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MWF (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | SPANISH CONVERSATION
4.00 credits. Development and practice of oral skills for self-expression in Spanish. Emphasis on aural comprehension and fluency in the use of everyday Spanish. Small group discussions and oral presentations in Spanish based on current cultural, ethical, and political topics will be the principal means of accomplishing this goal. *Prerequisite: SP 212, placement by examination, or permission of the instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50292 | SP 331 - -ML - -A | MEDICAL SPANISH I (SP 531) | Staff A | Open | 15/15 | (5F) 08/25/2025 to 10/17/2025 M (05:30pm-07:00pm) RMTE | 3.00 | MEDICAL SPANISH I (SP 531)
3.00 credits. This course is the first in a two-course designed to re-awaken previous language study and provide a forum for the development of both additional basic language skills and specific medical terminology. The course includes the acquisition of frequently used vocabulary, basic grammar concepts, intermediate conversational vocabulary, and colloquialisms. It also includes specific vocabulary groups relating to the overall assessment and care of patients. Most of the class (95%+) will be taught in Spanish and students will be expected to maintain the target language whenever possible. Students will be provided with opportunities to experience the five major areas of language learning: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Culture. The major focus will be on Speaking and Listening with Reading and Writing providing concrete practice outside of the classroom. Cultural sensitivity is woven throughout the lessons.
Please note: This course is a hybrid course with lecture/didactic instruction taking place in the asynchronous lessons, and experience-based learning occurring during the weekly scheduled synchronous class meetings via Zoom. It is extremely important that students complete the online materials to successfully participate in activities in synchronous meetings. *Prerequisite(s): Equivalent prior study of Spanish through 200 level language class or native speaker.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50294 | SP 332 - -ML - -A | MEDICAL SPANISH II (SP 532) | Staff A | Open | 15/15 | (6F) 10/20/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (05:30pm-07:00pm) RMTE | 3.00 | MEDICAL SPANISH II (SP 532)
3.00 credits. This course is the second in a two-course series designed to re-awaken previous language study and provide a forum for the development of both additional basic language skills and specific medical terminology. The course includes the acquisition of frequently used vocabulary, advanced grammar concepts, intermediate and advanced conversational vocabulary, and colloquialisms. It also includes specific vocabulary groups relating to specialized patient care including cardiology, maternity and pediatrics, endocrinology, and mental health. Most (95%+) of the class will be taught in Spanish and students will be expected to maintain the target language whenever possible. Students will be provided with opportunities to experience the five major areas of language learning: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Culture. The major focus will be on Speaking and Listening with Reading and Writing providing concrete practice outside of the classroom. Cultural sensitivity is woven throughout the lessons.
Please note: This course is a hybrid course with lecture/didactic instruction taking place in the asynchronous lessons, and experience-based learning occurring during the weekly scheduled synchronous class meetings via Zoom. It is extremely important that students complete the online materials to successfully participate in activities in synchronous meetings. *Prerequisite(s): SP 331.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (100% Online) |
50724 | SP 496 - -ML - -A | CAPSTONE PROJECT PART I | Staff A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | CAPSTONE PROJECT PART I
2.00 credits. For senior Spanish majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the Spanish language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Program faculty. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50725 | SP 497 - -ML - -A | CAPSTONE PROJECT PART II | Staff A | Open | 10/10 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | CAPSTONE PROJECT PART II
2.00 credits. For senior Spanish majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the Spanish language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Program faculty. *Prerequisite or corequisite: SP 496. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Spring semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) An orientation to the sociological and social work approaches of examining social problems and the development of social welfare policies and programs to reduce their severity and extent. An understanding of both sociological and social work theories and the way in which these theories form the foundation for research, service and advocacy is emphasized. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning are required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50425 | SW 230 - -7SSC-C-A | SSC RESEARCH METHODS IN HUMAN SERVICE | Kurjiaka K | Open | 16/17 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (09:30am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | SSC RESEARCH METHODS IN HUMAN SERVICE
4.00 credits. (Social Sciences Core Course) *A Guided Writing and Research Course. A focus upon the basic elements of the scientific method providing an overview of research designs commonly used in social sciences, including techniques for gathering, analyzing and presenting data. SW 230 will allow students to learn about social science research and statistics. Emphasis will be on helping students identify and formulate research questions, understanding research problems in practice, and the statistics to analyze related variables. Specifically, the course will focus upon the basic elements of the scientific method, and provide an overview of research designs commonly used in the social sciences, including techniques for gathering, analyzing, and presenting data. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Guided Writing and Research Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50401 | SW 233 - -SW - -A | HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT | Andersen B | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (09:30am-10:50am) | 4.00 | HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT
4.00 credits. This course provides a study of the interrelationships of social systems, with particular emphasis upon the impact of the environment on human development throughout the life span. Special consideration is given to the influence of ethnicity, racism, sexism and ageism upon human behavior. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning are required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50402 | SW 280 - -SW - -A | MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING SKILLS | Kurjiaka K | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING SKILLS
4.00 credits. Theories explaining human behavior and social interaction, in the context of social systems and social welfare, are discussed, analyzed and critically reviewed. Students learn about the cultural heritage of diverse groups, and about the need for equality and social and economic justice for all oppressed people. Students learn and role-play interpersonal relationships skills in a laboratory situation. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning in a diverse setting is required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Community-Based Learning (CBL)Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50403 | SW 366 - -SW - -A | ADDICTION AND SOCIETY | Ranney C | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H (05:30pm-08:15pm) | 4.00 | ADDICTION AND SOCIETY
4.00 credits. An examination of individual, family and social implications of addiction in society and an exploration of social policies related to addiction.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50404 | SW 367 - -SW - -A | GENERALIST SW PRACTICE I: INDIVIDUALS | Corbin J | Open | 23/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (09:30am-12:20pm) | 4.00 | GENERALIST SW PRACTICE I: INDIVIDUALS
4.00 credits. A focus on problem solving in generalist practice at the micro level (i.e., individuals) with diverse populations. A variety of interventions, assessment techniques and theories are studied in preparation for a required 40-hour supervised field experience. *Prerequisites: SW 160, SW 233 , or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50405 | SW 400 - -SW - -A | SENIOR PROJECT IN SOCIAL WORK | Corbin J | Open | 5/5 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 2.00 | SENIOR PROJECT IN SOCIAL WORK
Variable (2.00 or 4.00) credits. Students who are completing a senior research project may register for this course in the semester in which the project is completed. Completion of this course does not assure recognition for Honors in the Discipline. A maximum of four credit hours from SW 400 may count toward the degree. Additional credits count as free electives.Majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Supervised ResearchAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Register By Instructor Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50406 | SW 470 - -SW - -A | INTRODUCTORY FIELD SEMINAR | Kurjiaka K | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 M (08:30am-09:20am) | 1.00 | INTRODUCTORY FIELD SEMINAR
1.00 credit. The course supports students during their fall internship hours through assignments that allow them to apply course knowledge to the field as well as discuss issues. *Prerequisite(s): SW 380 or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. *Corequisite(s): SW 471. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50407 | SW 471 - -SW - -A | INTRODUCTORY FIELD INSTRUCTION | Kurjiaka K | Open | 19/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 FIELD | 5.00 | INTRODUCTORY FIELD INSTRUCTION
5.00 credits. Supervised field instruction for at least 200 hours in an agency. Student begins to assume responsibility with client systems in such ways as monitoring tasks, providing support, conducting group activities, and assisting the social worker with other professional responsibilities. *Prerequisite(s): SW 380 or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. *Corequisite(s): SW 470. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Graded Pass/No Pass. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Pass/No Pass Signature Learning: Internship and FieldAdditional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder:Prerequisites Exist Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50806 | TH 125 - -9HUM-C-A | HUM SURVEY OF AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATER: FROM SHOW BOAT TO HAMILTON | Walsh B | Open | 20/20 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (08:00am-09:20am) | 4.00 | HUM SURVEY OF AMERICAN MUSICAL THEATER: FROM SHOW BOAT TO HAMILTON
4.00 credits. (Humanities Core Course). Through the critical analysis of six significant works of musical theater, this course will examine ethical and moral dilemmas in American society. We will examine how these dilemmas found their way into these contemporary and historical works, and how the works initiated a conversation in the wider culture. The course will lay historical and cultural groundwork for the artform, from Hamilton to nineteenth-century comic opera, burlesque, and melodrama. This course will encourage students to consider their own values related to the themes of these six musicals.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50928 | TH 155 - -3CE -C-A | CE STAGECRAFT | Fritz B | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 MW (02:00pm-03:20pm) | 4.00 | CE STAGECRAFT
4.00 credits. (Creative Expression Core Course) An introductory course in the technical aspects of theatrical production, with emphasis placed on scenic and lighting technology. Students develop an understanding of basic and intermediate-level production techniques while becoming familiar with the tools, hardware and theory related to contemporary theatrical practice. Multiple hands-on projects focusing on theatrical design, carpentry, rigging, painting, electrical wiring and properties artistry afford opportunities to link creative, cognitive reasoning with acquired skills. This course fulfills the Creative Expression Core and the stagecraft program requirement for either a theatre major or theatre minor. It may not be used to satisfy a requirement of the Theatre Endorsement Program offered through the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). A weekly two-hour lab is required. *Corequisite: TH 155L. Fall semester.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50929 | TH 155 -L-3CE -C-A | CE STAGECRAFT LAB | Fritz B | Open | 16/16 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 By Arrangement | 0.00 | CE STAGECRAFT LAB
0.00 credit. Lab to accompany TH 155 Stagecraft. *Corequisite: TH 155.
Credit Type: Not Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50948 | TJ 200 - -5NCH-C-A | NCH FOUNDATIONS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY AND DEHUMANIZATION | Haley-Mize L | Open | 30/30 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 TH (12:30pm-01:50pm) | 4.00 | NCH FOUNDATIONS OF GLOBAL WHITE SUPREMACY AND DEHUMANIZATION
4.00 credits. (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) This course examines the historical foundations of white supremacy and the influence of colonialism and imperialism resulting in the systematic dehumanization of Black and Brown people all over the world. The focus is on using a critical, historical, and global lens to build an understanding of current systems and societies that supports transformative justice work. Transformative Justice is an abolitionist, political framework and approach to responding to violence, harm, and abuse. A TJ orientation recognizes that violence does not happen in a vacuum and seeks to connect that violence with the context and conditions that perpetuate the cycle of violence to address and break generational cycles of trauma, marginalization, and harm.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
50955 | WGS205 - -4WCH-C-A | WCH WRITING TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE | Price-Hamilton E | Open | 24/24 | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 T (04:00pm-05:20pm) | 4.00 | WCH WRITING TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE
4.00 credits. (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course) Students will study trauma, gender, sexuality, and multifaceted identity through diverse forms of media and literature. The course engages students in cross-cultural dialogue(s) about the nature, framing, and representation of trauma and resilience.
Credit Type: Letter Graded Signature Learning: Additional Fees: 0.00 Course Reminder: Program Category: (Ground 0-25%) |
| WGS205 - -4WCH-C-A | ONLN - WCH WRITING TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE | | | | (4F) 08/25/2025 to 12/12/2025 H ONLN | | |